Uae4all Amiga Emulator Port To Gp2x

The great Gianna sisters is a good test of how this emu is progressing, I havent tried it yet with the latest hack but the previous mmu hacked version didnt seem to go any faster.

I'm just glad it is still being worked on to be honest. :)
I've had another bash at it - this time it's using hardware surfaces, and applies the changes that pepone advised me to make. Pepone - it's doing the "1024 bytes written, yay!" thing now.
Cool. Just gave this a try. You need some timings output to the screen so you can tell if things are running faster:-) I can't really tell visually. But if its a couple more FPS, thats a step to more games being playable. If its really 25% thats awesome. Just need another 50%;-)

One thing I did notice is that overlocking crashes 100% on this new version. The old one just works. Wonder if thats because my system can't handle doing the MMU stuff when overclocked or if its just a plain old bug:)


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Im maybe on the wrong track here, not knowing anything about benchmarking but would AIBB or similar programs help? I know there not games orientated but who knows, at least they are testing something..

runs off to find AIBB


Problem is, any app running inside the emulated Amiga will think it is running at normal speed. The timer needs to be running outside the Amiga (i.e. in the emulator, or on a stopwatch).

As for how close to real speed something is running, it should be easy enough to do a run in WinUAE which should, on a powerful computer, give about the correct speed? In fact, I'll do it now :)

For those interested, my "RodlandBench" runs in 9 seconds in WinUAE (50fps). Pre MMUhack runs in 56 seconds (hence 8 fps) and the new hacked version runs in 42 seconds (11fps). Yes, Rodland is horribly slow, but that is why I picked it for testing :)

Edit: sorry about the quote, corrected!
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Yes, Fiendicus_Prime, you maybe right, I suppose I was just looking for a quick answer. wrong name qoute btw.. ;)

We do need some standard set, perhaps similar to those quake demo runs, maybe set over several different games, 3D, platform etc..

foft is on the right track, we just need accurate timing and standards, after all foft maybe clocking up etc.. we would not know.

I've been playing with demos and I found that Arte: Sanity will run to completion (on full CPU bias), and then reboots. I'm trying to bench it now. It does take a long time to finish though - about half an hour :) The advantage is that it doesn't matter if my timings are a few seconds out! I wonder if UAE4all could detect the reboot stage and then output a time for the demo run?

I just noticed there is a new CPU tweaker which doesn't need scripts. Does it work with UAE4all or does UAE4all overwrite the tweaker settings automagically? It might be better to remove the overclocking options if this new tweaker is working properly.
Also, it allows customisation of the memory timings now, maybe gives a useful little boost to UAE4all ?
I just noticed there is a new CPU tweaker which doesn't need scripts. Does it work with UAE4all or does UAE4all overwrite the tweaker settings automagically? It might be better to remove the overclocking options if this new tweaker is working properly.
Also, it allows customisation of the memory timings now, maybe gives a useful little boost to UAE4all ?
UAE4ALL leaves the settings alone unless you explicitly change them within uae4all, so overclocking before starting uae4all should work fine.
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Hi all

As posted earlier in the topic, I checked out the WHD download site to try out some emulated Amiga games.

Unfortunately they are in 'HD' format and not .adf - can someone do me a favour and explain what the difference is and whether I can use the HD files on the GP2X?


Sanity: Arte benchmark

Wow I am sad to do this. But then there is lots of sport to watch while messing :) I timed the Sanity Arte demo from pressing reset in UAE4all to the end (when the screen goes black). FS0, CPU bias 1 (lowest), sound on, 200MhZ, status bar on.

Expected run time = 590 seconds (100%)

5.1 = 2419s (24.4%)
5.1 MMU hack = 2332s (25.3%)
Hmm.. that's a shame. Fits with other people saying it didn't help much.

I tried the new CPU clocker, which doesn't crash UAE4all at least.
5.1 MMU hack + memory timings of tRC(5), tRAS(5), tWR(2), tMRD(4), tRFC(4), tRP(3), tRCD(3) = 2135s (27.6%)

Edit: OK I cocked up and misunderstood the new tweaker. The CPU settings are, of course, reset by the menu app. You still need a script to run UAE4all or whatever before the menu. I'll try and do it tomorrow.
Sorry - me again.

Since getting my GP2X the sound has been full of static (like an untuned radio) - I have now realised that it is only when I play uae4all games.

Does any one else have this problem?

The games run, but the sound is just static white noise.

I am using kickstart 1.3,

Thanks for the help!

Unfortunately they are in 'HD' format and not .adf - can someone do me a favour and explain what the difference is and whether I can use the HD files on the GP2X?

You can only run ADF files, these are disk images from an Amiga floppy disk, WHDload are meant for Hard Disks or Hard files and not supported by UAE4all on the GP2X.

A quote from WHDload site..
WHDLoad makes it possible to install quite a lot demos and games, which were originally designed to run only from floppy disks, to your harddisk.

A program which supports WHD files is WinUAE (UAE for Windows).

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loxley posted on Jul 1 2006 at 03:58 AM said:
Hi all

As posted earlier in the topic, I checked out the WHD download site to try out some emulated Amiga games.

Unfortunately they are in 'HD' format and not .adf - can someone do me a favour and explain what the difference is and whether I can use the HD files on the GP2X?



Again, all you'll find at the WHDload page is files which allow you to install the games from original disks onto an Amiga HD (or from an ADF image or CAPS/SPS image of the original disk onto an emulator that supports WHDload), you won't find any actual games there.

