Ps3 And X360

Who will be the winner, PS3 and X360?

  • PS3

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • X360

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • We will all die

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Mar 28, 2006
Since Ninty is positioning itself out of regular gaming crowd, it's more than likely that PS3 and X360 will fight for the spot. Who will win this time? Would it be as decisive as current generation?
I think the Revvo has been clever in where it's placing itself. How Nintendo is advertising the DS, in seemingly weird places, like nightime comedy, seems to be paying off.
Sony will win. Sony has more fanboiz ;) The name "Playstation" on it already seals their victory no matter what.

Then you have the Nintendo fanboiz: "What the Rev hardware is weak? who cares it will rule!" "Weak systems are the future, as long as they come with a gimmick!" Who needs power, bring back the N64! ;)
rabbits with hats posted on Mar 31 2006 at 01:00 PM said:
Rev is for all gamers and nongamers. It will win. since the 360 sucks and the ps3 is never coming out.

DaveC posted on Mar 31 2006 at 08:55 PM said:
Who needs power, bring back the N64! ;)
ahah, true <3 OoT, SM64, ect.
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Huxley posted on Mar 31 2006 at 03:34 PM said:
The revolution is yet another novelty Nintendo console. It'll never appeal to the mass market.

Kind of like the DS is a novelty, yet it does appeal to the mass market?

My vote is on ps3, based on 360 sales in japan so far. Most of the games i want to play are ones not made by EA or Rockstar. They are made by Japanese houses that seem to be ignoring the 360 so far..
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I don't understand why many people dragged Revo into this poll, while it wasn't one of the choices...
Because it's on the way. You know you can never make a post about the next gen without someone pulling the thrid player in regardless of whether they're trying to run or not.

The DS, if you remove the second screen, touch sensitivity and mic it's just a more powerful GBA with wifi. The extras arn't being pushed to their fullest so most of the games being made on it still generally feel like regular games just with those extras pasted on which accounts for it's success. It's not as gimicky as it first started out looking.

Now Back to the real topic. It's always been my assertion that NO system wins the system war without winning japan first. Sony has effectly "dreamcasted" the 360 by making people largly want to wait untill the second system is released before making a decision and likely the PS3 will win much like the PS2 did assuming it shows a big enough leap over the previous system's power.
DaveC posted on Apr 1 2006 at 01:55 AM said:
Then you have the Nintendo fanboiz: "What the Rev hardware is weak? who cares it will rule!"

This is pretty much what I think so I might be a Nintendo fanboy. I am also quite partial to blue, so I guess I'm a blue fanboy too ;)

Yeah, well, so much for that. I suppose Sony will come out on top with the system that pretty much everyone will talk about, but I doubt that Nintendo will make a loss with the Revolution. 360.... I find that one kind of hard to predict. I kinda see it becoming a niche console, I'm afraid.

grahf, remember the Virtual Boy ;) Gimmicks do not always sell, only when their time is right. I do think that the time is right for the Rev controller, though ;)
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The PS3 name doesn't guarantee victory. That thinking didn't prove true for Sega, Nintendo, and even Atari. Although, for Japan I think the PS3 will be the only choice. X360 is (unfortunately) like a plague over there, and the Rev will likely exist mostly as a second choice console. That leaves PS3 winning as the primary game system.

In the US and Europe, the fight will be tougher, but I'm one that believes there's no way to win without Japan.
Huxley posted on Mar 31 2006 at 07:34 PM said:
The revolution is yet another novelty Nintendo console. It'll never appeal to the mass market.
yet another?

where were all the others?
The SNES? N64? GameCube?

None of those could easily be described as "novelty". At least two of them appealed to the mass markets and were extremely successful.

And if you count the DS as a "novelty" console, your statement looks even worst because it is appealing to the mass markets and is extremely successful.

Some of the Nintendo hating around here is ridiculous.
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