Final Nintendo Killer

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maybe u dont think those games sucked but when u've played games that are so much better than those on other consoles and they arent on par then they do suck. im not saying the ps1 is bad. Im a bit like mr twit. i never really found any games that i wanted to play to the end (except from crash bandicoot for some reason). ofcourse n64 didnt have as many games as ps1 but the quality of the games that were released on the n64 were on a totally different level to that of the ps1's games. I still have my ps1 so if anyone has any decent games suggestions of wat i should play on it that would be good. Oh and finty, im sooooo hurt by ur comment that im gonna have to go cry and tell my momma. Not. All u are is a grown man who has so much spare time on his hands that all he can think of doing is slagging of kids. Grow up would ya.
edit: and before u start im not starting a war. im simply stating a fact that finty should grow up.
KinkingWing, there are no gaming kings at the moment, thats why they call it the console war, they are fighting for that title.

Anyway I prefer Cart/Cards to discs, they're more durable, no loading times and can have custom hardware, can you imagine a rumble pak or a tilt sensor on a umd or DVD.
the Quality of the RE2 movies were sharper on the n64 but more shiny making it look worse.
And in general I also find Nintendo also have better quality games, look at RE1 remake, so much added and amazing graphics but all code veronica got was a port for PS2. PS2 does have some quality games but where as I'll want 70% on nintendo titles, I'll only want 30% of PS2 titles. That may total out to the same number of games though...
Yep damn right finty. Cant believe how stupid so many games sites are. All the ones i've checked said that the revolution will have a touch screen controller. Apparently it was leaked by some one at EA. But if u read wat iwata said the input device is going to be something never seen in the games industry so it wont be a touch screen. The gyroscopic sensors thing seems to me like its the obvious contender but if u look at the names of the revolutions graphics chip and processor, Broadway and Hollywood, it might have something to do with that. Still think it would be cool to see it using a holographic projector.
Ow if im such a fanboy then answer this question: y the hell did i buy a gp32, a ps1 and ps2, every sega console and an xbox? tell me please id like to see how im a fanboy when my childhood memories consisted of playing sonic and other sega classics. Ow im such a fanboy even though i play my dreamcast more than my gamecube(only because of ikaruga). Ow u caught me. Please arrest me for being such a fanboy. But before u do heres an idea shut up. Junker ur so obviously one of those people insecure about their sexuality that u have to try (keyword there was try) and be cool by buying GTA and saying to ur friends while u play," Hey look at me. I run some one over. Im so cool." So here's and idea, get off sony's nuts and ill be my normal self playing my dreamcast more than my gamecube.
calm down, kid
don't confuse me with a retarded gta lover just cuz I told you to get off ninty’s nuts. And no, I don't buy any game for any reason other than i want to play it!
heh, i probably own a hella lot more systems than you, and don't even talk to me about still playing the DC! that system's my bread and butta. And what anyway? You can say all you want about what you do and how diverse your gaming habits are, but you’re still a nut hugging one-track minded wimp, heh.
And none of your shitty assumptions about me mean nothing, so keep em to yourself
im sorry, wats that? hold on and listen. Hear that? No? maybe cause thats the sound of no one caring. And im sure u have more systems than me and so wat if the DC is ur bread and butter I play it a hell of a lot and no matter wat u say it wont change me playing it. Quite frankly, if sega released the dreamcast at a time when it was competing with ps2 properly thenthe DC probably would still be around more and would be kicking ass. I would rather sit and play a DC than anything else(well except my megadrive). Ow my god u called me a wimp. again i say im going to have to cry because of u. not. Here's the thing though junker, u may care bout wat people say bout u but quite frankly i couldnt give a toss bout wat u think of me. So u can keep ur pile o' shit opinions to urself and can kiss my ass.
p.s. u do realise u laughed at ur own joke when reading that which just shows how unbelieveably sad u are. Just thought i would tell u.
i've been playing games since i was 3, when i got my first atari 2600, 1982. I've been collecting games and systems for almost 10 years now and have grown my collection to 26 systems and over 500 games. I know what can be considered good and what can be considered bad. I am more into retro consoles than the newer ones, but I still play the newer games. I have 2 N64s and 1 playstation. I only have 6 N64 games, out of the six, 2 are fun. GoldenEye, Perfect Dark. I'm too old for pokemon games and shit like that, which turns me off and makes me regret buying the DS, but this isn't a DS thread.

I've been around to see what has been happening since the early 80's. Nintendo dominated the 80's and early 90's with the NES due to the number of games and game publishers it had. Same with the SNES. Nintendo waited too long to release the N64 in my opinion and released it as a cartridge system and lost alot of 3rd party support it had with the older systems. They lost Capcom for a while, they lost Square for a while and others. The Gamecube came out to redeem them but was mini disc and people were captivated with being able to play dvds on the Xbox and ps2, which when they were both released, a game station and a dvd player in one for the price was a great deal.

Nintendo's innovation i feel is going to be their downfall. Forget about being fancy, just keep doing what has been working for soo many years, except the repeated abuse of throwing Nintendo trademark characters in every game, i'm sorry but it's getting a bit old.
A few months back I would have said no ones to old for pokemon, but unless it gets a decent story line and hudson never make another collussuem I'm never going to play pokemon again.
You won't regret you're ds in a month or two, by next year you'll have a decent collection of games for it probally.
As for the kiddy crap, I'm abit shocked with Zookeeper, it uses un nessarcary violence, you kill the animal, not capture. Where have nintendos kiddy image gone, I fell so murderous now.
*Scrubs blood off hands*
Yeah and even though they got capcom back, capcom are still breaking their exclusive deal with nintendo. First they said VJ was going to ps2 and then resi evil 4. I can see y but they said from the beginning that they would be gamecube exclusives. The same with square. Nintendo is flying on its reputation built up in the days of nes and snes and are losing 3rd party support because of it. But saying that the first party gamecube titles were good. I mean pikmin, Metroid prime, f zero gx and future titles Zelda, Mario 128, and geist are looking good. But then Iwata was stupid to say that 3rd party support wasnt necessary for moving forward in the business. Such a nice thing to say. If i were a developer making a game for all platforms and ninty said that, i would probably pull the plug on the development of the game for them. 3rd party support is essential for the revolution and ds to succeed and i think ninty are gonna regret it if they dont get enough support. The problem with doing the same thats been done for years with consoles is that the price would sky rocket.
p.s. keep ur ds. with games such as meteos, another code, lost in blue, and animal crossing ds coming and it going online soon its only gonna get better for the ds. or worse.
Ganepark32 posted on Mar 29 2005 at 05:04 PM said:
thats the correct way to spell it so maybe u should think bout redoing ur gcse's

You DO know that sentence alone has 'u', 'bout', and 'ur', which are NOT accepted in the GCSE's. Also, you need a capital letter at the beginning of the sentence, and a full stop at the end. AND 'thats' should be 'that's'.
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here's what I see happening...nintendo getting out of the console business and going to games only, Hasbro introduces a new Atari system, codenamed, the Atari Phoenix, Atari splits from Hasbro, rises from the ashes of its past failures and dominates the gaming market once again. :P
why do ppl rite like dis????//

Why can't people set out what they are writing so it makes sense?

Break up you text so it's easier to read and use punctuation.

I'm not perfect though.


If Nintendo want to experiment, let them.
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