What's Wrong With My Math, Here?

the DS would be perfect for chat making the touch screen a virtual keyboard, i'm suprised it hasn't been done,...

Nintendo seems to be extremely paranoid about getting class action lawsuits, and their friend code system is the pinnacle of the examples. I don't know what's the big deal about hearing a few f-bombs or badly drawn genitalia pix, but Nintendo surely disagree with me, it seems.
Actually, I can sorta tell you why. My friend has a 360, while over his house, I took the headset, let me say these little 12 year olds were screaming curses left and right to the point where it was just so stupid, I had to tkae my headset off, its ok in moderation, but these losers online abuse it. This sorta stuff doesn't happen on CS or UT so what the hell?
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the DS would be perfect for chat making the touch screen a virtual keyboard, i'm suprised it hasn't been done,...

Nintendo seems to be extremely paranoid about getting class action lawsuits, and their friend code system is the pinnacle of the examples. I don't know what's the big deal about hearing a few f-bombs or badly drawn genitalia pix, but Nintendo surely disagree with me, it seems.
Actually, I can sorta tell you why. My friend has a 360, while over his house, I took the headset, let me say these little 12 year olds were screaming curses left and right to the point where it was just so stupid, I had to tkae my headset off, its ok in moderation, but these losers online abuse it. This sorta stuff doesn't happen on CS or UT so what the hell?

That's because of the magical invention called...the ban button.
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yeah and its the parents job to monitor what their kids are doing, plus every online game i've played on the PSP or computer, you have to agree to a terms of agreement thing, basically just agreeing that the software producer or hardware producer is not responsible for what your kid may or may not hear online.

I'm really hoping that the DS gets a decent Online RPG but you can't have an online RPG without chat. And also, Nintendo is going to have to grow up, its not only 7 year old kids that are playing the DS, they need to appeal to older players or they are going to lose them.
I'm really hoping that the DS gets a decent Online RPG but you can't have an online RPG without chat. And also, Nintendo is going to have to grow up, its not only 7 year old kids that are playing the DS, they need to appeal to older players or they are going to lose them.

I'm 22, they appeal to me. My mother is 42, they appeal to her.
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I'm really hoping that the DS gets a decent Online RPG but you can't have an online RPG without chat. And also, Nintendo is going to have to grow up, its not only 7 year old kids that are playing the DS, they need to appeal to older players or they are going to lose them.

I'm 22, they appeal to me. My mother is 42, they appeal to her.
You must be a special case. Nintendo needs to expand and not just create games for "everyone to enjoy", but also create age specific games that older, nuttier kids like. I have friends that are sick of the 'kiddy' titles, as they refer to them as, and would like a game that lets them go crazy.

I feel the same way, and I think a few kill-everythying-in-site games could do them some good.

*prepares for the flaming*
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I'm really hoping that the DS gets a decent Online RPG but you can't have an online RPG without chat. And also, Nintendo is going to have to grow up, its not only 7 year old kids that are playing the DS, they need to appeal to older players or they are going to lose them.

I'm 22, they appeal to me. My mother is 42, they appeal to her.

i was actually talking about online chat in DS games, but ok, and Daclassicgamingmaster is right, of all the first party nintendo titles, how many are actually geared towards a crowd older than 13? Metroid Prime series may qualify, the new Zelda may qualify, but afaik, thats about it. Plus the fact that Nintendo cannot make a game without the focus being one of its characters from the 80's and 90's. I think thats were Sony and Microsoft have the advantage with first party titles, they don't really have mascots and characters they use in every genre of game possible, this allows games like Socom and Untold Legends for the PSP, the DS would have games like Mario Stealth Snipe, or The hack n slash legend of Zelda, instead of something original.

I'm 26 years old, i have Mario Kart DS, i have 2 copies of Nintendogs, both of which the dogs are probably dead by now from non use, and I have Mario and Luigi Partners in time. Regardless of the kiddiness, and my wife wanted Nintendogs, honestly had nothing to do with that, I still like some of nintendos "younger crowd" games, becaue they're fun. But jeez they want to appeal to a new crowd of non gamers, how about appealing to the crowd that has been gamers for 15+ years.

EDIT: thought i should add this. I'm not anti-nintendo. I don't really care what they release, I own the mario karts and the smash bros, I'm not dissing nintendo or bashing nintendo, i'm just merely saying that I feel they should try to appeal to a broader margin of gamers.
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Hm... from my experience it's mostly the kiddies who started gaming in the "cool" Playstation era who want the "edgy" (:lol:) games like GTA.

