Gp2psx V0.33

Amazing! I can't believe how nice ridge racer looks!
Thanks for your dedication zodttd!!! Hope you get the 2nd processor to help you out in the future.
couple o questions.

I ripped my ik+ and ridgeracer cds and compressed with pocket iso - when i go to load an iso compressed like such should i open the .znx or the .table? Regardless though - it never seemed to get past the "loading the game without HLE message" it just sat there forever :/ Does it tell you if something goes wrong, like dodgey bios? I dont particulary trust the bios I have, but the only one i have that i DO trust and i use with epsxe etc is SCPH7502.BIN and i belive gp2psx only works with 1001? is that true? what would happen if i renamed 7502 to 1001? ;) also, should the scph part be in caps or lowercase?
One other question, how long should i leave a game to load before deciding its definatly frozen/crashed on the "loading game without HLE emulation" screen?

Anybody tried Dead or Alive yet? I'm a huge fan of the game and would love to play it on my gp2x... as soon as the mailman brings it...

[edit] even if I have to play it at 5 frames per second. Yes, I'm that much of a fan.
Answers to some questions:

How long does a game take to load: Less than a minute usually. If it takes longer, its very unusual, but I have seen a game that takes about 2 minutes to load. Though usually it takes about 30 seconds.

Can you rename the bios to scph1001.bin and should it be lowercase: Yes, and yes. If the BIOS worked with epsxe, it will probably work with PCSX and in turn, work with GP2PSX. Though it may not, so I'm not sure. Let me know if it works. :P

Also the scph1001.bin BIOS should be located in the same directory as gp2psxxx.gpe

As for compressing ISOs: If you're compressing ISO's, I suggest the .Z format over ZNX as I'm not sure if ZNX files will work with the "wsnd" sound enabled version. To compress ISOs as .Z with PocketISO 2.0, you should try to use the FF8 search method since it rarely finds anything to rip. That's a good thing, since ripping out stuff from the ISO is not recommended for testing. Once you have an ISO loaded Analyed using FF8 search method, and nothing was found, click Process ISO and it should output a .Z and .Z.table file.

Both .Z and .Z.table files are REQUIRED and should be paired in the same directory. You load the .Z file though. :)

As for MGS, I would like to test it but I don't have the game. Does anyone know if this game works on 0.33 with or without sound version? I too would like to know. :)

It seems the SPU (sound processor unit) code is a little buggy, since FF Tactics crashes soon after starting a new game from the menu. So I'll look into trying to get more games working better with sound.
Heh dunno. I just don't want to be responisble for someone frying their GP2X on accident. However unlikely that is. :P

I fixed the sound bug, and improved performance with sound/music. It gets around 5-6 FPS in the 3D rendered opening scene with 0 FPS. I also added an option to disable and enable XA (XA is the PSX music format, and is seperate from sound effects), in the middle of the game. Sound effects seem to be fine in terms of performance, but XA slows things down considerably (about 33%).

I'll have that release ready soon.
Awesome, this is crazy fast progress!
Most of the games I have tried look great, thanks again. Can't wait for the optomizations.
I tried Resident Evil 2 with (0.33) or without sound.
Without sound, the framerate is 10fps and with sound this is 1 or 2 fps. In videos, the sound is cut. But in the game, the voice of zombies are good, and music too.

Thank you for your great work, Zodttd !
Remember though, FF7 is a multiple disc game, and I currently don't have code in the CDR codebase to switch between discs. So be sure to save often if it is playable. :)

Well, that shouldn't be a problem, cause EVERY multiple discs game I know on the PSX saves exactly before changing discs so that you can start from the next CD and load your save in case anything went wrong :)

(PS2 games still do this, very handy, as my modded PS2 doesn't allow disc changing for imported games :))
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Remember though, FF7 is a multiple disc game, and I currently don't have code in the CDR codebase to switch between discs. So be sure to save often if it is playable. :)

Well, that shouldn't be a problem, cause EVERY multiple discs game I know on the PSX saves exactly before changing discs so that you can start from the next CD and load your save in case anything went wrong :)

(PS2 games still do this, very handy, as my modded PS2 doesn't allow disc changing for imported games :))
Except MGS. :P

Hum, chancing frameskip doesn't seem to work, atleast not in Alundra... :huh: They are still the Vol. +/- buttons, or have I missed something?

Ah, stick + l/r. :)
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alright..just about to go rip metal gear solid...ill report back how it goes..

zip support sounds like a good idea too, cause then you can shave some of the files down to fit more on your sd card.