Possible Emulators To Port


Chop sticks Chop sticks Chops sticks
May 4, 2003
Sheffield, England
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It might be quite useful to collect links of all the applications which are currently open source for Linux and might be quickly ported to the gp2x, in anticipation of its release. Maybe if we made a topic where people posted links of the programs which are open source that they think should be ported. This hopefully would help developors looking for inspiration for a project or just experience in porting an app. And if porting linux apps is as easy as gph are making out it should be easy to quickly get some apps that are in high demand ported What do you think ?
Zsnes http://www.zsnes.com/index.php?page=files

This is a great idea of a thread! I don't know about the program bochs but I think it is a little to early for something so big maybe 6-12 months into the game it will be more possible.

EDIT: Did not feel like making a new post, but the post below me has a great site, but who knows which ones are good. I think it would be a good idea to give us a top 3/5/10 games you would want from that site. That goes for the other post too. Not trying to be in control but it would be a waste of time for a dev. to have to play each game to find a fun one to port.
Zaurus Port should be easy and really fast, cause the hardware is almost the same when you look at the specs (linux OS, 200Mhz ARM, 64MB Ram) so ports which run on the zaurus should run as good if not better on the gpx2.

Zsnes ist not possible cause it consist of huge x86 ASM code

besides that almost every emu should be portable. which not depends on any architecture and uses SDL.

just look at zophar.net and there under linux.

things im most intrested in:
^Well then, Snes9x would work then? I really like that program alot more because of the interface (on my computer) but I always hear that Zsnes is faster. But if we can get snes9x I will be happy.
snes9x is what we have on gp32 right now, ok heavily modified to get the power out of it, but its based on it.
Zsnes is only faster cause it uses ASM code and not pure c/c++ like snes9x i think.
Well the emulators written for zaurus sound pretty much ideal for getting back really quickly all the console emulations we'll be missing from the gp32 wooh! Which gives us something to do whilst really big things get done snes, genesis neogeo cd etc.....
Most Zaurus programs should be suitable for the GP2X, except for those who require a touch screen.
Does anybody know if snes runs at full speed?

Puck2099 said he really wanted to port Exult. He tried doing it for the GP32 first but the limited amount of Ram was a problem, and dealing with virtual memory would have been too difficult. He's gonna try porting it to the Gp2x as soon as the sdk is released, but he also has lots of other projects

Chui has already promised Fenix and NeoGeo (CD at least).
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MAME. Foregoin' SNES and GBA for the moment, this is what I perhaps am most looking forward to seeing ported over, complete with a library that stems from NeoGeo, CPS1, CPS2, and everything else in between.

As far as I'm concerned, the NES, SNES, and MAME library being emulated would equate with the GP2X possibly getting access to easily like 80% of all that is good with classic gaming, with the MegaDrive, PC-Engine, GBA, and others occupying the other 20%...
as far as i'm concerned, the megadrive alone occupies 90% of all that is good with classic gaming :P
Yeah, I would agree about the mame part, but saying that NES and SNES games make up the majority of the greatest 'classic' games available ignoring mame is pure poppy-cock.

"As far as I am concerned" between Sega, NEC, Atari, Commodore, Sinclair, Amstrad, and all the others that aren't nintendo, we would have more "that is good with classic gaming" than Nintendo offers.
unlucky posted on Sep 10 2005 at 10:28 AM said:
It might be quite useful to collect links of all the applications which are currently open source for Linux and might be quickly ported to the gp2x, in anticipation of its release. Maybe if we made a topic where people posted links of the programs which are open source that they think should be ported.


Segata Sanshiro posted on Sep 10 2005 at 04:59 PM said:
Chui has already promised Fenix and NeoGeo (CD at least).

Ugh, MVS PLEASE. NeoCD is just too inconvient I'd rather see MVS first then NeoCD later for the games that wont fit in memory, the people who really want to play those versions will put in the extra downloading and editing work to play them, I already have the roms I'd rather use those.
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carlgeorge posted on Sep 11 2005 at 01:41 PM said:
Yeah at I would agree about the mame part at but saying that NES and SNES games make up the majority of the greatest 'classic' games available ignoring mame is pure poppy-cock.

"As far as I am concerned" between Sega, NEC, Atari, Commodore, Sinclair, Amstrad, and all the others that aren't nintendo, we would have more "that is good with classic gaming" than Nintendo offers.

It all depends upon your definition of "classic", I suppose. For me, the stuff that the NES and SNES made of were some of the best games ever created, across a variety of genres. Thus, I stand by my opinion: "as far as I'm concerned", those three would easily equate with the old-school goodness I crave.

Not to say I'm hatin' on Atari, Intellivision and the others' you've listed, goodness no, but I just don't have as much affinity for them as I do with the Famicom-level stuff and etc.

...Well, except for "Crystal Castles" on 2600. That used to be the joint back in the day...
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