Compatibility List For New Drmd

Never use the 16bit mode; simply too slow

God bless you Reesy. If I wasn't a poor ass college student I'd send you some loot, but at the moemt I am unemployed, poor and in college  :P

You know what they say "Excuses are like assholes, everyone's got one and they all stink" :ph34r: Well just kidding really, but maybe just drink less beer one weekend, then you could give him something :)
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When me and my other half get our GP32's, I'm gonna donate, I can't wait to hear "SEEEEEGAAAAAA" and when Reesy eventually adds RF multiplayer, we're going to be very happy bunnies, indeed :D

Also, since there's 2 of us, I guess we can test the RF a lot :P

Its not just the Seeegaaaa. DAC sound adds so much atmosphere to a game. Take EA Hockey for example where you smack a shot from the halfway mark and it smacks the post, you'll hear the crowd gasp or if you body check a player back to the 16th century you'll hear the crowd roar in support ( or boo if your the away team ).
I know it's not just the "SEEEEEGAAAA!", if you were talking to me.

Anyway, is there a minimum amount to donate to get a beta? I'm not trying to be cheap, I don't know how much dosh I'll have after buying the GP32s and real life, etc. but I do want to donate.


Any idea on when RF support is going to be added?

ThanX and BYEEEEE!!
No there's no minimum donation, most people have donated between 5 or 20 dollars/pounds. I almost fell off my chair when someone donated £25.

How long before RF support?
Well I haven't even looked at whats involved, so it won't be for a few months.
I know it's not just the "SEEEEEGAAAA!", if you were talking to me.

Anyway, is there a minimum amount to donate to get a beta? I'm not trying to be cheap, I don't know how much dosh I'll have after buying the GP32s and real life, etc. but I do want to donate.


Any idea on when RF support is going to be added?

ThanX and BYEEEEE!!

RF would probably slow it down too much. Probably wouldn't be worth it because the odds of two people being close enough to each other, and owning an RF unit AND a GP32 is probably so rare.
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I know it's not just the "SEEEEEGAAAA!", if you were talking to me.

Anyway, is there a minimum amount to donate to get a beta? I'm not trying to be cheap, I don't know how much dosh I'll have after buying the GP32s and real life, etc. but I do want to donate.


Any idea on when RF support is going to be added?

ThanX and BYEEEEE!!

RF would probably slow it down too much. Probably wouldn't be worth it because the odds of two people being close enough to each other, and owning an RF unit AND a GP32 is probably so rare.

I live with my other half and we're both getting GP32s and RF units. Being able to play Crackdown, Devilish, Shaq Fu and many others on the train with each other would be amazing! If it's too slow, that's too bad, if not, I can hope and dream.

Also, Reesy, what counts as development in regards to getting a beta? I want to make some games'n'STufF, but it will probably be quite a few months before anything like that happens, but I want to start making characters/backgrounds/etc for SmashGP as soon as possible.


One other thing, if/when I get a beta, would you mind it being used on 3 GP32s, since the owners all live in the same house?

ThanX for everyone's time and for being so helpful.

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omg 3 GP's in the same house.... that's just unheard of!!!

It's gonna be like Finland in here :P

Between all of us living here, there's 2 Playstations, 2 Xboxes (soon to be 3), 3 Dreamcasts (1 is broken) an N64, a Gamecube, a GP32 (soon to be 3) and 4 PCs, oh, and a PS2 (and a Gameboy Colour).

...and my brother is getting a DS.

We loves our gameses :D

(How many people's Mums have a Dreamcast?)
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Also, Reesy, what counts as development in regards to getting a beta? I want to make some games'n'STufF, but it will probably be quite a few months before anything like that happens, but I want to start making characters/backgrounds/etc for SmashGP as soon as possible.

As long as your putting something back into the gp32 community I will add you to the beta list....Oh and you have to know what "beta" means. So get those SmashGP characters started ;)
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Also, Reesy, what counts as development in regards to getting a beta? I want to make some games'n'STufF, but it will probably be quite a few months before anything like that happens, but I want to start making characters/backgrounds/etc for SmashGP as soon as possible.

As long as your putting something back into the gp32 community I will add you to the beta list....Oh and you have to know what "beta" means. So get those SmashGP characters started ;)

I'll definately be putting back into the community, mostly with SmashGP STufF and backgrounds and/or extras for things, until I start programming.

Anyway, I've started sprite hunting and reading the documentation for SmashEdit already. I might give it a go before I get my GP32, since my brother might let me borrow his once he gets his DS.

Don't worry, whether I get a beta (yes, I know what it means) for free or not, you'll be getting a donation regardless; a Megadrive emu that works as well as DrMD is worth more than any single game on any console.


PS: Anyone know where I can get complete sprite sheets for Ken, either SF3 or SFA/MvC2 style? I've looked loads already. Also, I'll be making a Kirby!
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Reesy posted on Dec 18 2004 at 04:50 PM said:
fdave your the man.. You mentioning z80 irq latch reminded me that ages ago I disabled some code in my Z80 core. The code was in the EI "enable interupts" opcode. The z80 will take an interupt if the irq flag is high when the EI opcode is excuted but for some reason ( probably testing ) I stopped the z80 from taking an interupt there.

I've fixed the code and the music in Sonic 2 and 3 is now fine :)

Theres something about when smart people talk tech, it just gets me so warm and full of butterflies.

And fdave, are you the author of DGen? That was, and still is my ALL time favorite emu. I think my very first!
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Looking foward to Kirby! :)

Kirby Superstar for SNES has the best Kirby sprites.
I made a Kirby skin for Well Of Souls, if you want it, just say so.
heh funny he mentioned that I was actually thinking of making a SmashGP char.

You don't need any hardcore 'dev' knowledge for this right? Or a 'dev environment' on your computer? Like, anyone could just do this in windows?

I never played the sonics enough in V.1 to have known that the water effect worked fine in them... was kinda bummed when I played Sonic 2 in v1.5 and saw that, but very glad to hear it's back to being nearly fixed.

Reesy - do you know of other games that are effected by this? Is it just an issue with 'transparencies' and the way the genesis handles them? I'm not sure what else the genesis used raster effects for...

Would this issue have anything to do with the vertically scrolling airship level in Gunstar Heroes (asking because I saw you mentioned Gunstar as a game that was affected by this)? I don't know how to describe the problem without writing a page, but as Gunstar allows you to select your level, it's very quick to start the game up and pick that level (it's the 3rd level out of four selectables when you start) and instantly see what I'm talking about, if you haven't already seen it.