Gp2psx V0.36

Heh. No plans on selling the emulator. :)
I'm working on a commercial game for the PocketPC / PalmOS / PC though, which is on schedule for a July release. I plan on making my income from commercial products such as this. Donations help greatly though, and showed me just how much people want this project to come to a playable state. So I'm doing my very best to maintain this project.

So some further news:
- Tinnus rocks! Check PM. :)
- The emulator is currently running slower than 0.36 due to removal of my optimizations to figure out a bug with compatibility. Now that I figured out the bug, I will put back optimizations as needed. I'll try to make them optional / configurable via the menu system...
- I really would like to implement a menu system tonight / tommorow. I'll check out your menu system Poke! Thanks for the offer. :)
- I got a domain for the PSX ports being worked on by the GP2PSX team. I think I can use existing hosting I had for other projects for this.

Tommorow the team is getting in touch to discuss everything related to our PSX emulators such as GP2PSX, and I'll get better news then. :)

In short, the emulator will be free, donations are always appreciated, and good news to come. ;)

Now it's time for me to get started on that menu system! Yay! :)
Sounds pretty cool! Though the idea of "it is running slower than 0.36" is slightly depressing, I know there is much to be done, and in the end - it will be much different.

It is good that you did some spring cleaning with the code - makes it easier to find mistakes, no?
I have been following this thread with great interest, and i would just like to say that it is really good to hear so much in terms of project development from you Zodttd.

By the way, what is this comerical game that you are selling?
zodttd posted on May 3 2006 at 06:12 AM said:
- I got a domain for the PSX ports being worked on by the GP2PSX team. I think I can use existing hosting I had for other projects for this.

Oh, if you ever run out of webspace or traffic for your files, you can always have a subdomain at
(you can either place your whole website or simply the files with direct links from your site there).

Just PM or eMail me if you ever need some space :)
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Getting back ON topic...

Losing that little speed from ZodTTD removing the optimizations is little compared to what the dynarec might give us when it's fully working with all my crazy ideas for optimization :P

(too bad I had little time this week though. dammit.)
Tinnus posted on May 4 2006 at 11:45 AM said:
Getting back ON topic...

Losing that little speed from ZodTTD removing the optimizations is little compared to what the dynarec might give us when it's fully working with all my crazy ideas for optimization :P

(too bad I had little time this week though. dammit.)

Sounds great. Can't wait for this :P I'd better start ripping my old PSX games again.
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Quick post here. I got a good speed increase by switching out the interrupt code. Chui is doing a great job helping with the interrupts. Tinnus is working on the C Dynarec, and hopefully he'll be around today. It's amazing how smooth the emu is running now, even with an interpreter instead of a dynarec. Unai has frameskipping working fairly well right now, and it rocks. He has some good ideas on speeding up the GPU even further. Unai is also implementing GP2X internal overclocking and a menu system. :)

We've been constantly working on this, so hopefully we can take a break and show you what we've come up soon. It's getting better each day. :)
Holy shit! I'm so excited I could pee my pants. I'll try and hold it in though...

You guys rock, I REALLY can't wait to get my grubby hands on the next release now. :lol: :P :lol: :P :lol: :P :lol:
Wow this sounds great, and as long as you can get frameskipping to work it should really rock.

EDIT: (gets rid of SNES post, will just lead to offtopicness)

By the way have you changed the name yet, I thought you mentioned that happening awhile ago?
Crazy Goat posted on May 6 2006 at 03:47 AM said:
I will need to beef up my paypal for some donations. :P
yep and also i'll have to get a bigger SD card
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reallynotnick posted on May 6 2006 at 03:25 AM said:
Looking at this emulator, I truly believe we can get full speed SNES, just someone has to put forth the effort like the great guys that work on the PSX emulator.
Of course we COULD have full speed snes, only stupid morons would say (and in fact have been saying ...) it's not possible. WTF??? gp2x is a 2x200Mhz system, 64Mb of ram, even with its limitations who can be stupid enough to think that a 100% working snes emu is NOT possible ?

This said, a psx emu is another kind of challenge on this system. If one day gp2psx is near 100% full speed, it will really be a true exploit :)
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Deed posted on May 7 2006 at 01:49 AM said:
reallynotnick posted on May 6 2006 at 03:25 AM said:
Looking at this emulator, I truly believe we can get full speed SNES, just someone has to put forth the effort like the great guys that work on the PSX emulator.
Of course we COULD have full speed snes, only stupid morons would say (and in fact have been saying ...) it's not possible. WTF??? gp2x is a 2x200Mhz system, 64Mb of ram, even with its limitations who can be stupid enough to think that a 100% working snes emu is NOT possible ?

This said, a psx emu is another kind of challenge on this system. If one day gp2psx is near 100% full speed, it will really be a true exploit :)

Stupid coders, who understand about the limitations of the machine.

Although, I don't seem to recall anyone saying it's impossible... Just takes a lifetime of tweaking. :P
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It seems they are trying to make it as good as possible before releasing it or something.. Either way Im looking forward to it. That Resident Evil vid looked to be running pretty damn nicely.

guevaudan has sent we a video of the emulator of PSX, GP2PSX, executing ourselves with the game Resident Evil.

This single video is for showing the present state of the emulator. None teneis that to hope that soon one is going away to obtain that the emulator works to the 100% since podr is not known with exactitude if to never obtain itself. Even so Zodttd, with the aid of una-i, estan working to obtain the best results.

crappy translation from spanish to english.
Drak posted on May 7 2006 at 11:26 AM said:
It seems they are trying to make it as good as possible before releasing it or something.. Either way Im looking forward to it. That Resident Evil vid looked to be running pretty damn nicely.

I thought that resident evil movie was from the previous version of gp2psx :S

It's looking good, but it's going to be renamed with a webpage, so they are probably waiting to set the page up and have it ready on all platforms aswell.
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