Public Announcement From The Official Web

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More information:

The 11/28 Firmware update does not have LCD corrections, but the 11/12 Firmware did (for some issues). 11/28 Firmware has other corrections that will help speed the repair process. The 11/28 firmware should include the fixes the 11/12 firmware holds, so there is no need to apply the 11/12 firmware before applying the 11/28 firmware. GPH does request that the 11/28 firmware is applied before sending the unit back in.

Dynamism customers should not have preorder units, but if you are a Dynamism customer and your unit has these issues, please contact Dynamism to get a free FedEx mailer to ship the unit to Dynamism and they will handle the repair process for their customers. If you are unsure of the firmware update process, they will handle that at the US location before shipping overseas. Please let them know if you have applied the firmware when requesting the mailer.

Awwww man :huh: , how does this recall affect the orders currently being delivered by GBAX (Craig). Am I going to get a delivery only for it to have to be sent back again or are all the newish ones with a replaced screen ?
I am sure Craig is testing the units before shipping like Dynamism is doing. I think it is safer to order a unit now since resellers know what to test for. I would think your order is safe, but I suggest calling or emailing your reseller if you have questions.

Was the GP32 release this shaky?

recalls, lots of hardware glitches, crud for firmware?

It would be a shame to see this promising system crash and burn before it ever had the chance to really take off.
Damn Greedy...

Not really anything I haven't seen before. The Sharp Zaurus C700 was a mess (processor features disabled, crashing OS, bad screens, dust issues, etc...). With Sharp, they were able to fix some things with OS updates. Others were fixed by fixing by correcting fabrication problems with their vendors. Other were fixed by user hacks. All-in-all, the C700 was a success. They sold thousands (it was the hottest selling PDA in Japan) and there are still many in use today. Newer models of the Zaurus still have issues, but not nearly the number as the C700.

It is good to see that GPH is allowing these preorder models to be recalled considering this is going to cost them quite a bit to do. At least they aren't ignoring the issues and are being resposible. Since they are saying that these issue exist mostly in the preorder models, it seems they have already corrected the issues in the retail models. The GP2X has only been out for 2 weeks and I am sure there aren't that many of these out on the market. They could ignore the issue like many companies and since they aren't, I am glad I help support their system.

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Damn Greedy...
Since they are saying that these issue exist mostly in the preorder models, it seems they have already corrected the issues in the retail models.

Not quite sure I get this, is not everything before the official release in January a "Preorder" ?

I just ordered from gbax yesterday. I live in Australia. If I end up having to send the unit back, that will be a bummer, although I am sure the guys and gals at gbax are doing everything they can to prevent such circumstances from arrising.

Until it arrives, I shall stay positive though.

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Not quite sure I get this, is not everything before the official release in January a "Preorder" ?

I just ordered from gbax yesterday. I live in Australia. If I end up having to send the unit back, that will be a bummer, although I am sure the guys and gals at gbax are doing everything they can to prevent such circumstances from arrising.

Until it arrives, I shall stay positive though.

It is my understanding that these are units used to fill the preorders. The GP2X was released to the public in the middle of November.

As for your GBAX order, they are most likely testing the units before shipping. It is not like they are new at this and I have only heard good things about them. I would feel confident that your order is OK.

Remember everyone this is ONLY the pre-release shipments people are receiveing it is not the official release. Understand that if you order one NOW... you have a chance of receiving the Gp2x with at least 1 small bug.

I received my first edition with only 2 problems...flicking of the screen in the Menu section (Without using high cap rechargable batteries) AND a small white vertical bar on the left side of the screen. I enjoy my gp2x, the flicking is just a battery issue for me, and the white line I will fix with a more stable updated version of the firmware.

And for those who asked...the Gp32...did indeed have bugs during the official launch.
Again though, The official launch for the gp2x is Jan 2006. Please be aware of this when ordering.

On the other hand, I have full confidence in GPH and this system. SO... if you don't mind a little tinkering before you play... by all it!
Remember everyone this is ONLY the pre-release shipments people are receiveing it is not the official release. Understand that if you order one NOW... you have a chance of receiving the Gp2x with at least 1 small bug.

I received my first edition with only 2 problems...flicking of the screen in the Menu section (Without using high cap rechargable batteries) AND a small white vertical bar on the left side of the screen. I enjoy my gp2x, the flicking is just a battery issue for me, and the white line I will fix with a more stable updated version of the firmware.

