Pc Fucked - Hellp


Jan 1, 2004
I need my good pc, going insane on this shitty PC.

So I got a new hard drive (well a mate nicked it from work) - that didnt fix the problem
I ran diagnostic tests on it - all passed
I tried it with only 256mb ram in (i took 1 stick of ram out at a time) - didnt fix the problem
I took the network card and 56k modem out (to be sure) - that did fuck all.

What else can I doooooooo?

Oh and CPU temp is 50 degrees centigrade according to the 'pc health status'.
Stupid me; that would be useful.

It randomly freezes on linux/ when doing random non windows crap on on windows xp it gets the blue screen of death with the error message 'driver irq less than or not equal'; well something along those lines.
Ive tried memtest and severlal other diagnostics (my mate got me a diagnostics cd from work). Also I tried the machine with only a cd drive, a hard drive, graphics card, 1 stick of ram and a keyboard (i think thats all running off the power unit).

If its the mobo my mum said she will lend me a few hundred quid to build me a new pc (I can harvest the 512mb ram and some other stuff like hard drive, keyboard (actually ill need a new one I got violent and lost some keys) erm mouse, network card etc).
hey i've seen that blue screen error before and I believe the fault was mismatched RAM. If you have multiple sticks of ram in your board try removing all but one stick (assuming you have DIMMS) and if still a problem try the other stick on it's own

this is actually quite a common problem
Sam I'll say this once and once only; FUCK OFF.

Ill probably build a new pc soon something like:

AMD Athlon (something around 2-3 ghz)
512mb ram (harvested from old pc)
160 gb stoage (harvested from friends work place)
New graphics card (something compatible with Half Life 2)
Good motherboard
New power unit

I will then build these in to my old case. I already have a a DVD/ CD/ CDRW in the case. Need to nick a floppy drive also.
You've tried screwing around with the PCI cards, right?

Here's more information on that particular BSOD for XP: http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documen...md_stp_hwpg.asp

Oh, and if you're going to build a new system and want Athlon, might as well get Athlon 64 as it's only a few bucks more for better 32-bit and cooler performance.
Ill probably go for a 64bit cpu if its only a few quid and my mums offering to loan me the money. Ideally I want something that can play CS-Source and play it well so I can be reunited with my clan which im the supposed clan leader of.

Ive tried messing with everything, none of my friends can work out whats the problem and we are all geeks ;)
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