"f Day" - What Might It Mean...


God I'm old.
Jun 9, 2003
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My guess is rlyeh plans to release more than one new emulator and/or updates to previous emulators.

I'm thinking maybe a first fMAME32 release + something else. :)

But even just fMAME32 alone would be great all by itself.
i highly doubt it will be fMame

over on the forum on his own site (retrodev.info or whatever) he very recently mentioned that he's gonna wait till after the march release of someone else's mame port, cause he doesn't wanna piss him off (makes sense)

but who knows...
Octavious posted on Feb 14 2005 at 02:59 AM said:
Im just gonna wait until the day fGBA32 comes out
then Ill be the mappiest person in the world, and Ryleh will be 10$ richer


You will have a VERY long wait then. GBA will never be playable on the GP32. I would be happy with an update to his GB and GBC emus myself. I am not too exited about fMAME honestly as it will not run well with sound, since I don't play games without sound I am not real big on MAME.

Hopefully "F day" will turn out to be the day when he releases all of his current emus with the split screen bug and other bugs like saves fixed, that would be awesome.
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DaveC posted on Feb 14 2005 at 12:42 AM said:
You will have a VERY long wait then. GBA will never be playable on the GP32.
People said the same thing about the Genesis, and we now have a nearly perfect emulation of the console. I'm very confident we COULD have SNES emulation if the project had been further developed (which it will be).

And, upon checking the GP Advance site, I found this:

As you may wonder why the project does not progress by theses days, I should reassure you : gpadvance is not dead.
Nevertheless, I am very busy for the moment and I do not have enough time to resume.
All I can tell you is that you should not expect a Christmas release :(
14th December 2004

Might be old new.. I'm not sure. But it's very good news. :)
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i reckon it stands for 'Frog Day' when in certain parts of the world it's the froggies' turn to mate... they only do it once a year, and if you compare it to humans, it's basically gang rape... :S

nasty fucking frogs, eh?
Octavious posted on Feb 14 2005 at 03:59 AM said:
Im just gonna wait until the day fGBA32 comes out
then Ill be the mappiest person in the world, and Ryleh will be 10$ richer


'mappiest'! LOL!
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It will probably be the usual updates Fps2, Fn64 and Fx-box.....

Must admit, I'm not too fussed about Fmame for selfish reasons - I have mame cabinet :). Though any release would be most greatly appreciated,
F-agram: He walks into a room, and pretends to be f!

I think he's teasing us and is joking about his results really
ralp99 posted on Feb 14 2005 at 04:22 AM said:
i highly doubt it will be fMame

over on the forum on his own site (retrodev.info or whatever) he very recently mentioned that he's gonna wait till after the march release of someone else's mame port, cause he doesn't wanna piss him off (makes sense)

but who knows...

I guess it makes sense but wasn't he working on his MAME emu first? So surely he wouldn't be stepping on anyone's toes? Besides a little healthy competition wouldn't hurt.

Must admit, I'm not too fussed about Fmame for selfish reasons - I have mame cabinet. Though any release would be most greatly appreciated,

Mmmm, Mame cabinet. Lucky you. :) That's down on my wish list but for now portable Bomb Jack would do me fine. *Crosses fingers*
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rlyeh posted on Feb 14 2005 at 03:50 PM said:
ah... lots of ideas around here ;-) who's closer to the real thing? hmmm? time will tell :-)

the plot gets deeper

here's hoping for fwinuae :P
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