Pandora Emulator


May 23, 2010
So many of us are a bit weary waiting for Pandora - most moreso than me, as I am late in the queue.

I say we need a Pandora emulator so we can get our recursive emulation retro gaming fix without delay!

I'm not a programmer* but the unique hardware shouldn't be that hard to emulate. (*I am a programmer)

  • New gaming laptops are powerful and small*! (*for very large values of small)
  • Laptop and desktop screens being widescreen now make full screen emulation easy! Maybe with a nice 2xSaI?
  • Full computers have more buttons, so we can emulate all the gaming controls, onscreen nubs controlled by mouse? Touchscreen on tablets?
  • Wired or wireless X360/PS3 gamepads could do all the dual analog stuff or even with the X360 controller keyboard!
There are also many benefits to emulating the Pandora:

  • Portable to iPad! Imagine multitouch on screen nubs and touchscreen emulation! (*gag*)
  • No waiting for OPT to assemble so many little devices!
  • No batch limits!
  • No hardware glitches!
  • Don't like the case? Render your own new hardware skin!
  • Not made in China!
  • Free!
  • Emulated 10 hour battery life extends gaming time on laptops!
Who's with me? All we need is a project leader, 4 coders, 16 artists, and half a dozen sacrificial Pandoras to examine the hardware. I think we can do it in less than two months. :D

(Please don't hurt me XD this is all in good fun!)
JayFoxRox said:
Oh bother! I guess I should have joined a few weeks earlier... I didn't think doing a search for "pandora emulator" would have been very productive to find out if anyone had suggested this, as those words are everywhere. And I didn't think anyone would actually do it, but I guess I'm not surprised! Ah well, it was fun to write the post. :P
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