tried, but not what i want , it's ripping audio and video and compressing, but i don't get small images ...
maybe i also use it badly, but my idea was selecting tracks
so i found ISOBUSTER, not free , but has some good free functions,
you can save one track only as a BIN file for example, on PSX CDs , it's track 1, others are audio,
that makes my UNCOMPRESSED iso 10Mo big !
but i don't know if it's a known problem: the emu FREEZES in the file selector if i go to the root of the SD card ...
problem solved for me by putting the iso in the emu's directory, but it's a strange crash anyway :huh: first i thought i overcklocked too much, but no, crashes at original speed too ...anyway tested:
ridge racer revolution : slow at 274 mhz, even galaga is not full speed, about 2FPS ingame

but only one graphical bug, the top of the screen is rendered at the bottom ..
hle is much faster, maybe twice!
next to try: rayman and johnny bazookatone!
also the readme says
Volume Down: Displays framerate and lowers the frameskip.
Volume Up: Displays framerate and raises the frameskip.
L+R+A+B+X+Y to exit the game.
Push down on the analog stick and press L/R for L2/R2 respectively.
this seem to be inversed for me, click+R2 raises frameskip and click+R1 lowers it, but even with frameskip 10, i don't see any difference in ridge racer..