No Alpha2, I'm trying to keep the whole technical side out of things but the PS2 was such a pain in the ass with it's nasty flimsy hardware that it's hard to keep an open mind. I should re-iterate that I was desperate for the PS2 to be good but it fell short of the mark.
It's not the lack of games, more a quality over quantity issue. PS2 did, as you say continue the formula used so successfully with the PS1. In the same way that, at the box office, Speed 2 followed the formula of Speed, Transporter 2 followed the formula of Transporter 1 etc. The PS2 really came across as a cheap nasty sequel. The a lot of the games (not all) were unimaginative, franchised, blah blah. If you consider the leaps made from Tekken 1 to Tekken 2 and 3. Then you see what the PS2 offered for that product line? Nicer graphics, added characters. There was nothing that screamed "Buy me".
Vice City? That game was a real exception to the rule as far as I'm concerned. That game made it worth the cost of the console. It was a step forward from GTA3 but worked on so many levels and corrected a lot of the things that were wrong with GTA3. Rather than simply upgrading the visuals etc. They spent time and effort getting it right and improving gameplay and really honing the system to work well on a console.
The wipeout franchise? I'd buy that if they made speed-racing turds. However the impact that the PS1 offerings made is light years away from the PS2's "next gen" letdown. It was very much more of the same stuff.
Tomb Raider? Same thing applies.
It's worth noting that I might just be whining because I set high expectations for the PS2. Remember what the PS1 was up against when it came out? It was a reasonably ground breaking console in my opinion and the PS2 had some pretty lofty goals to achieve in order to match the tearaway success that it's "older brother had".
Max Payne? Hmm, accuracy wasn't really required on that one. It was another one of those nasty pc ports that just fell short of the mark when compared with the PC version. There is a trend, I think, where people remember the PS1 games and actively pursued PC versions. With the PS2 it seems that the opposite happened, PC games were ported over. I remember pointing out to my brother in law (console gamer) that Call of Duty etc. looked little "tame" on the PS2. Wildly uncontrollable, slow aiming, just a watered down version of the original (mostly to make up for the slow reaction of analog stick vs. mouselook). I would far rather have seen them push the crash bandicoot's and other games, sticking with stuff that was playable and enjoyable on the console rather than making those sort of ports.
The PS1 had it's stinkers as well but a lot of the games were truly innovative, (in retrospect this might be due to fact that the "next gen" consoles were innovative in themselves). The PS2 was a far harder target to find the "diamonds" in amongst the cheap cash-ins. You are right that the PS1 wasn't without sin. Anyone who's had to deal with the lens housing and runner system on a system prior to the 7xxx series can tell you that

I would disagree about hate one, hate the other though. When people came to the PS1, I believe that their expectations were exceeded. The PS2 however was interesting for the first hour or so but after playing the games for a few hours there was very little to make you believe that your were playing a newer console.
It's fair to say that my opinion is just that, my opinion, but I try to keep an open mind on consoles and played and enjoyed all 3 of the "next gens". For the most part they had all had their shining stars but the PS2 more than the others seemed to be the one that required the most searching to find it. Possibly this was down to the massive number of games and he fact that a lot of developers jumped on that bandwagon expecting automatic success. If the PS2 had a quarter the number of games and a good dose of the innovation that made the PS1 the success that it was then it would have danced all over the competition. Sadly, that is not as profitable for everyone as mass marketing and continual releases of "reasonable quality" games.
(OK chimp, shut-up, we're tired
