Xbox 360 - Ps3, I Need Just A Little Bit Of Advice

All PR is a load of crap. It's designed to make you salivate untill you realize the reality of the situation. Nintendo has gushed their own share of complete and utter nonsense as well and they havent even shown a final design for the system's shell.

A "fanboi' is someone who cannot or will not listen to reason or who refuse to acknowledge reality. I wouldnt call Muzzaro a fanboy, simply someone who perfers Xbx. he's allowed that just as anyone else is allowed to prefer another system be it PS3 or Revo.
Uhh...nobody's calling him a fanboy :blink:

If you're reffering to my post, I was simply restoring the level of balance around here. Accusing Sony of being 'idiotic' is fine, as long as you realise Microsoft are equally guilty of such practices. So too Nintendo, but there's a lot less material to feed off right now. We'll have to wait and see...though they do tend to be much more modest with the presentation of their new systems. If anything, they underestimated the power of the Gamecube (ooh...a Sony PR line :P).
nono. sorry I should have made it clearer i wasnt refering to anyone in particular. Just that he was defending himself and no one had yet tried to call him one. Nintendo actually has been just as big a talker as MS but they do it over several press junkets and interviews, their own talk of creating a new Pardigm and revolutionizing gaming.
Sorry, I misunderstood your post. My bad.

Anyway, yeah, Nintendo do have a nasty habit of hyping their latest and greatest gimmick (and they are, without exception, gimmicks). I mean, this whole 'Revolution' business seems a bit pompus and typical Nintendo really. But I do love it when it backfires right in their stupid face - like the Virtualboy and hopefully the Micro, too.

To be fair though, they do have better credentials to be harping on about revolutions. I mean, at least they're trying to do something new, even if it does come off a bit gimmicky. On the other hand, when MS talk about the 'the gateway to the Zen of gaming', they're actually talking about an Xbox pad painted in an off-white colour.
Huxley posted on Aug 29 2005 at 11:21 PM said:
On the other hand, when MS talk about the 'the gateway to the Zen of gaming', they're actually talking about an Xbox pad painted in an off-white colour.

Which somehow reminds me of the dreamcast pad.
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sony= wonderfulness


my opinion. I prefer sony any day over the competition. they built quality, grounbreaking stuff (sony, no bologna. ever hear that?)

psp crushes ds in my opinion.
Easy there DCGM, I'm a fan of sony too but even I have to say they could do better on manufacturing their products. They maybe have great machine on paper but they often take the cheapest route. Now if you want to go down the path of games I can agree with you fully on that as they're pretty much the "go too"people if you want something other than a bunch of FPshooters.

The DS may be a weaker graphicsally and little "over done" with all the whacky features but it's by no means a bad system.
daclassicgamingmaster posted on Aug 31 2005 at 05:26 AM said:
sony= wonderfulness


my opinion. I prefer sony any day over the competition. they built quality, grounbreaking stuff (sony, no bologna. ever hear that?)

psp crushes ds in my opinion.

ha, SONY is a bit weak in the quality dept. (I believe we're in double figures now for PS2 builds)

also, although the PS2 has good games it is only because it is the leading console. Very few pf these are produced by SONY (God of War one of them)

If the xbox were to come a lot closer in sales this time you can be sure a lot of the great games will be on xbox too (and with a better online arena, presumably, the xbox may be the better bet for games)
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daclassicgamingmaster posted on Aug 31 2005 at 07:26 AM said:
psp crushes ds in my opinion.
well, ds sells more than psp and ps2 together in the moment, in japan that is.

for me ds is more intresting than psp, it just haves better handheld games.

but sega>all
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daclassicgamingmaster posted on Aug 31 2005 at 05:26 AM said:
sony= wonderfulness


my opinion. I prefer sony any day over the competition. they built quality, grounbreaking stuff (sony, no bologna. ever hear that?)

psp crushes ds in my opinion.

I neva rote dat!!! It was not me, man!

