Gp2psx V0.36

Man, this all sounds great. I'm so looking forward to the next release. Personally I don't mind if sound is disabled for the next release as I never have it on at the moment, nor am I desperate for some sort of gui. What has me salivating is the notion of having frameskip implemented! Anyway, keep up all this amazing work, this project is the reason I check these boards multiple times a day. :P
people might hate me for this but have you considered selling gp2psx as a commercial product? would it be legal?

I don't think anyone would miss the sound, since games arent exactly playable at the moment, so it's probably better you leave it off for the performance increase so people can test games.

a menu system for the next release? depends how good the release is, if were looking at a usable emulator that we'd use daily, sure, a menu would be great, but for just testing games i wouldn't waste time making a menu right now when time could be better spent on increasing performance.

i'd definetly pay for a commercial version when it's finished/playable with sound and graphical menu and all the mod cons etc =) maybe you should think about that? (£27-30)
Paradox posted on May 2 2006 at 04:20 PM said:
people might hate me for this but have you considered selling gp2psx as a commercial product? would it be legal?

No. Don't even think about it. Sony would hop on our asses like a man with money in an orgy.

If you want examples, look at Bleem...
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Yeah, I too think it's a really bad idea. Plus by the time it gets to the level that paradox is talking about there'd be a ton of donations anyway...
Um, the question is not Sony, and they wouldn't hop on anyone's asses because they can't. An emulator cannot be illegal.

The original makers of the emulator, on the other hand, could hop on the asses of anyone that tried to sell THEIR work.
Yet another one of these "nice work, keep it up" posts...

Well, what I said. I'm not really a fan of the 32-bit (fifth generation?) consoles, but I still think this is amazing.
The question IS Sony... If you sell this, they will be onto you. Remember Bleem!, Connectrix Virtual GameStation anyone? The Bleem! team put a lot of money into defending themselves againsts Sony.
I really would advise against selling the emulator itself... encouraging people to donate to cover your time/effort is another thing of course.

And it does sound good! I also say turn off the sound, since if the performance is not yet there, the sound is stuttery and awful anyway.
Hey all this sounds really great and awesome but do you have any numbers for us? Are we seeing any higher fps's?

Well keep up the great work can't wait for the next version.
Tinnus posted on May 2 2006 at 09:27 PM said:
Um, the question is not Sony, and they wouldn't hop on anyone's asses because they can't. An emulator cannot be illegal.

The original makers of the emulator, on the other hand, could hop on the asses of anyone that tried to sell THEIR work.
Yes they can. Look at Bleem, they don't need to have a legal case they just kept going to court with Bleem until the makers went bankrupt.
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Excellent work. Yea you can forget about the sound. I think it should be done progressively like any programming project... get the important stuff working then the side stuff. I am really excited about this emulator and I'm glad to see how organized everything is. :)
With Sony *apparently* making their own PS1 emulator for PSP, it may be a tricky situation for any other PSX emu to go commercial.
If you want a really quick/simple menu system, you could rip my menu classes out of ASCII Pong...

Saying that, I seem to remember the squidgeSnes source having nicely laid out classes for the menus, so that would probably be a better idea if that's OK with teh Squidge.
The point is very clear.

Amount of money:
$ony > Developers

If there is something which will compete with a potential money-making product - they'll take it down.

The point is that most of the community is mature enough to see the amount of work that has been put into this emulator - and would gladly donate money towards the developers. I certainly would - and would much rather do that than pay a flat fee. That way I can ensure that all of the money is going to the right people - not distributors and manufacturers.
Crazy Goat posted on May 3 2006 at 09:06 AM said:
The point is very clear.

Amount of money:
$ony > Developers

If there is something which will compete with a potential money-making product - they'll take it down.

The point is that most of the community is mature enough to see the amount of work that has been put into this emulator - and would gladly donate money towards the developers. I certainly would - and would much rather do that than pay a flat fee. That way I can ensure that all of the money is going to the right people - not distributors and manufacturers.

I wouldn't say sony has more money, just more capital. God bless Japanese investors.

Thanks Zod, this looks cool. And I just got another job, so I can start donating again. ^__^
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icurafu posted on May 2 2006 at 06:15 PM said:
Crazy Goat posted on May 3 2006 at 09:06 AM said:
The point is very clear.

Amount of money:
$ony > Developers

If there is something which will compete with a potential money-making product - they'll take it down.

The point is that most of the community is mature enough to see the amount of work that has been put into this emulator - and would gladly donate money towards the developers. I certainly would - and would much rather do that than pay a flat fee. That way I can ensure that all of the money is going to the right people - not distributors and manufacturers.

I wouldn't say sony has more money, just more capital. God bless Japanese investors.

Thanks Zod, this looks cool. And I just got another job, so I can start donating again. ^__^

I mean't that Sony has more than individual developers. I do not think Zod will be taking on Sony successfully if they were to enter a legal battle.
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