Vector Graphics Packages?

Apr 15, 2003
S. Wales
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"Xara Xtreme for Linux is a powerful, general purpose graphics program for Unix platforms including Linux, FreeBSD and (in development) OS-X.

Formely known as Xara LX, it is based on Xara Xtreme for Windows, which is the fastest graphics program available, period. The Xara Xtreme source code was made available open-source in early 2006, and is being ported to Linux. This process is almost complete and Xara Xtreme for Linux is available for download now. "

Would this be an insane request? It's a great little app. Its a very lightweight app... but I dont think its that lightweight.. hehe :)
Looks like a neat program, but Im not sure how your imagining it working on the gp2x. How would "You" run the interface? Are you Trying to use the GP2X as a graphics tablet?

Anyway it would be quite a feat(not impossible) to port it to our beloved GP2X but I dont think it would be very usable due to the screen rez.

On the other hand it might be a great tool for artists to make content with. :)
besides, i dont think you wish to know the memory requirements of it :) also, rewriting its interface would be a dirty business, seeing as how it uses gtk+2 now.
Aimless_E posted on Oct 19 2006 at 03:28 PM said:
Looks like a neat program, but Im not sure how your imagining it working on the gp2x. How would "You" run the interface? Are you Trying to use the GP2X as a graphics tablet?

Anyway it would be quite a feat(not impossible) to port it to our beloved GP2X but I dont think it would be very usable due to the screen rez.

On the other hand it might be a great tool for artists to make content with. :)

Hehe - was thinking of it being run by the GP2X but outputted to an external display. Glad to know its possible - albeit insane and pointless :-D
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well :) i cant see the idea in it though, but if you give it a go be sure to keep us informed :) just for the fun of it