But Guud2 hav anava Gangsta inda haus!

Sony pees onda compatishun!!!

Go Microsoft, make sum more psps for me an ma mates2nick!

(Offa still stands, PM me, an I'll git ya a psp, no box!)

:blink: Bling, babe!
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Vimacs posted on Aug 31 2005 at 08:55 AM said:
daclassicgamingmaster posted on Aug 31 2005 at 07:26 AM said:
psp crushes ds in my opinion.
well, ds sells more than psp and ps2 together in the moment, in japan that is.

for me ds is more intresting than psp, it just haves better handheld games.

but sega>all
im refering to in the US, not japan. actually, im not even discussing sales. just in general

it has better games? lets face it, neither has AWESOME games, but ds is just a joke. warioware touched, pacpix, feel the magic, touch and go, etc. no offence, but it is MY OPINION that ds [nintendo] caters to the younger crowd.

thats why i love sony. they try their best to cater to every group. we all need a little god of war ot GTA every now and then... :)
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daclassicgamingmaster posted on Aug 31 2005 at 04:18 PM said:
Vimacs posted on Aug 31 2005 at 08:55 AM said:
daclassicgamingmaster posted on Aug 31 2005 at 07:26 AM said:
psp crushes ds in my opinion.
well, ds sells more than psp and ps2 together in the moment, in japan that is.

for me ds is more intresting than psp, it just haves better handheld games.

but sega>all
im refering to in the US, not japan. actually, im not even discussing sales. just in general

it has better games? lets face it, neither has AWESOME games, but ds is just a joke. warioware touched, pacpix, feel the magic, touch and go, etc. no offence, but it is MY OPINION that ds [nintendo] caters to the younger crowd.

thats why i love sony. they try their best to cater to every group. we all need a little god of war ot GTA every now and then... :)

Yes but what you fail to undertsand is that very few of Sonys games are made by sony

they are made by Rockstar, Ubisoft and EA

if sony fucks up all the "excellent" games will quite easily land comfortably on anothe system

Alos, Need for speed underground is available for the DS sureley that is a ......ahem......'blingin' game wot aloowes youze to custoemiZe a wacked car, innit'
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firefly1201 posted on Aug 31 2005 at 04:21 PM said:
Vimacs posted on Aug 31 2005 at 02:21 PM said:
I izda Boi inda Hood! should be banned for that post.

I concur.

Hey, Boiz is one of the finest posters on these boards! So leave him be!

(BTW If you could nick, sorry, get me a couple etc...)
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Sony won most of their support in the early going with the PSone. They were smart, listened to both gamers and developers to find out what they wanted in a machine and then MADE it, They kept the licening fees down as opposed to Nintendo's mob like take of the profits and didn't restrict content. When PS2 came along there was no doubt they were going to support it as well.

Nintendo still has a voice but their reliance on being the "gateway to gaming" has killed their potential. Yeah they might allow a FPS or some popular violent game like Mortal combat now and then but they want more than 50% of their games to be either E (for everybody) or T (for teen).

Meanwhile M$ was just the opposite of Sony and impressed NO ONE early on. They bought almost every exclusive and developer they have because they couldn't convince anyone they belonged in gaming. They insulted and alienated the Japanese like a big ugly stereotypical american and NO system wins a console war without backing from the Japanese. 2nd place was a result of no one caring about Nintendo and Plumbers.
Alpha, I think your the first person who thinks exactly like me. Everything you mentioned is what a generally preach, even down to the "M$" logo you used.

I currently reside at, which my friend owns. Im banned as of now, but thats because of a personal issue with the admin. I should be back on in a few weeks. Anyone interested please join; just say DCGM recommended it. It's for the hardkor gamer in all of us. Unfortunatly, no GP32 discussion there, but I tried :)

We all kow RE4 was a shock to all gamers when nintendo released such an extreme game on they're precious cube. but we all flocked like hungry pidgeons to buy it. God knows it was awesome :D