Final Nintendo Killer

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A lot of BS on this thread :D :P

I have to say, having tried to play games like Mario 64 on the DS using the touch screen as a 'substitute' for true analog-stick style control, just doesn't work for me... There is no tactile feedback... I would think the same thing if they tried to use a full touch screen for ALL the controls... w/o being able to 'feel' where the buttons are, you're gonna be looking down at the controller all the time... and w/o being able to 'feel' how far you are 'tilting' the 'stick'... you wont ever know when you're centered so you can stop moving :P at least with the DS you are always looking at the touch screen anyways so much easier to precisely control and again even with that fact in mind I had a horrible time trying to play Mario that way. But with some other games, the touch screen is a joy to use... so it just depends on the style of game. Again though... if you try to play any of these games looking away at a normal TV but trying to control via the touchpad w/o actually looking at the thing... how the hell will you do that?

So I have to say, if nintendo truly does go this route with no conventional buttons or analog style control on the new system, I'm gonna have to pass on that.....

but as was stated above... there's no point try to make any judgement or decision until we actualy see what they do and how it's implemented.
Twinbee posted on Mar 28 2005 at 06:13 PM said:
The Dreamcast still is around.

Am I the only person alive that's actually played the DC version of Chaos Field? :)

I play the hell out of chaos field all the time :)
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Apeiron posted on Mar 29 2005 at 04:13 PM said:
Kotd unless you have some damn good reasons for those things being bad...

Vitual Boy: ok, its red only but it did sell like hot cakes before it was took of the market
GameBoy Pocket: I guess you loved carring a brick and hate haveing to use less batteries
Gameboy Camera+Printer: I was black and white but still you could have fun and print of stickers of you mate with graffiti
Card reader: I agree it was a horrible attempt to grab money by making you fcollect cards.
GBC N64 Player: Main purpose was pokemon but it came free with stadium, so you can't complain
GBA/GC Connection:  Not to great but it had some fun uses and wasn't to exspenive.
DVD Less: This is really annoying, why the hell would you want to own l5 DVD players in you household. And if you mean for gaming then the discs are created for gaming in mind, they contain all the space you need. Anyway if the PS3 is DVD compatible then the BLU ray disc reader will have to suffer and you'll be paying more for that feature.
NDS: You don't agree with....?? wow, Theres like one game you blow into to the mic and its one game of 100s of other minigames.
Play Zookeeper and you'll change your mind about the touch screen. maybe not about the DS but the touchscreen, And the mic is more about talking to the games, and inputing your voice, watch some Electroplankton Videos
Virtual Boy red? what has that to do with its terrible failings? It was big, uncomfortable and desperados cut off the legs and lied down on a bed to play it to avoid pain. Sold like hot cakes? whered you get that from? It sold so badly that stores slashed the prices of it by around 80% just to get rid of them and thats when they sold like hot cakes.

Gameboy Pocket: Long overdue comes out 10 years later with only a few improvements, forces you to use the much more expensive AAA batteries which werent available as rechargeables at the time, 1 year later GBC comes out, pisses a lot of people off.

Gameboy camera+printer: Outrageously overpriced for the pathetic camera and terrible printer it was. Utterly useless. Nuff said.

GBA N64 player: Was it really that hard to let you use it to play ALL GBC games? Useless contraption.

Gamecube yeah This one you don't have to agree with, its a personal opinion of mine.

DS, the mic is just a laugh haha voice recognition? its still terrible. I mostly don't agree with the 2 screens, one is wasted. Maps in almost every game on the second screen with nintendo even doing it in most of their games. How often do you need to look at the map? I've got some basic geography skills. Dunno about zookeeper from the reviews I saw, it seemed like a pretty shit game.

