Uk Ds Launch

Went to pick up mine again today, but there not restocking now till Friday...I can't wait that long.
And SM64 ds is still sold out <_<
But hopefully friday I can pick up mine with zoo keepers maybe puyo puyo if it's out and cheap enough.

Has anyone seen the different color DS's at liksang, the Graphite black is pretty nice, makes it look slimmer
matt goode - and here I thought I had something to brag about From one guy with way too many video game systems to another, why the heck do you have so many game systems??? Especially, why 3 each of Xbox and PS2? Closest I ever came to buying two of a home console like that was the Xbox as I wanted one modded and one unmodded for play on Xbox Live. Well that and I have the PS One and PSX, this is because my PSX is mod chipped so I keep that for playing imports, and the PS One was just too damn cool not to get with that awesome Sony screen, and is a good companion for weekends out of town... at least until PSP came out, now it just sits and gathers dust

:lol: well i have two brothers they both want there own console so if say a ff game came out they would both want to play it, if we only had 1 console i would never get to play it :( . we also have 3 consoles cause
1: the lasers on both our old xbox and ps2 are very bad no so we had to get a new one of each, then for xbox my brother decided he wanted a modded one, so he got one. with the ps2 we got a new slimline ps2, then mgs3 and grand turismo 4 came out so my other brother wanted one. thats about it.
Yeah im thinking to myself that i might get Puyo Pop Fever for DS. Everyone ive talked to says its good and the fact that there is 16 player wireless sounds good too. Anyone got Retro Atari Classics? I wanna know if it is any good and has anyone played meteos? I heard meteos got a good review in Famitsu.
Asphalt: Urban GT
Mr. Driller Drill Spirits
Ping Pals
Pokemon Dash
Project Rub
Rayman DS
Retro Atari Classics
Spider-Man 2
Sprung: The Dating Game
Super Mario 64 DS
The Urbz: Sims in the City
Tiger Woods PGA Tour
WarioWare Touched!
Zoo Keeper

Full games list for the release date.
Looking at it I want Mr.Driller, Retro Atari, SM64DS, Zoo keeper and Puyo Puyo

I can't see how you can go wrong with the games packed into retro atari classics, 10 in total and with a version of each one with a twist. Centipede, Breakout, Dig Dug....
Apeiron posted on Mar 16 2005 at 06:28 PM said:
Asphalt: Urban GT
Mr. Driller Drill Spirits
Ping Pals
Pokemon Dash
Project Rub
Rayman DS
Retro Atari Classics
Spider-Man 2
Sprung: The Dating Game
Super Mario 64 DS
The Urbz: Sims in the City
Tiger Woods PGA Tour
WarioWare Touched!
Zoo Keeper

2 film licenses already? Wow, those film-game boffins are quick off the mark :P
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I'm a bit gutted that no games are coming to it for at least a month now, Yoshi's Touch and Go, is out in america, so why can't we have it until the 5th month.

But anyways Gamestation are Restocking tomorrow, YAY!
matt goode posted on Mar 16 2005 at 05:39 PM said:
:lol: well i have two brothers they both want there own console so if say a ff game came out they would both want to play it, if we only had 1 console i would never get to play it :( . we also have 3 consoles cause
1: the lasers on both our old xbox and ps2 are very bad no so we had to get a new one of each, then for xbox my brother decided he wanted a modded one, so he got one. with the ps2 we got a new slimline ps2, then mgs3 and grand turismo 4 came out so my other brother wanted one. thats about it.

Heh well then I still have you beat :D :P with the exception of a few of the handheld systems which I have two of, all my systems are just for me, and they are all still in perfect working order :D *feels no shame in bragging*
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Enjoyed reading this thread! Especially all those fanboy comments. I have had so many systems throughout the years, but when I get a new one, I normally sell the old one! Wish I hadn't now....

Here in Germany, it came quite calmy, imo. They are in the shops, but noone is really playing them. There are big piles for sale in my local saturn.

I reckon they will both succeed! I know I'll get both, and am sure most adult gamers will be the same. The PSP will come down in price, but already it ain't that expensive for what it is. The graphics and screen (and looks) of the psp will win people over, even though most of the new games are just remakes (fifa2005, a new metal gear game, wipeout fusion- people might ask 'why pay so much money to play a game we already have'?). But people will buy the sony. Kids will want the sony-they will want to brag they have the 'best' machine, and there is no doubt the psp looks better! The DS is really coming up with innovative games, and nintendo will use these bizaare features. I am sure that the next ds zelda game will see you whistling an ocarina tune, or stroking zeldas hair in an orgy of pre-coital frenzy as Link finally mates with zelda and we can have the 'child of Link/zelda' game/sequal we've all been waiting for! Well I have anyway.

But whether 3rd party developers will use these features remains to be seen. If it's a straight port to the ds, they might not bother!

Anyway, when you are playing your burnout 7 on the psp, and Nontendo releases some incredible new Zelda adventure, and you can buy the game and the console for £130/ 170 euros, you are going to do it, no? I will!

Plus the news that nintendo making the ds internet playing compatible is fantastic, it'll make sony do the same!!!

The future is amazing, they'll both be churning out great titles, multiplayer, (although too many sequal :P ), and we'll all end up owning both of them!!!

Plus the GP32.

It's great to be alive! Thankyou, and good night!!!

