Gp2psx V0.33

let me check....

*turns gp on*

takes a FULL minute to load...when menu appear..sounds workin glitches...takes half a minute to load the actual game....
arrghh ingnore ^ that guy it aint meeee

it dont even have a gp2x he has aa a a PSP (gasps)
have you lot done tekken 3 by any chance...who has this fully working as my GP2X is jus waiting for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ignore that omarnawaz...STUPID HACKER!!!!
Bust a Move 3 runs great just super slow, can't get more than 2 FPS no matter how much frame skip I put in. Shouldn't a purely 2d game be faster?
this question might already have been asked, but..

zottd, do you believe this emulator will ever reach full speed? (or near to fullspeed)
I have Tekken 3 running at 6FPS w/no sound frameskip 0 OC 272mhz. :P it looks great on the gp2x screen
warriors of fate runs at between 5-9fps without sound and 4fps with sound and no music OC at 272mhz
This emu has already surpassed expectations of what the GP2X could do - I remember before it came out people thinking 1-5fps was all it would ever handle for PSX. Really amazing progress, zodttd!
this question might already have been asked, but..

zottd, do you believe this emulator will ever reach full speed? (or near to fullspeed)

Full speed as in 30/60 FPS?

Good chance no, never.

When it's assembly optimized with both processors, good chance it will be very playable (maybe 15-20 fps autoframeskip)
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Work is being done on the GPU and timings of the PSX. I have some ARM assembly code for the GPU now, but a completely custom made GPU might be coming. ;)

I'm pretty sure 15-20 FPS without frameskip will be surpassed, since I'm able to get 10 FPS or so with some 3D games with v0.34 which is in the works.

So good stuff to come!

Btw, I fixed the bug that happens with Ridge Racer and Azure Dreams, etc.., where the vertical placement of the screen is off and it wraps around. :)

Keep an eye out for some good releases coming soon.
/me is happy.

Not long until I get my GP2X and can start to test out promising releases like this one.
wow..I'm looking forward to testing it....I've been ripping loads of my CDs :P Is it using HLE again to get such good speeds?
Absolutely awesome work, Zodttd ! :)
Money on its way...
Hey zodttd, I don't know if you still need help with your great Emulator, but if is so, look at the Links at the end of this post. There is a completely new PS1 emulator which fully emulates the whole PS1. Theres no need for Plugins and other thigs like that. It does everything itself and does a great and FAST job. Perhaps the Autor is willing to help you.



wow.. awesome zodttd.. cant wait to test this :)
and the emu perhaps gets a custom asm gpu core.. wow!
hmm argh i have to get someone to donate!
anyway thank you very much!