The Minigame Project V1.0d

Quiest posted on Aug 14 2005 at 01:52 PM said:
Sonic The Hurdler: 3881
Marios Combo Bounce: 652200
Bloody Bumble Bee: 255600
Squares32: 18601
Target Slide: 11700
Tunnel: 393310
Extender: 3369000
Edge Fighter: 11500

Games I got new highscores:
(circa, as I`m too lazy to go downstairs to get my gp32)

Squares32: 31k
Target Slide: 18k
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just tried it today and I must say, that it's getting more awesome with every release. As the poster before me posted already, Minislug still needs some real tweaking. Now with the time colectibles it's actualy possible to score higher than ~6000, but it's too easy. I would suggest the following changes (allthough they were already mentioned):

1. Decrease the time you get to 5 second
2. Make the time decrease by 1 second for every shot missed.

other improvements that could make Minislug even better:

1. The character jumps as soon as the B button is released again. Can the game be coded so he will jump as soon as I press the button? That would make it feel nicer IMO.
2. I just had the idea of limited ammo. If you run out of ammo, you'd have to collect an item giving you back 10 or 15 shots (with a maximum collectible of or 30 or whatever). This collectible would have to be placed very scarce (word?), in order not to have 30 bullets all the time. I am not sure if this is actualy possible, to code in afterwards, I just thought I'd suggest.


allthough I know you're not the coder of "tunnel", I'll post my suggestion here:
The game last for quite a long time. Maybe it woul be possible to add obstacles into the tunnel. Of course not into the narrow ones, as that would make it unecesarily hard.
my latest records:
tunnel: 602610, got 10x multiplayer from the beginning and lasted till the end (even when tunnels were wide...),still bugged... (was worse run than my previous record of about 300k, where i lasted so long that the narrow tunnels were warping and impossible to follow :s)

targetslide: 23750

extender: about 3.650.000 :)
finishing with a quicken of 18 and a combo of 57 :)
Is anybody else experiencing high score loss? Its happened 3 times now where I come back to play, and all my scores over all profiles are gone. Might have something to do with when I update things on my SMC but still, that doesnt make much sense? Is the card dying? My DrMD saves seem safe..

*EDIT* My girlfriend just got 6531 on Sonic the Hurdler! Beat you Quiest! Hope it saves this one or there'll be hell to pay!
Racemaniac posted on Aug 20 2005 at 12:35 PM said:
my latest records:
tunnel: 602610, got 10x multiplayer from the beginning and lasted till the end (even when tunnels were wide...),still bugged... (was worse run than my previous record of about 300k, where i lasted so long that the narrow tunnels were warping and impossible to follow :s)

targetslide: 23750

extender: about 3.650.000 :)
finishing with a quicken of 18 and a combo of 57 :)

That`s some awesome scores! :o

Thanks for the suggestion, Horscht, I`ll see what I can do.

And, dowboy, I didn`t experience any score loss since I have completely redone the profile system, so it might have something to do with you updating stuff on the smc, maybe go and save the scores file to your hdd everytime you update stuff.

Sorry, don`t know what else could be causing this. :blink:
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Its odd for sure.

Perhaps strangest is that my profiles are saved, just the scores erased.. <_<

I would have assumed that the profile data and the scores are saved in one 'file' so to speak, but of course, I've no idea!

I'll start backing it up if i go a-tampering! What file is it that I should be protecting out of interest?
Profiles and scores are in different files (profiles.dat & scores.dat).

Be sure to back scores.dat, if that`s the one who strangely gets deleted...

Maybe your scores.dat got corrupted once (bad switching off, too much file copying, those SMC are sensitive), try deleting it with windows (before backing it up) from the smc, and see if you get anything strange. If so, back up your smc and reformat it ;) :)
new record for extender: 5.289.000 :)
lets see anyone beat that ^^
only quicken of 15 in the end, but was enough to pull of a 56 combo and lots of 40+ combos :)
too bad i ran out of time, i could have gone higher, 4 things left to make explode ^^
Quiest posted on Aug 21 2005 at 08:17 PM said:
Fuck! Over 5 million? Didn`t even think you can get that high!
yeah, everything worked out :)
i kept retrying till i started with enough quickens to have a good last 100 secs :)
and with lots of 40+ combos the score became huge ^^

btw, showing the last combo's size would also be useful :), i always wonder how much it was ^^
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Think I found my score erasing problem.

Brother + Annoyance at own rubbishness + Switching console off mid-save = WIPED SMC

I did a lot of bugfixes and tweaks today, and a new minigame is also ready,
so expect a new version in the next few days :D