PS. Am such a gamepark fanboy
lubidog - um, sony have ALREADY made the PSP capable of playing over the internet, 5 of the US launch games will be internet multiplayer compatible. And uh... you might not want to share that fantasy about the Zelda thing with too many other people... we're all GP 32 fans so we're a bit more open minded than most but other people might get a little frightened if you tell them that fantasy!

(P.S.: Um... okay not trying to change the subject again but you know I just gotta correct people so... too bad... I'm NOT putting down the DS in any way though so keep the fanboy comments to yourself please!)
bast525 posted on Mar 17 2005 at 11:12 PM said:
lubidog - um, sony have ALREADY made the PSP capable of playing over the internet, 5 of the US launch games will be internet multiplayer compatible. And uh... you might not want to share that fantasy about the Zelda thing with too many other people... we're all GP 32 fans so we're a bit more open minded than most but other people might get a little frightened if you tell them that fantasy!

(P.S.: Um... okay not trying to change the subject again but you know I just gotta correct people so... too bad... I'm NOT putting down the DS in any way though so keep the fanboy comments to yourself please!)

Ok <_<
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lubidog posted on Mar 17 2005 at 11:03 PM said:
The graphics and screen (and looks) of the psp will win people over, even though most of the new games are just remakes (fifa2005, a new metal gear game, wipeout fusion- people might ask 'why pay so much money to play a game we already have'?).

Anyway, when you are playing your burnout 7 on the psp, and Nontendo releases some incredible new Zelda adventure, and you can buy the game and the console for £130/ 170 euros, you are going to do it, no? I will!

Apart from what bast said...

Um first you mention that the PSP just has remakes than you mention that Nintendo games such as zelda and mario etc will rock....WTF are you talking about? Hello Nintendo is making more remakes and ports. None of the games for PSP you mentioned are remakes, they're new games.

you might as well ask: Why should I pay money for a game I've already played on ds eg Mario 64?

And yes give me burnout 7 any day, if its as amazing as burnout 3.
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Blah posted on Mar 13 2005 at 04:12 PM said:
Whatever happened to the US launch? I expected Welfare*Mart to have a shelfload of them, or atleast a tester stand one. But there wasn't jack, and the GBA SP is still $80.

Now they have a tester stand with Wario in a DS, but no DSes.

They (Wal*Mart) are getting really cheap with advertising consoles. Their new poster just says "NEW GAME CONSOLE: SONY PSP (Playstation Portable) COMING SOON. [huge picture of PSP]".
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Just got my DS, but because most of the games have sold out I'm stuck with Ping PAls as part of the package. No one buy this game.
The DS is bulkier then it looks on display stands etc. but it's more to hold on to...
kotd posted on Mar 18 2005 at 04:05 AM said:
lubidog posted on Mar 17 2005 at 11:03 PM said:
The graphics and screen (and looks) of the psp will win people over, even though most of the new games are just remakes (fifa2005, a new metal gear game, wipeout fusion- people might ask 'why pay so much money to play a game we already have'?).

Anyway, when you are playing your burnout 7 on the psp, and Nontendo releases some incredible new Zelda adventure, and you can buy the game and the console for £130/ 170 euros, you are going to do it, no? I will!

Apart from what bast said...

Um first you mention that the PSP just has remakes than you mention that Nintendo games such as zelda and mario etc will rock....WTF are you talking about? Hello Nintendo is making more remakes and ports. None of the games for PSP you mentioned are remakes, they're new games.

you might as well ask: Why should I pay money for a game I've already played on ds eg Mario 64?

And yes give me burnout 7 any day, if its as amazing as burnout 3.

Wooooo, hold on big boy! I was saying that they both sound exciting foorvery different reasons! This is the prolem with talking about these consoles, someone gets very shirty and always assumes that one is gonna slag off one console to make another look better. I am not, I'm saying that they both have pluses and minuses and most of us will probably ebd up with both.

But as to my specific point about remakes, so what if it's new code? If it has wipeout or fifa or metal gear on the front, it is another game in the series, some might say Fifa makes remakes. Now that ain't neccessary a bad thing, if you love a game etc. (I loved burnout 3, but there will come a time when Ii ponder the worth in spendiing large amounts of money for esentially the same game-not a critiscm of Burnout 3, mind!). To say Nintendo are just churning out remakes is daft-they have made a console with genuinely innovative features, and SOME of the games reflect this (feel the magic, Wario ware (I know it's the 3rd (?) game of a series, but I never blew on my GBA!!!). Nintendo have always been innovators, undeniable fact! edit: a new zelda game maybe be a continuation of a series, but it is normally a new game inside. Fifa is always the same (so really is pro evo these days :( , . )

The simple choice is this, they are both damm fine machines. We are gonna get a slew of great games, and we should be happy, not jump down each others throats cos we have decided to join one camp or the other! This is what we did as kids, because we saw soomany machines die due to lack of support, and if our expensive Christmas present suddenly had no software for it we were buggered! This is, I believe, where all this aggression to the 'other' console comes from. It's very childish and shows the flamer up for being very young.

BTW, remember the atari 2600? Great machine. Why did the 5600 flop? It had amazing graphics, bizaare joypad etc, should have been huge! But Atari only released updates of its earlier hits. The public stayed away in droves. But one killer app culd have changed all that!

Anyway, PSP amazing graphics, amazing screen, multimedia possibilities
Ds New ideas, nintendo!

Both sound good to me!

Now just keep calm......
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