What Are You Going To Play On Your Gp2x?

Yuglooc posted on Sep 24 2005 at 01:37 PM said:
Jarska333 posted on Sep 23 2005 at 10:29 PM said:
Amiga-porn? :)

Snes, Genesis and Neogeo here. Movies for Anime

good old megadrive, arcade(hopefully), and snes for me mostly. may watch the odd movie here and there, but ill use it mostly for tv/anime shows.


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I will be playing a whole lot of SNES games on my GP2X. I'll probably be checking out other emulators as well but since I've never tried any of them before the interest isn't high. I'm also very exited about developing for it as well as see what games others develop. If I can get TV out to work properly on my TV I might use it as a movie player some times, mainly anime as I'm a huge anime fan.
I'll be playing whatever I can from the offset. Seeing as I missed all the great work put into the emulators for the GP32 I'll see what comes of the GP2X side of things. I'll also be checking out the SDK to see what mess I can put together :P (hopefully converting some of my GBA attempts into a more finished form!)
Hopefully, I'm going to play something that looks like this:


DOSBox would be super... I really hope that there's some dev out there who is interested in porting it. On the GP32, there were a lot of threads about it from people but no devs seemed to be very interested... perhaps that'll change on the GP2X since there's a greater chance of DOSBox actually working at a playable level. :)

If that fails, I'll be watching movies, listening to music, or using any other emulators that come out. ;)
DOSBox would be super... I really hope that there's some dev out there who is interested in porting it. On the GP32, there were a lot of threads about it from people but no devs seemed to be very interested... perhaps that'll change on the GP2X since there's a greater chance of DOSBox actually working at a playable level. smile.gif

I remember that the reason that no developer was interested in porting it, that it is only possible to run DOSBox on x86-processors. As a result of this you would need to port something like Qemu, which emulates a PC, instead of DOSBox, which just emulates DOS.
Digitalrat posted on Sep 25 2005 at 03:19 PM said:
DOSBox would be super... I really hope that there's some dev out there who is interested in porting it. On the GP32, there were a lot of threads about it from people but no devs seemed to be very interested... perhaps that'll change on the GP2X since there's a greater chance of DOSBox actually working at a playable level. smile.gif

I remember that the reason that no developer was interested in porting it, that it is only possible to run DOSBox on x86-processors. As a result of this you would need to port something like Qemu, which emulates a PC, instead of DOSBox, which just emulates DOS.

I think DOSBox doesn't run only on x86 processors. It compiles on my amd64, so it's portable code without asm. It also runs on PowerPC processors:

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Good ol' snes emulation, genesis emulation (Hoping for Mario RPG, Landstalker, Starfox :P), and some games on every emulator available on the gp2x.

Quake, Doom, Hexen, etc etc

Scumm Interpreters, gotta love leisure suit larry.
Text game interpreters, gotta love The Pawn.

Movies (I love watching movies in bed), I hope gptheater.co.uk or something gets updated more. ^^

PSX emulation? the gut that ported Transport Tycoon Deluxe (ZodTTD) to the zodiac started on a ps emu a few days ago, the current version (0.20) has near playable speeds. He said he pre-ordered a gp2x. o_O

Music. I need music when travelling (to school).

Read ebooks and comics, hentai, shoujo-ai, etc =)

Beats of Rage, of course. Don't know if the gp32 version ran good and had sound, but ZodTTD (that's his nick :P) updated BOR with sound for zod and'll port it too. ^^
Good old DOS games would be a lot of fun. Moonstone would be great as you can play 4 on one console as long as you don't fight each other. But then you could fight 1 on 1 by using each side of the GP2X. Oh, it's also avalible on Amiga so I guess that's an easier way :)