Just found something interesting and I thought I'd share. I just disabled the battery meter code in SquidgeSnes and gained an extra 10fps
happy days.
You can find a download here
Sources are very very messy at moment but I've released them anyway in case I forget to later.
I'm still working on the new rendering routines, at the moment I estimate they should add an extra 10fps. Then I need to add the new sound core which should add another 5fps. The new rendering routines are in 8bit so they won't support transparency but 16bit mode will be available as well but of course that will be slower.
Please let me know if I've broken anything that used to be working.
Just found something interesting and I thought I'd share. I just disabled the battery meter code in SquidgeSnes and gained an extra 10fps
You can find a download here
Sources are very very messy at moment but I've released them anyway in case I forget to later.
I'm still working on the new rendering routines, at the moment I estimate they should add an extra 10fps. Then I need to add the new sound core which should add another 5fps. The new rendering routines are in 8bit so they won't support transparency but 16bit mode will be available as well but of course that will be slower.
Please let me know if I've broken anything that used to be working.