As always, roms talk is not allowed here, so Google is your best friend, but I would like to draw not only yours but other people's (if they don't already know at them) to two legal sites hosts at least some Amiga games.

The first is Amiga Games that Weren't, an Amiga offshort of Franks Gasking's original C64 Games That Weren't, which tracks down and releases previously unrelased Amiga games. At least some of the games in there are in adf format.

Back To The Roots, unfortunaely, seems to have dropped off the face of the earth/internet, but the site which originally gave way to BTTR can be found here, still fully operational with all the downloads they had when they site was discontinued in 2001 intact: Ami Sector One

Note, as I stated above, the two sites are totally 100% legal, there are no illegal 'romz', all games etc have been fully cleared with the owners/publishers for inclusion on the sites, 100% legally.

There you go Loxley, that should start you off nicely.
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Thanks for the help.

Much appreciated!!!

One last question - is it possible to save your games progress in UAE4All? I have managed to get some games working but see a way to save your progress - is it possible?

Thanks again!
I asked for save states at one point myself, Critical said he was going to include saving to disk (for games that used disk saves, like Stunt Car Racer, Cannon Fodder, Womrs etc).

It hasn't been included yet, but last I heard Critical (or someone else?) was working on it.
Ey critical yes it is me the one that annoys you (you said that).
Are working on UAE or not?
I say this because the last version is 5 months old. If u are not working on it, say it. Maybe somebody want to work on it.
Im not triying to annoy you. The thing is if u are not going to work on it, just say it.
If you are, its Ok, take your time, but say it.
I dont think an emulator like this should be in this state.
Come on did you move to giz?

I know u tried to use the MMU hack and it didnt work. But that is all that happened for 5 months isnt it? You tried something i think but i havent seen anything new for a long time.

I say all of this because i am a very Amiga fan.

Sorry if I annoyed you. But it is not my intention , I am just a bit sad with this. that is all.
JimmySlam posted on Jul 10 2006 at 02:17 PM said:
Ey critical yes it is me the one that annoys you (you said that).
Are working on UAE or not?
I say this because the last version is 5 months old. If u are not working on it, say it. Maybe somebody want to work on it.
Im not triying to annoy you. The thing is if u are not going to work on it, just say it.
If you are, its Ok, take your time, but say it.
I dont think an emulator like this should be in this state.
Come on did you move to giz?

I know u tried to use the MMU hack and it didnt work. But that is all that happened for 5 months isnt it? You tried something i think but i havent seen anything new for a long time.

I say all of this because i am a very Amiga fan.

Sorry if I annoyed you. But it is not my intention , I am just a bit sad with this. that is all.

1) Yes, I agree, you are pretty annoying and I think you should go into a corner, stand there facing a wall and count seconds until you come to hundred million :angry:
2) If you are from Brigthon in England, I wonder where you have been learning English (provided you are old enough to attend elementary school).
3) Posting messages like this only enrages developers, especially if one manages to cram it with many insulting claims like you did.

I am posting this not only because you keep addling this thread, but also because I hope Critical will resist the urge to send you where you belong and will bear with the community as a whole, including a bunch of unfortunate wretches.

Oh and to be at least a bit constructive: no one is prevented from working on the emulator, Critical keeps the source open to the public. If you feel you have the knowledge, go for it and show us your powers.
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Im not english so dont expect my english to be perfect. I have the problem I am rude when i dont want to because i speak it wrong. And i am really sorry.

I just said that cause maybe people doesnt want to take the project because is a waste of time working on something that is beeing worked anyway.

I dont mean to be rude. But I feel u r to me. A bit of respet please.

Do you think because somebody starts a project has the right to be the center of attention like this? No.

You know maybe critial is very busy so I understand that. .. ey do you think i am moaning? NO! OF COURSE I AM NOT. Cojones. If u want to think i am moaning maybe the things I said lead you to think that, i am not even triying.

I just want to know if Critical is with it that is all. Is that hard to understand????

I am not saying that Critical is lazy or anything like that he started the project and good for him I really apreciate that. But why the fuck do you take the things that badly?

I would like to hear you speaking a 2nd language.
WhiteFalcon is, as ever, correct. You (or anyone else) are more than welcome to take the source, alter it, and release your own versions. I'd appreciate it if you didn't use the same name for it, and especially not the same versioning, as I plan other releases when I get the time and motivation (and when my changes work out).

I understand what you're saying, JimmySlam, which can be essentially summarised by the charming American expression:

"Shit or get off the pot."

There isn't a pot shortage - use your own.
JimmySlam posted on Jul 10 2006 at 08:53 AM said:
Im not english so dont expect my english to be perfect. I have the problem I am rude when i dont want to because i speak it wrong. And i am really sorry.

I dont mean to be rude.

But why the fuck do you take the things that badly?
To help with your continuing education, "But why the fuck do you take the things that badly?" is rude.
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C'mon people, relax, it's the hot weather :lol: , Jimmy, critical is doing a good job, it is taking time because it needs to take time evidently.

Though not all can be solved with a cold beer, I'll suggest that you all have at least one :)
To help with your continuing education, "But why the fuck do you take the things that badly?" is rude.

yeah that is rude..

Critial thanks that all i wanted. You know i love amiga and the src code of the emu is very complex for me and i didnt want to start looking it for ages in case u release another version. I recgnize is very difficult to work with things like this. And you probably worked hard on the emu, I appreciate this.

Seriously thanks for not answering back with something like "fu*k off".


Sorry for annoy u people but I think my english is very rude, i have to learn to talk english not rudly.

Sorry again and thanks.