Okay I need to say this, and I'm sorry if I offend anyone here...
I just want to say, reading threads like the one linked to here about the PSP, really makes me thankful to be part of THIS community. Why? Well asides from the fact that we rarely get threads that end up being so retarded as that one, there's one simple fact that that thread has pointed out.
People here do sure type good english! Seems the most of us are at least a decently educated bunch.
I can't STAND reading threads just filled with grammatical and spelling errors... all these 'street' guys mispelling words, or talking in retarded internet slang, either on purpose or simply because they don't know how to fricking write english properly.
Now, just to assure this doesn't offend anyone, I'm fully aware that we have some members here who are not native to primarily english speaking countries, so sometimes we do get posts that have bad grammar or misspelled words, but you can TELL that it's someone who didn't learn english as a first language, and I appreciate that they try as hard as they can. But those guys on that PSP thread... you can tell... they just don't care enough to learn to speak and write properly.
Almost offends me just to read it.
Examples of crap that just pisses me off to read:
ur psp safe"
coz ur system"
u need
2 update"
This whole damn paragraph "if pepople want to play so much gameboy games then why dont they get a freakin gameboy. The world is getting advance but people on this forum are still decades behind........ wanna play homebrew gameboy games on psp...lol........ sony doesn't know theie customers are 8 bits games fan..i think they should stop makin 128 bits games and release gameboy games on psp "
And it just goes on and on.
Sorry guys but it just pissed me off I had to rant for a bit.... anyways, I'm just VERY glad that our forum and the people here are not like this for the most part. This place really does rock and I'm glad to have found it and to be a part of it.
Back to the topic... that sucks the guy got my hopes up about the refresh rate fix with 1.52. If it fixed the blurring, I think I'd consider chucking homebrew running out the window just to get rid of that problem. Well thankfully it was BS and I don't have to make that decision