There Will Be 2 Consoles Xgp And Gpx2

your right, but seeing the industry in the last decade, i just wonder....

If this system is cheaper than the current GP32, then are they taking a loss on the manufacturing of the new GP32?? So will they rely on software or something else to make the money back? Or do you think that the parts they are using are just going to be that cheap. Maybe the people that are developing the Ninja can break down the cost they've found out for they're hardware.
Newsflash from Gpizigi
Hey, this is IceGiant

There has been some confusion related to GPX2 regarding the newly updated news at GameShot, ( ) so lemme clear some of it out.

XGP and GPX2 are 2 different child of GP32.

In a sense, XGP is developed by GamePark, and GPX2 is being developed by GamePark Holdings.

XGP will primarily be a portable console, and GPX2 is a PMP(Portable Media Player). The reason for seperation is because of the different roadmap.

To be specific, XGP is a portable console which shares alot in common with GP32 in terms of uber spec, and GPX2 is a PMP which takes GP32's PMP traits and beefs it up by couple folds.

Website for GPX2 will be opened fairly soon. GamePark Holdings will change their company name as well.

I hope this will clear some confusion.

Chobits: They're attempting a seperation? Well, though it seems more stable than Raincom's way of doing it...

IceGiant: What's for sure is that they are going their seperate ways from this point on. You could almost call these consoles 'seperated at birth'.

ZubiZubi: What would be the major difference between those 2?

IceGiant: There will be no 3rd party support at all for GPX2. It's not a portable console.

ChoonYol Song: I'm guess GPX2 will be almost like GP32 right now? I've no idea how specs will change.

sg: So this is why they seperated... PMP... Well they had no commercial backing at all, so I guess going full PMP is one way of doing it but still a console without game doesn't quite feel like a next-gen of GP32.

Four-Leaf Clover: It'd be better if GPX2 can make use of programs currently on GP32. Compatability should give them some edge. I'm rather concerned about the button layout and how it compares to GP32.
At the moment the true 'sucsessor' of GP32 in a portable console sense would be XGP, I suppose?

x68000 posted on Jul 20 2005 at 03:57 PM said:
the handheld backed by craig will as we know be totally opensource and will probably have no commercial backing and will be all the better for it! The gp32 has sold over 150,000 units (what i know of) which is not exactly small fry for a system with no 'official' software support.

Competent emulators of amiga, mame, snes, megadrive, neo geo et al will ensure that this new real successor will be a huge hit in the underground handheld market.

They are already taking hits per GP32 unit.

For every GP32 sold, they lose 20 bucks.
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Angel posted on Jul 20 2005 at 05:00 PM said:
your right, but seeing the industry in the last decade, i just wonder....

If this system is cheaper than the current GP32, then are they taking a loss on the manufacturing of the new GP32?? So will they rely on software or something else to make the money back? Or do you think that the parts they are using are just going to be that cheap. Maybe the people that are developing the Ninja can break down the cost they've found out for they're hardware.
I thought the reason was that it was expensive to buy old parts, so switching too new parts is actually cheaper.
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Wait... XGP was the media player, wasn't it? I thought the XGP was the beefed-up, widescreen console being made by Gamepark.

I thought the other GP (which will receive a name change) was to be the open, more GP-like one that Craig talks about? :huh:
Media player? Why do we need another goddamn media player? There are SO many of those out there already like those Archos, Creative labs, PDAs, and of course the PSP has alot of media functions. What is the point of yet another? Seems quite redundant to me.

On the other hand there is really only one true open gaming handheld and that is the current GP32. It would make more sense to me to just release a GP32 II with buffed up CPU and memory and BC.
shinneri posted on Jul 20 2005 at 04:24 PM said:
Wait... XGP was the media player, wasn't it? I thought the XGP was the beefed-up, widescreen console being made by Gamepark.

I thought the other GP (which will receive a name change) was to be the open, more GP-like one that Craig talks about? :huh:

I just translated what was written in Korean.

XGP is a beefed up console, and GPX2 is a beefed up PMP.

I'm pretty sure GPX2 will fall to open-source support as it will recieve no 3rd party support.

Only the problem would be how specifically GPX2 wants to be a PMP, and how they will lay out the button.

On the other hand XGP sorta interests me.

With a bit more powerful CPU, 64mb RAM - which is a plenty of space, a 3d chip, and an external hard disc support via USB.... leads me to imagine a PSONE emulator.

*creams himself*
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So the GPX2 (the console which Craig will sell) will not have any 3rd party support
and XGP will have and I hope that this time it will be a decent support. I hope that Capcom won't let us down again and will make games for XGP ang GPX2 will continue the GP32 legacy with the open source. Cool! B) I hope that GPX2 won't be the next Cybiko because it will be an enormous disappointment.
to avoid confusion from now on, why dont we call the emu friendly new handheld the gbax gp32 and call the other one the pmp (portable media player) just until names for both are confirmed.
Nova posted on Jul 20 2005 at 04:43 PM said:

yes... hmm think will just wait until both gets released and then think about this again :)
also what will happen to the ninja? i dont think 2 or 3 opensource handheld really can survive. the communities would be to small.
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hmmm lets wait and see... even i am now confused :P and i thought i knew everything about the new handhelds oO

Edit: exept the specs ;P
so we now have 2 children seperated at birth and a bastard son.

Project ninja shares alot in common with XGP spec-wise but I dunno XGP's stand on homebrews. Ninja could help out with XGP if XGP has a support for hombrew.
x68000 posted on Jul 20 2005 at 04:37 PM said:
to avoid confusion from now on, why dont we call the emu friendly new handheld the gbax gp32 and call the other one the pmp (portable media player) just until names for both are confirmed.

Or just call the console one "GP32II" and the other media one GPMP "GamePark Media Player"
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DaveC posted on Jul 20 2005 at 01:47 PM said:
x68000 posted on Jul 20 2005 at 04:37 PM said:
to avoid confusion from now on, why dont we call the emu friendly new handheld the gbax gp32 and call the other one the pmp (portable media player) just until names for both are confirmed.

Or just call the console one "GP32II" and the other media one GPMP "GamePark Media Player"
...that works
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Sonic-NKT posted on Jul 20 2005 at 04:45 PM said:
Nova posted on Jul 20 2005 at 04:43 PM said:

yes... hmm think will just wait until both gets released and then think about this again :)
also what will happen to the ninja? i dont think 2 or 3 opensource handheld really can survive. the communities would be to small.

I think you can write off the GPMP version as it is a media player and the screen is not good for emulation and it is closed developement.

Ninja is a long way off as there is no hardware yet. That leaves the GP32II. So if that one turns out to be good all we will have to focus on will be GP32II.

Then there is the unknown factor if the GP32II is BC or not. If it is then we don't need to worry about new developement as all our current stuff will work, just set the emu to OC to 256 MHz and it will run as if on a GP32 1 going real fast.

If it isn't BC then that will be more of a problem if it is hard to port to the new one. If it is easy to port that many devs will port their stuff to it. You only lose stuff like SNES, PC-Engine that are not worked on anymore. But you know you can always use your current GP32 for those. It won't evaporate if/when the new one comes out.
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We should call the one that Craig told us about the SPS... PLEEEEEASE? :D
Can Craig confirm the name GPX2? Since it is the one that he will sell or he could just tell us NDA, don't deny it and we will understand that finally this is the offical name of this console. The other XGP will probably be a commercial success if Gamepark has decent 3rd party support.