EDIT: I like anything that plays well, regardless of the image or cool factor. For example, the Hello Kitty Roller Rescue game is a hell of a lot better than Dead To Rights 2! But I love violent, gory games too -- the new Rogue Trooper on Xbox is fantastic!

The thing about Nintendo is, they do what they do extremely well. Why should they try to make the next GTA or Killzone when there are dozens of other companies doing that?
I've been gaming since the nes and original game boy era. So I guess Im not part of that ;)

Hehe, like I said, "mostly." I personally love the GTA series, and I started gaming at age 3 with an Atari 2600 (c64 at age 5)! I was just trying to make the point that a game being violent and gritty/"adult" doesn't necessarily make it a good game or even particularly mature, nor does a game that seems "kiddy" mean it is bad or childish. The people who usually think that are the less mature gamers (c'mon, if you grow up with Chuckie Egg and Monty Mole as your gaming heroes you couldn't feel that way :) )
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I was waiting for a comment like "Nintendo should do what they do best". And I agree.

The thing is, while nintendo's 'innovative' games are-- most of the time-- enjoyable, there comes a point when I dont want some side-scrolling, jump and run action. I dont want to touch a screen to make wario lift an object. Maybe i'm a little sick of playing puzzle games that supposedly mature my brain to all-new levels.

Perhaps Im just in the mood to stab someone to death, rob a car, deal drugs, utilize stealth to steal from the local millionaire, or just plain go crazy. God knows you cant do that in real life, so for some people (including myself), it's not only an escape from reality, but a way of venting.

Not to sound like a total nutcase here ;). I wouldn't want to kill anyone or deal drugs in real life, but you get my drift. Innovative is great. Flailing around like a weirdo is probably a whole slew of fun as well; but sometimes, I just want to sit back, and enjoy a game like back in the day. Not everyone wants to use the "wii-mote" every waking gaming minute. Sometimes I just want to indulge in an Avant-garde, bizarre story with zombies, serial killers, and everything in between. People, especially teens, like gory stuff. Nintendo for some reason has strayed away from this for the most part. I dont think it's a lot to ask for more RE4 type material. It would make everyone happy, and certainly stop a lot of the complaints.

I was waiting for a comment like "Nintendo should do what they do best". And I agree.
I'm completely happy with developers keep doing what they're good at. Nintendo for Nintendo style games (I do believe there's such a thing). Square making Final Fantasy and RPGs (You've seen Bouncer and FF7 shooting game that I don't even remember the name for PS2, right? ;) ) RockStar making GTA and such kind. Kojima doing MGS4, EA releasing Madden and so on.

So, I'll be sad to see Nintendo doing the next GTA that's going to suck ass.
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Sometimes I just want to indulge in an Avant-garde, bizarre story with zombies, serial killers, and everything in between.

Like Killer7 and Eternal Darkness? ;)

I know what you mean -- and that's exactly why I got a PS2 and Xbox as well as a GC... Project Zero and Call of Cthulhu just rock the house down.
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Can someone here please define what age you have to be to enjoy certain kinds of games? I'm not sure I get this 'appealing to a wider audience' stuff. I don't think I'll ever get tired of games like Mario or Zelda. What is the proper game for an adult to play? Does it have to be a Metal Gear or Halo or Quake game? Is this because it has guns and violence and gore? And why wouldn't an adult enjoy something like Mario Brothers or Crash Bandicoot or Spyro or Katamari Damacy?

Barring adult themes (which are generally overscrutinised anyways), all games appeal to all people. Why do we insist on labeling ages to genres of games? And what are those labels?
I'm really hoping that the DS gets a decent Online RPG but you can't have an online RPG without chat. And also, Nintendo is going to have to grow up, its not only 7 year old kids that are playing the DS, they need to appeal to older players or they are going to lose them.

I'm 22, they appeal to me. My mother is 42, they appeal to her.
You must be a special case.

And you base that on what exactly?
I like Nintendo games. My mother plays them too, but only since the DS. My fiancee, 23, likes Nintendo games (well, she doesn't count because she's female I suppose..... or something like that....). My best freind, 22, likes Nintendo games. So do several other friends, all about the same age. Several of my friends don't play video games at all.

In fact, the only people I have ever heard complain about Nintendo making "kiddie games" and things along that line are people under 16 that think that being mature means learning about military equipment and playing games with a) large amounts of blood and gore or B) realistic military simulations, even though they have nightmares after that.