Edit: forgot the Pokemon handheld console thingy, man was that the biggest cash in I've seen in a while. But no Nintendo never makes any mistakes of course.
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Zoo Keeper shit? how bout u go and play it and read some proper reviews. Gamespot said once u pick it up its hard to put down because it is addictive and i agree because i have played it. Ow and just because there is a map on one screen doesnt means its wasted. Metroid for example. U couldnt play that with one screen and it being touch cause ur hand would be in the way so u wouldnt really be able to see. There are some upsides to the contraptions u listed but i agree with u on the most that most were useless and pointless. Dont forget the pokemon N64 though. that was another big cash in scheme. But if u think about it sony and microsoft did exactly the same. Ow look a platinium ps2 and a flat ps2. Waste of time buying if u already had the console. Same with Xbox. Ow a green one and a crystal clear one. If u think nintendo are cheap maybe u should have a look at wat sony and microsoft did and then ud realise they're all the same.
Zookeeper is great but it's just Bejeweled with an animal theme... still a really fun game though and sorry kotd you and me agree on a lot of points about the DS second screen but about it being 'wasted' on displaying maps... Ganepark32 does make a great point that since you are often using the second screen to actualy control the game in some way it doesn't matter that it's only displaying a map as you wouldn't be able to look at it very well if you're hand is in the way with the stylus... and anyways do you know how hard it would be to focus on both screens at the same time? Impossible, is more like it... that'd be like looking at a tall vertical screen and we all know human vision is much broader horizonally... so to keep switching your focus up and down could be difficult. Even in Feel the Magic which has the action happening on both screens simultaneously for a lot of the minigames, there is always a very biased focus as to which screen you are looking at and you don't ever really need to shift your attention back and forth.
Metroid Prime hunters is a good example of this. All u have to do is stick ur thumb in the wrist strap and put the thumb nib on the touch screen and watch the top screen. I agrre about feel the magic especially when ur playing parachute and u have to keep switching wat screen ur looking at. The whole map thing on one screen will eventually change and if u look at meteos, another code and rayman DS(ok i know its shit) it is changing. Developers are thinking of new things to do one the touch screen and ok in some way another code on the touch screen sorta is a map. but in other ways its not and this is wat developers are trying to do. they are trying not to end up putting maps on the touch screen. But for some games maps sorta have to be there like mario kart. Just have to wait and see how things like soul caliubr DS and PoP:WW on ds use the touch screen.
The second screen is vital on the DS, as you can't actually see what's underneath your hand when playing stuff like Mario (I love the touchscreen controls) so a map is perfect to place there.
And those games compared to SM64, OoT, MM, Conkers Bad Fur Day, Banjo Kazooie, etc. sucked. And before u say yes i did play them.
edit: and i agree y do so many people slate the touch screen controls in SM64DS when they're actually quite good? SO wat if its not analog stick control. If it was and there was an analog stick the ds wouldnt be able to shut properly.
Ganepark32 posted on Mar 29 2005 at 11:42 AM said:
And those games compared to SM64, OoT, MM, Conkers Bad Fur Day, Banjo Kazooie, etc. sucked. And before u say yes i did play them.

oh now you are really just asking for it.... I don't care how big a Nintendo fanboy you are how can you say Metal Gear Solid, Gran Turismo, and FF7 sucked??? Let alone how many other top notch titles made it to the PSX? So now you will say the N64 was better than the PSX? Yes that's right the PSX only had like 10x as many games to choose from but they all sucked... come on the only person you are fooling into believing that is yourself. PSX rocked and many of it's games rocked and it single handedly took gaming out of being a 'kids hobby' and turned it into a mainstream thing for all ages.
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Purely my own opinion, but I personally never found a PS1 game that I liked enough to play all the way through, and I had about 80 or 90 (*cough*copied) games for it. It might just have been the frustrating quality of the 3D though. But there were some good games for it, Metal Gear Solid and Tenchu spring to mind, and lots of lovely blood-drenched games to please the masses.
and by the way IF they had really wanted to it would not have been hard at all to put a true analog style controller on the DS... you need to think a little more broad if you can't even picture in your head a way they could do that. From a technical stand point it would have been easier AND cheaper than installing a second/touch screen, but they could have even done it and kept the touch screen there if they had really wanted to.
It doesn't need an analogue joystick. You can control 3D games perfectly well with a digital pad, and if you've ever played emulators on a Zodiac, you know it is much harder to control a 2D game with an analogue joystick.
I have both N64 and Playstation, I have way more games for Playstation, it's not the quality of games that is the difference, both had good games, there's no denying it, but playstation had more games, alot more, more games equals more better games. the N64 didn't have as much 3rd party support because it's not cost effective to produce for a cartridge system as it is for a cd systems, cartridges are more expensive and they hold less info, thats why there were hardly ever any cinema scenes in any N64 game, and when they were they were extremely low quality(resident evil 2). Had the 64 been a cd system, it would've blown PS1 out of the water. The only games I have played and enjoyed on the system were the Nintendo made games ex. Mario Cart, Smash Bros. The third party support, well, sucked.

I also firmly believe that if nintendo did not have the gameboy to fall back on for money, the N64 might have been the last nintendo console. Like it or not, the age of nintendo dominating the video game market is over. Much like Atari, it had a good run for many years, but it's time to usher in a new gaming king and that is Sony, like it or not, it's true.
RoboJoe32 posted on Mar 29 2005 at 02:08 AM said:
nintendo are just digging themselve a foothold into a neice part of the market with a modest amount of profit, whereas Sony and Microsoft are trying to be number one in the market.

nintendo are in it for the games, the others are in it for other reasons

Oh like mario pinball? paper mario? pokemon [insert crystal name here]?

people like mario+pokemon so nintendo make mario games, if they didnt sell they wouldnt make them
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kotd posted on Mar 29 2005 at 02:34 AM said:
If you think Nintendo arent in the business to make a profit just to entertain consumers, you've got a screw loose.
who said they dont want to make a profit?

N cant compete with Sony/microsoft so they get themselves a nice following of people by making the games and inovation that they want, which lets them survive, N have the fall back position like SEGA if things go pair shaped for the hardware biz.

if playstation goes tits up SONY still live
if XBOX goes tits up Microsoft still live

If nintendo goes tits up then, the nintendo game francise will get released on the other consoles. This is why Nintendo dont want to have a console war with Microsoft and Sony: they couldnt afford it so why compete.

make the games people want and make a modest profit
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KickinWing posted on Mar 29 2005 at 01:20 PM said:
I also firmly believe that if nintendo did not have the gameboy to fall back on for money, the N64 might have been the last nintendo console.
Why? They still made a large profit on the N64, plus they already have a massive amount of capital from the NES and SNES days.
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