Avian Flu Risk?


The Future is Open.™
Oct 13, 2005
United States
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With the avian flu going around Asia and soon possibly coming to Europe, whats the risk of the flu beign transfered to the console during the manufacturing/packaaging process? I just thought about this while watching the news. :unsure:
aQwaBlaz3 posted on Oct 16 2005 at 06:50 PM said:
With the avian flu going around Asia and soon possibly coming to Europe, whats the risk of the flu beign transfered to the console during the manufacturing/packaaging process? I just thought about this while watching the news.  :unsure:

Good idea but the one flaw is the console is not alive. The flu will die with out a host to feed off of, simple as that. So go ahead grab that gp2x box out the the mail mans hands.

If you die don't blame it on me
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... I dont know whether to laugh or stare at the screen with a confused look.

I'd say highly unlikely as most biological agents need warm moist environments to travel long distances, like say a living being. cough and sneeze all you want on a peice of plastic. unless it's stored in a ziploc bag with a severed arm it's not going to make it to your door.
I would have said the same thing but you can never tell when someone thinks this stuff up on their own and later tells you they;ve never watched the show.
yeah.......but isnt it possible to pick up a virus, say on a surface, like a keyboard, gameboy, etc? This means that everything I knew about bacteria and stuff like that is a lie? So I cant pick up a virus by touching a surface like those cleaning products on TV tell me?
I think the time limit is like 6-18 hours or something like that. If a person sneezes on a counter top and you touch it within that amount of time afterwards you MIGHT, and I stress that, catch something but it's not definitive. The GP2X will have been in a box for days before you touch it.

If virui were that easy to catch all postal systems across the planet would shut down immediatly with the start of an outbreak.
this reminds of the time some guy asked the same question about the possibilty of a gba flash cart from HK carrying SARS :lol:

think, people, think!
Most viruses and bacteria can't live in the presence of oxygen (no host) for more than a day. Almost all will die with a little water. And if your really paranoid, get gloves and wipe it down with bleach :P
No more like I forgot to add the little emoticon that shows I was just kidding in case the tone of the thread didn't already indicate that. :rolleyes:
I'm safe. Are you?
Any viral agent that's not a computer virus needs a decent growth medium to stay living. the GP2X containers are sealed while bone dry in Korea. So the only way would be if there was some sort of sea water contamination from the air moisture, but that is why most overseas shipping by boat, air or whatever has EACH package include a little package that says "DO NOT EAT" printed on it.

That is Silica gel, a very effective drying agent for things like air moisture, sea air, etc. So even if the shipment were exposed to even excessive moisture after it was sealed bone dry in Korea, the moisture really woulnd't affect the inside of the GP2X package, itself. I keep a package of silica gel inside my computer so when I leave the window open at night and the computer case is closed, it helps absorb any moisture that might happen to head in the back of the computer.

You'll often find Silica Gel in Stereo component cases, boxes of shoes, DVD players, televisions, even PS2s, I think. (Moisture from sea air can corrode electrical circuits and wires, even ruin shoes and fabrics)

So kept completely dry for days and weeks, it is almost IMPOSSIBLE for any viral agent to survive. If you still have any doubts, log onto the US center for disease control, and look up Avian Flu or Asian Flu or even Dengei (Sp?) Fever. Sure you can find all the info you need there.
But what if it mutates into a computer virus? They say it will mutate into one that can infect humans. How long before it infects my computer? Will Norton's Anti-Virus pick it up? If my computer gets infected, will it pass it on to my World of Warcraft character? I'm scared that Dj'arg the Somewhat Handsome will die!
lol ... look at h5n1 in this light , after it hits you'll never have to fight for a car parking space again ;) Im disapointed there's no "protect and survive" style government campaign tho lol

if anyone who has pre-ordered a gp2x and is worried about it having avian flu just send it to me without opening the package and ill "test" it :P