Now I play violent games too - I like the Hitman series a lot, Undying is one of my favourite games ever, I love killer7, Eternal Darkness and the Mortal Kombat series, just as a few examples - but I don't see how Nintendo needs to produce those games in order to appeal to people "over seven". You all make it sounds as if only violent games will appeal to older people. "Yeah, I get tierd of playing platformers"..... OK, I accept that, but don't tell me you never get tired of virtually shooting people in the head.
Nintendo makes Nintendo games. And as far as I'm concerned, those games appeal to me and as it seems a whole load of other people over the age of 7 (or let's say 16 - don't want to nail angel down on that arbitrary number ;)). I don't see any problem with that.
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Can someone here please define what age you have to be to enjoy certain kinds of games? I'm not sure I get this 'appealing to a wider audience' stuff. I don't think I'll ever get tired of games like Mario or Zelda. What is the proper game for an adult to play? Does it have to be a Metal Gear or Halo or Quake game? Is this because it has guns and violence and gore? And why wouldn't an adult enjoy something like Mario Brothers or Crash Bandicoot or Spyro or Katamari Damacy?

Barring adult themes (which are generally overscrutinised anyways), all games appeal to all people. Why do we insist on labeling ages to genres of games? And what are those labels?

Its the type of games and the content that make them kiddy, plus the characters themselves are "kiddy" Like if you took mario kart and replaced all the characters with like, Master chief, Snake, Cloud, any random "adult" video game character and the game in instantly transformed into something more mature, even though its still mario kart at the core. Another example, Mario and Luigi partners in time..I OWN IT, i've played it till the end, if i was not a fan of RPGs, i would've put this game down after about 30 minutes of play, it is EXTREMELY kiddy.

There is no Nintendo game over the rating of T, i think Metroid prime hit T, all of them are E. Most of the games are fun and enjoyable, i will admit that, but the content, the character, there's only so much cute and cudly you can take before you want to puke and when did Nintendo release a game with a new character that was not somehow related to Mario and Luigi or any other franchise from the 80's and 90's? ((That is a serious question, i really would like to know)). I don't think its about the games not being fun, for me personally, i'm sick of seeing the same old played out tired characters in any kind of game you could possibly imagine. Mario Soccer, Mario Baseball, Mario Tennis, Mario Racing, for fucks sake come up with something original or make a game that does NOT use Mario or create some new characters.

Nintendo has already stated they want to try to appeal to non gamers. Who are the non gamers?? I would bet my life most of them are pre teen females. And i would also bet money that if anybody could find any kind of demographics of software sales for the xbox, ps2, gamecube, you would see that Nintendo is seriously losing sales to the older crowd of gamers, but they probably don't care because they make up for it with their kid orientated games that parents will buy for their kids.

And if Nintendo cannot come up with some original content, new content, something with the Wii, and they lose third party support for whatever reason, they will be screwed. Nintendo NEEDS third party support, its the only thing they have to appeal to all gamers.
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I'm really hoping that the DS gets a decent Online RPG but you can't have an online RPG without chat. And also, Nintendo is going to have to grow up, its not only 7 year old kids that are playing the DS, they need to appeal to older players or they are going to lose them.

I'm 22, they appeal to me. My mother is 42, they appeal to her.
You must be a special case.

And you base that on what exactly?
I like Nintendo games. My mother plays them too, but only since the DS. My fiancee, 23, likes Nintendo games (well, she doesn't count because she's female I suppose..... or something like that....). My best freind, 22, likes Nintendo games. So do several other friends, all about the same age. Several of my friends don't play video games at all.

In fact, the only people I have ever heard complain about Nintendo making "kiddie games" and things along that line are people under 16 that think that being mature means learning about military equipment and playing games with a) large amounts of blood and gore or B) realistic military simulations, even though they have nightmares after that.

Now I play violent games too - I like the Hitman series a lot, Undying is one of my favourite games ever, I love killer7, Eternal Darkness and the Mortal Kombat series, just as a few examples - but I don't see how Nintendo needs to produce those games in order to appeal to people "over seven". You all make it sounds as if only violent games will appeal to older people. "Yeah, I get tierd of playing platformers"..... OK, I accept that, but don't tell me you never get tired of virtually shooting people in the head.
Nintendo makes Nintendo games. And as far as I'm concerned, those games appeal to me and as it seems a whole load of other people over the age of 7 (or let's say 16 - don't want to nail angel down on that arbitrary number ;)). I don't see any problem with that.
I understand where you're coming from, but let's just settle one thing: I never said that "nintendo must produce these games to appeal to people over seven". All I want is for mario to fuck off for a bit and let's see some resident evil 5 already. Or something of the like. It really isnt too much to ask for.

