Gngeo2x 0.6.9 *update*

pepone should be thanked for all he has done so far


I'm not complaining, i just would like to know, i'm thanksful to pepone for this emu, i told him and donated for it, i was asking why. ;)


Herc. :ph34r:
hercule18 posted on Feb 17 2006 at 12:53 PM said:

I'm not complaining, i just would like to know, i'm thanksful to pepone for this emu, i told him and donated for it, i was asking why. ;)


Herc. :ph34r:

I guess I miss-read the angry icon then. :P
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Neo, could you possibly upload a gngeo2x_config that has the scripts configured. subin has not yet responded?

btw: hows the de-bricking going?

heisty posted on Feb 17 2006 at 03:06 PM said:
Neo, could you possibly upload a gngeo2x_config that has the scripts configured. subin has not yet responded?

btw: hows the de-bricking going?


My gngeo2x_config is currently the same as the one posted a page or two back.

What options did you want to add to your gngeo2x_config? I can make one and post it up for you. :) I won't be able to test it first though, see below. ;)

The brick remains a brick. I purchased a new SD card after checking the SD compatibility page on the wiki, but my UBoot didn't want to recognise it. :(
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well heisty, if you need me to upload my config, i guess i didnt make the wiki clear enough.. could you describe what's troubling you? it would be more helpful in the long run. :D
no, your wiki was clear enough. im just not very script knowledgeable :P

if you could upload your gngeo2x_config with everything in the wiki, it would be awesome...

then i could just replace my config without all the hassle and possibly messing something up... heh.... im kinda dumb like that.
Anybody care to do me a small favor? :)

Right click and save either of these two skins as fondo.png and let me know how it looks in use. Without a working GP2X I can't try them out myself if someone were to capture a screenshot using fgrab that would be ideal, but a quick description would be equally welcome. :)

Thanks in advance. :D


good job on the skins...

they work very well on my GP2X.

no problems to report! :)
i cant seem to dumpgfx (SVC:Chaos), it seems that my "romrc" file does not have it available.

anyone have a "romrc" with this rom and others like, etc...

i keep getting load error messages when i try to dump on cmd line...

TIA!!!! :)
heisty posted on Feb 18 2006 at 09:20 AM said:
i cant seem to dumpgfx (SVC:Chaos), it seems that my "romrc" file does not have it available.

anyone have a "romrc" with this rom and others like, etc...

i keep getting load error messages when i try to dump on cmd line...

TIA!!!! :)

You need a new romrc for dumpgfx_win and you will need to edit the romrc in your gngeo folder.

I suggest you head over to gp32spain as you can get those files there.

Antidark posted a romrc file to use with dumpgfx_win (just overwirte the old file) and also the rom drivers ( you need to add these to your existing romrc in gngeo. Just copy the list using notepad and paste it to the end your original romrc, then click save.

It should be quite straight forward to do. :)

If you get stuck, drop me a PM.
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heisty posted on Feb 18 2006 at 05:32 AM said:
good job on the skins...

they work very well on my GP2X.

no problems to report! :)

Thanks heisty :D

I had thought that they might look too yellow on the GP2X's screen and that there could have been an issue with the seeing the text but if you say their okay, that's good enough for me. :)

I'm currently contemplating buying another sd card that is listed on the sd compatibility page at the wiki. I just hope it's more compatible than the last one. :lol:
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DaveC posted on Feb 11 2006 at 06:05 AM said:
I am having a hell of a time getting many ROMs to work. I get that pink "no valid romset found" message on 80% of my games and others show corrupt graphics. They are all from the same set some work most don't. Which version ROMs should I be using? How do I tell the ones that will work? Is my configuration screwing them up? This is almost as confusing as getting MAME to work, as far as finding the exact roms it likes. Awesome emu when I feed it what it likes. Any info? Thanks.

I'm having this same problem and any rom i try seems to refuse to work all i get is the pink screen, i have searched this thread but it looks like nobody answerd this query. Help please, i really wanna ply metal slug lol.
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Jester posted on Feb 18 2006 at 11:35 AM said:
DaveC posted on Feb 11 2006 at 06:05 AM said:
I am having a hell of a time getting many ROMs to work.  I get that pink "no valid romset found" message on 80% of my games and others show corrupt graphics.  They are all from the same set some work most don't.  Which version ROMs should I be using?  How do I tell the ones that will work?  Is my configuration screwing them up?  This is almost as confusing as getting MAME to work, as far as finding the exact roms it likes.  Awesome emu when I feed it what it likes.  Any info? Thanks.

I'm having this same problem and any rom i try seems to refuse to work all i get is the pink screen, i have searched this thread but it looks like nobody answerd this query. Help please, i really wanna ply metal slug lol.

Are you running either of these scripts?

cmdLine=./gngeo >log.txt


cmdLine=./gngeo --sound >log.txt

pepone posted a while back that log.txt doesn't work anymore. When I had a try with these scripts the message I got with a known working rom was "no valid romset found".

One or two romsets needed to be renamed so the contents of the .zip matched those listed in the romrc in gngeo. This doesn't always result in success though.

If all else fails try a different source.

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jester, what does the pink screen say? if it says "invalid romset", i will send you a PM. ;)


*shifty eyes*

edit: heisty (and others) i uploaded my gp2x_config file here. really i don't think it was that difficult, you probably should have done it yourself.. but never mind. it's pretty full of options, if i may say so myself ;) :

sound on +(low samplerate), raster interrupt +(sound w/low samplerate), force arcade mode +(w/sound + low samplerate), fps counter +(sound w/low samplerate).

i think they should be all the options you need :) , also the sound can be enabled and disabled with every option, just to make it clear.
Off Topic!

My GP2X is up and running again! :D

The PNY card finally got recognised by the UBoot, I must have gone through this process about 25 times since I purchased the card yesterday.

My GP2X must just be temperamental.

NeoStuey posted on Feb 18 2006 at 01:57 PM said:
Off Topic!

My GP2X is up and running again! :D

The PNY card finally got recognised by the UBoot, I must have gone through this process about 25 times since I purchased the card yesterday.

My GP2X must just be temperamental.


Very good news!!!

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subin posted on Feb 18 2006 at 01:12 PM said:
jester at what does the pink screen say? if it says "invalid romset", i will send you a PM. ;)

Yep tht is exactly what it says lol. Tried quite a few diffenrent versions of metal slug x now and still can't get it 2 work. :blink:
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