Decent Fantasy Novel.

Oh shit. Read The Dark Tower series by Steven King. Its amazing, it manages to link together and explain every book he has ever written in a really cool way. Also Black House by Stephen King and Peter Straub, its sort of a sequel to The Talisman books that were mentioned earlier.
Hasn't anyone even remembered about Frank Herbert's (and his son's as well) Dune books?????? That's also amazing stuff :P
But it's not fantasy... ;)

If we're going to talk about sci-fi authors I could name SO many.... :ph34r:

Yeah it's not Fantasy as we know it, but it's not 100% sci fi either... :P Just coz it has planets and a few spaceships doesn't make it sci fi i guess :P Most of the story is within the planet arrakis and the people on it :P
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Well... for me it's simple: future=sci-fi, past=fantasy. Dune is definitely sci-fi in my book (to be honest, I didn't like it so much... it's a little too cynical and depressing and the main character doesn't make a good protagonist IMO). I'd much rather read something by Isaac Asimov (he wrote the Robot & Foundation series).
Right i cant belive no one has said these yet but here is a list of must read fantasy novels i have read each of these books 5 - 10 times and have hunted down and purchased hard back first editions of them all (god im sad) ^_^

1. Echoes of the great song - David Gemmel
2. Drenai tales - David Gemmel
-These start with a book called legend search on amazon for drenai tales
3. The belgariad (Series) - David Eddings
4. The mallorean (sequel series to #3) - David Eddings
5. The elenium (Series) - David Eddings
5. The Tamuli (series) - David Eddings
all the books by James Barcly
in fact now that i think about it i command you all to read all books by Eddings, Gemmel, and Barcley :P
Although for the Belgariad and Mallorean books i after reading them i would reccoment thier prequels
Belgarath the Sorceror
Polgara The Sorceress

These are some of my favourites
i wont list my entire book collection though or i would be here all night :P
