Quiest posted on Aug 30 2005 at 10:28 PM said:
And I really don`t know why that strange sliding is happening in Target Slide... it must be a bug with the advance() command, I have to see, if I can do something about that.
i've been playing around with fenix now, and i see the problem with advance
it's very simple, it only has a set amount of angles , and it rounds them in a strange way: 90000 for example is 90 degrees (straight up), 90001 will round up to the first angle past 90000, while 89999 will not go to the closest angle below 90000.
the best solution is probably to deduct half the angle stepping from the angle, then 90001 will be the same as 90000 and 89999 (being a 90 degree angle) as it should be i think

everything will be symmetrical again
and with some experimenting (or looking into the sourcecode ^^) you'll be able to find the angle stepping

(is smallest difference in angles)
*edited* little correction ^^, i thought resolution changed the possible angles, doesn't seem like it ^^
*again edited: the resolution appears to change the angles at low speed

so the slower you go the less angles available

, which might explain the extra drift to left/right when in your sliding game te object is going very slow