I dont want to go with the cliche that "nintendo needs more M rated games!111". I just would like something a little different from traditional nintendo. I dont think it would hurt them, I think it would allow them to get in with the halo/gta gamers, just as the release of RE4 did. Remember the attention the Gamecube received from that one game? People were cheering all over the world. Nintendo is great, mario/zelda/peach, etc are all fucking awesome. But I want something different. And I know for a fact im not alone.
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Its the type of games and the content that make them kiddy, plus the characters themselves are "kiddy" Like if you took mario kart and replaced all the characters with like, Master chief, Snake, Cloud, any random "adult" video game character and the game in instantly transformed into something more mature, even though its still mario kart at the core. Another example, Mario and Luigi partners in time..I OWN IT, i've played it till the end, if i was not a fan of RPGs, i would've put this game down after about 30 minutes of play, it is EXTREMELY kiddy.

What exactly defines kiddy gameplay to you? If they throw in some boobs and guys running around shooting at zombies with shotguns, would that be "adult gameplay"? All rating system is providing is if there is blood, faul language, and boobs in the game or not. Unlike what it says those items won't qualify you as more mature gamer. Those the exact items that horny teens can't have enough of.

Speaking of being mature, are baseball, basketball, football, and soccer mature-enough for you? There is nothing mature about fully-grown men running around with ball in the field, right? I guess, I'm not understanding your arguement at all..
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Its the type of games and the content that make them kiddy, plus the characters themselves are "kiddy" Like if you took mario kart and replaced all the characters with like, Master chief, Snake, Cloud, any random "adult" video game character and the game in instantly transformed into something more mature, even though its still mario kart at the core. Another example, Mario and Luigi partners in time..I OWN IT, i've played it till the end, if i was not a fan of RPGs, i would've put this game down after about 30 minutes of play, it is EXTREMELY kiddy.

What exactly defines kiddy gameplay to you? If they throw in some boobs and guys running around shooting at zombies with shotguns, would that be "adult gameplay"? All rating system is providing is if there is blood, faul language, and boobs in the game or not. Unlike what it says those items won't qualify you as more mature gamer. Those the exact items that horny teens can't have enough of.

Speaking of being mature, are baseball, basketball, football, and soccer mature-enough for you? There is nothing mature about fully-grown men running around with ball in the field, right? I guess, I'm not understanding your arguement at all..

It's not hard to figure out!! use your brain. Mario Partners in Time: you have the cartoonish kiddy looking graphics, ok, its not that bad, then you have the baby babble throughout the whole game, I understand, Mario and Luigi are babies, "now thats kiddy", but jesus christ enough with the fricking babble, its enough to drive you crazy, then you have the toadsworth and young toadsworth that are like completely gay for each other, then you have the dialect all together that could've been written by a bunch of 3rd graders.

And about your sports analogy, you're waaay off base, there's nothing mature about people, but there is something kiddy about fuzzy and cuddly cartoon characters doing the same thing. I think Smash bros was the best use of the Nintendo characters and was a great Idea for Nintendo. But it's getting pretty damn old that every Nintendo game has to feature the same tired out Nintendo characters. What happened to the days of Nintendo partnering with Rare to make Killer Instinct?? Or games like WaveRace, Excitebike 64, or Earthbound??? Games like that for somereason are unheard of now from Nintendo because everything they do has to include one of their trademark characters. Killer Instinct, Wave Race, Excitebike had NO trademark characters and they were great games, and they appealled to everyone, Except Killer Instinct which probably boasted a T rating.

AND THATS WHAT I"M GETTING AT, Look at the days of the SNES when Nintendo was KING, and the days of the N64, before they were worried about "trying to get non gamers" and look at them now, #3 in the current console war and have been falling since the final days of the N64. Nintendo wasn't afraid to work with other developers, Nintendo and Rare made great games, 007 Golden eye being one of them. Thats the Nintendo that needs to come back, thats the Nintendo I grew up with, not the pussy ass'd Nintendo of today.

EDIT: just a side note. you can only go after a market so long before there is no market or the market just doesn't care. The company i work for realized that this year and instead of trying to capture more or different markets has began to focus on the customers we already have, and its working tremendously, I wish Nintendo would focus on the millions upon millions of customers they already have instead of abandoning to appeal to a different crowd that may not even embrace them.
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