Uae4all Amiga Emulator Port To Gp2x


Certified Guru
Apr 4, 2005

This is an Amiga emulator for the GP2X. It runs quite a lot of games at a reasonable speed with sound.

uae4all is Chui's work - I have just changed a few things to make it a bit more convenient to run
on the GP2X.

This port is maintained by critical (

Get the binaries from the file archive here if it's up-to-date:,0,0,0,5,1215

EDIT: The latest binaries are always available here:

Latest release of uae4all for gp2x

The file archive at doesn't always have the latest version, as uploads have to be approved before they're available. always holds the latest, but please try the file archive first, as I don't have much bandwidth.

This is an Amiga emulator for the GP2X. It runs quite a lot of games at a reasonable speed with sound.

uae4all is Chui's work - I have just changed a few things to make it a bit more convenient to run
on the GP2X.

This port is maintained by critical (

The wiki at:

is where the compatibility list, keys, etc. are held.

Note that compatibility has been largely down to the CPU emulation core in the past, and this has now
changed with this release (0.6.0) to Chui and fox68k's FAME. This has improved speed greatly. Sound is much better too.

The mmu hack included in this release is thanks to Squidge.

The cpuspeed.o included in this release is thanks to Hermes/PS2Reality, Vimacs and god_at_hell.

There is use of ryleh's minlib too.


* Copy uae4all.gpe and mmuhack.o into a directory on your SD card

* Copy the data directory to that directory, so it sits beneath
the directory you just copied uae4all.gpe to.

* Put your kick.rom file in the same directory as uae4all.gpe.

* Create a roms directory in the same directory as uae4all.gpe
(it should browse to any, but I haven't tested that.
craigix posted on Feb 3 2006 at 01:26 PM said:
:D trying now!

Another user hasn't been able to get it to work, so I'd appreciate any other testers. I need to work mostly on the controls at present (hitting diagonals is tricky, as I forgot to allow it to register more than one direction at once). Ironically :)

Screenshot taken just now:

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Excellent news! Now I wish Id brought my 2X to work with me :/

Keep up the good work, I know a lot of people wanna see this happen!
I'm playing Turrican 2 right now! :o :)

Are you using the press stick to return to the menu or some odd joystick movement? I keep pressing it by accident every few seconds :(

I still can't get it going... might have to find an alt kick1.3 rom...

This is the one I am currently using: Kickstart v1.3 r34.5 (1987)(Commodore)(A500-A1000-A2000-CDTV)[!].rom

renamed to kick.rom of course.
Dastardly posted on Feb 3 2006 at 01:38 PM said:
Excellent news! Now I wish Id brought my 2X to work with me :/

Keep up the good work, I know a lot of people wanna see this happen!

Well, it's more of a proof-of-concept at the mo. I know squidge did a port a while ago, but I thought it'd be a something interesting to yesterday.

The controls need fixing properly ASAP, but that's very easy.

I'm more concerned that Iorgy77 can't get it to load Turrican at present, and I'd be keen to find out if anyone else can. I'll use the standard excuse that gets me through my day job "well, it works on my machine".
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KICK.ROM is what i called it. Works fine, quite fast at 250mhz considering it does not have the likes of cyclone involved.

Very nice to see the amiga on the gp2x at last :)
craigix posted on Feb 3 2006 at 01:46 PM said:
I'm playing Turrican 2 right now! :o :)

Are you using the press stick to return to the menu or some odd joystick movement? I keep pressing it by accident every few seconds :(

Yeah - the controls are a bit dodgy, but easy to fix. I have to go down the pub for lunch today, as a colleague's leaving, but hopefully I'll get a few minutes later today to do another build.
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I tried it with uppercase KICK.ROM still the same problem, going to try Kickstart v1.3 r34.5 (1987)(Commodore)(A500-A1000-A2000-CDTV)[o].rom next.


Seems to work with the overdumped rom. :)
OK, i think I may wet myself!!!! early work i know but I got it to run!!!!! I cannot tell you have fab this is!!!!

If you can get it working really well you will defo get a £10 donation from me!!!!!

Worked first time with my own 1.3 dump and Turrican II from Factor 5.

Framerate seems better than the 10fps Squidge got with EUAE?

Awesome work Critical, I dunno how you can port something like that in a few hours, I'd be lucky to get much more than "Hello World"!!!
Kisses to Critical. This is really what was missing: an Amiga emulator for the GP2X, please, keep on working on your "dirty port" until we have got decent speed with sound, I know Paula and all the other chips are very demanding...
Those that have it working... not that it really matters but is your kickstart rom 512k or 256k?

It only seems to work with the 512k kickstart for me... not a problem really, but just curious.

Anyways this is awesome. THE REASON I BOUGHT THE GP2X is finally here.
got turrican to play (nice speed too) got superfrog and fire and ice to start but couldnt get past the cracked by screens cos of the lack of keyboard and mouse, but even so very very good i cant wait for this to advance!

Edit: ive tryed another 10 or so games, dizzy collection switchblade 2 etc and they all get stuff at the cracked by screen but im still chuffed to bits
You guys have to try nebulus. Full speed @275mhz with auto frameskip flicking between what seems to be fs0 and fs1. I noticed a tiny bit of gfx corruption before docking with the second tower. some of the uncollected fish bubbles seem to get cut in half.

This game doesnt need diagonals so as long as you are precise you can actually play it. jumping requires you to hit fire and left or right with perfect timing though. so controls could definately do with some work.

Did I mention how much I think THIS RAWKS?

Oh and by the way... add UAE4ALL to the list of emus that work with TV out. :D
Fiendicus_Prime posted on Feb 3 2006 at 02:19 PM said:
Worked first time with my own 1.3 dump and Turrican II from Factor 5.

Framerate seems better than the 10fps Squidge got with EUAE?

Awesome work Critical, I dunno how you can port something like that in a few hours, I'd be lucky to get much more than "Hello World"!!!
The credit for the easy port goes to the authors of UAE (whoever they are) and uae4all (Chui). You only need to diff my changes with the dreamcast port's and you'll see how straightforward it was to build and run. The dreamcast port was very nicely done, IMHO. Also, the wiki development documentation is invaluable. There's a lot to do for the GP2X still, anyway. I'll get my arse kicked if I do anything else on it today, but the weekend should provide some opportunity (although the CPU core takes about 20 minutes to build on my old ThinkPad).

Squidge's standards and skills are far higher than mine - I should spend a lot more time sorting out the things I skirted to get this out of the door to show it can be done.

Anyway, be patient and I'll see what I can do ;)
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