And for those who asked...the Gp32...did indeed have bugs during the official launch.
Again though, The official launch for the gp2x is Jan 2006. Please be aware of this when ordering.

On the other hand, I have full confidence in GPH and this system. SO... if you don't mind a little tinkering before you play... by all it!

A fair point... but this wasn't explained at the beginning of September when the first orders were made... My 21st of September ordered gp2x isn’t here yet, I chose airmail so it is taking a little longer to arrive. I really hope there are no issues with it because postage back to the UK is going to be a hassle and expense I could do without.
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Finally got the new firmware on only to find that mp3 flicker is if anything worse ! it seems to shake the whole picture then crashes. Only OK at low volumes (very low).
Same thing seems to happen in games if there are any loud bangs.
I'll maybe have to blow kisses at the monsters in quake and hope they don't fire back.
I got one of the first batch GP2X's ,there were a few bugs to start off with but now with the firmware upgrade EVERYTHING seems to be just about spot on.
White line has gone , no screen flicker , movies play well and games seem good all in all i very very happy with my GP2X.
As for upgrading firmware very easy indeed i used my gizmondo demo sd card just deleted evrything that was on it then drag and droped the firmware files on the gizmondo sd card stuck it in my GP2X switched the power on FIRMWARE upgraded EASY
A fair point... but this wasn't explained at the beginning of September when the first orders were made... My 21st of September ordered gp2x isn’t here yet, I chose airmail so it is taking a little longer to arrive. I really hope there are no issues with it because postage back to the UK is going to be a hassle and expense I could do without.

I'm still waiting too. Keep in mind that our postal system really, really sucks.. a few weeks ago, it took me 9 days to receive a letter sent from Brisbane to here (Adelaide). Oh well, I just hope I have it by the start of next week when I go away.
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I got mine and moved right to the v1.0.1 firmware, I guess November, 28.

I didn't notice any screen problems, but I updated to get my SD card working(it still doesn't btw)

Now in the menu I see flickering, not that much, but it gets worse when I go to select a movie or music, only when I am on the select NAND or SD screen.

And in the MP3 player, is it possible the TV-out is still going?

But I do see scanlines on all programs, if I hold the unit perfectly still they go away.
nubie posted on Dec 1 2005 at 12:54 AM said:
I got mine and moved right to the v1.0.1 firmware, I guess November, 28.

I didn't notice any screen problems, but I updated to get my SD card working(it still doesn't btw)

Now in the menu I see flickering, not that much, but it gets worse when I go to select a movie or music, only when I am on the select NAND or SD screen.

And in the MP3 player, is it possible the TV-out is still going?

But I do see scanlines on all programs, if I hold the unit perfectly still they go away.

That's about how mine filckers too. That don't bother me too much. It the not working with batteries thing that I don't like. I got to use an ac adapter all the time.

I troubleshooted the problem as best as I could without opening it up and I've come to the conclusion that I would need batteries that are greater that 3V combined (or better then just what alkaline batteries can put out -- can't use NiMH recharagables at all). I have another thread where I documented this so I won't go into detail again here.

So one way or another I may need to return it for exchange or repair. But I'm probably going to buy another one later when the silver model comes out! :)
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TripHamer posted on Dec 5 2005 at 11:57 AM said:
I've come to the conclusion that I would need batteries that are greater that 3V combined (or better then just what alkaline batteries can put out -- can't use NiMH recharagables at all). I have another thread where I documented this so I won't go into detail again here.

Yeah, GPH seriously needs to revamp the battery design on the next hardware revision.. IMO they should add a third battery to bump the voltage to 4.5V and use a regulator to keep it at 3.3V ..that way you wouldn't get the crashing once the voltage starts to drop :)
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error1 posted on Dec 5 2005 at 07:04 AM said:
TripHamer posted on Dec 5 2005 at 11:57 AM said:
I've come to the conclusion that I would need batteries that are greater that 3V combined (or better then just what alkaline batteries can put out -- can't use NiMH recharagables at all). I have another thread where I documented this so I won't go into detail again here.

Yeah, GPH seriously needs to revamp the battery design on the next hardware revision.. IMO they should add a third battery to bump the voltage to 4.5V and use a regulator to keep it at 3.3V ..that way you wouldn't get the crashing once the voltage starts to drop :)

People with recharagables are running at 2.4V so and recharagables keep a constant voltage until the end. I just think that mine has a problem.
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