Compatibility List For New Drmd

We love betas :) I try not to complain. :unsure:
I know what's supposed to work. And what is not.
I haven't even reported a bug, because I haven't seen any in my favorite games
That's good enough for me :D
It makes me angry, too when people complain and "bug report"* about things that
are already known not to work yet. <_< :angry:
Those are the people that should RTFM. :P
It does sometimes help though when the public IS your beta testers. :)
They have a lot more time on their hands, even if they are annoying. ;)
Some people (like me) don't have the ability to donate, but I'm not complaining.
Version 1.0 will be fun for a long time. B)


Maybe people should stop "bug reporting"* until the next release

*As in complaining about version 1.0

Good idea?
Version 1.0 was a "proper" release, your allowed to complain about things that don't work in it ( and there's alot ).

I only object to people complaining about betas, that's why I will never release another beta to the "common folk".
Sounds fair to me. Again thanks for the fantastic work on this. I know it is ALOT of HARD work. I was amazed that the sound was still in "c". I assumed it was in ASM because of the great performance. This is comming along great :)

Yeah Rob did a fantastic job optimising the sound core, I'm going to re-write it in ASM but I'm not sure if I'll be able to get it running any faster but its worth a shot.
Quick question, does anyone use the 16bit graphics mode? If not I'm going to remove it and grab some memory back.
my philosophy for donating is this...

all of us... well... most of us... okay maybe just a few of us nowadays :D , are still used to paying for commercial games, on any systems that we might own. We pay that amount because we expect the games will be good and worth the money, and that we will play them for a long time, hence getting our moneys worth out of the purchase.

With DrMD, I feel we have a bit of software that meets ALL of the criteria that any of us would use to justify going out and buying a commercial game. Hell, DrMD is more entertaining, and will probably get more play, than quite of few of the commercial games that I have gone out and spend $50 for. I know these types of things are all about being freeware and open source and homebrew this and that, but when something this good comes along, and someone is dedicating the massive amounts of time it takes to create this thing and just hand it out to anyone who wants it... well we should all be more than happy to part with whatever money we can (every dollar counts if everyone were to do it) and try to make it worth Reesy's time.

By the way, Reesy you did say that v1.5 Beta has some kind of fix in it so that it wont eat SMC's when you save states anymore right? I've been kinda afraid to save anything....

Also one tiny request, if/when you do finally implement SRAM saving, can you possibly make an option to turn it on or off? I personally would rather just leave it off and use save states at my own discretion...

EDIT: about the 16 bit mode... I don't use it... I'm curious though, what use would it be? I dont even see a difference when I switch over, other than that it slows down of course.
By the way, Reesy you did say that v1.5 Beta has some kind of fix in it so that it wont eat SMC's when you save states anymore right? I've been kinda afraid to save anything....
Hmm depends on what version of 1.5 you have :). You'll know if you have it, as it takes FOREVER to save anything. But don't worry, as soon as I've got the flickering screen thing properly fixed ( without the rain effect ) I'll send you the v1.6.
Also one tiny request, if/when you do finally implement SRAM saving, can you possibly make an option to turn it on or off? I personally would rather just leave it off and use save states at my own discretion...
No problem
EDIT: about the 16 bit mode... I don't use it... I'm curious though, what use would it be? I dont even see a difference when I switch over, other than that it slows down of course.
Well in 16bit mode you get to see rasta effects with the pallette for example the water effect in Sonic. In the 8bit mode the screen currently flickers while Sonic is trying to do the water effect, I've almost fixed this by only updating the gp32 pallette once a frame.
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[Well in 16bit mode you get to see rasta effects with the pallette for example the water effect in Sonic.  In the 8bit mode the screen currently flickers while Sonic is trying to do the water effect, I've almost fixed this by only updating the gp32 pallette once a frame.

I don't use 16 bit mode as it is too slow for obvious reasons, so I wouldn't miss it. Also I thought you fixed the pallette thing for the first beta (the one without DAC). With that version water worked fine all sonics, Gunstar intro, CastleVania, and more without flicker(I am surprised to learn that ALOT of games used this technique). But with the DAC betas, that "bug" came back again. Now everything that was fine before is back to the original flickering again. It is kind of strange.
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Cool thats another strike for 16bit mode.

With regards the flicker being fixed and then not fixed. I did try something out in an earlier version which fixed most of the flicker problems in Sonic, but instead it created a sort of rain effect where black lines would appear randomly. So I removed it in the next beta until I could think of something better ( which I have now ;) ).
Never use the 16bit mode; simply too slow

God bless you Reesy. If I wasn't a poor ass college student I'd send you some loot, but at the moemt I am unemployed, poor and in college :P
Strike up another for the 16 bit mode - never used it.

By the way, I discovered a codemasters pinball game I'd never heard of called Psycho Pinball last night (for about 5 mins before my batteries died) which works a treat in the latest beta - not quite up to the classic Amiga pinball games, but rather good nonetheless, although I'm not sure if it has a high score table which would be a rather big bummer for a pinball game...
Also didn't use the 16bit rendering yet, as I haven't found a game which is only playable in 16bit mode.

But a Reset Game option would be nice :)
Strike up another for the 16 bit mode - never used it.

By the way, I discovered a codemasters pinball game I'd never heard of called Psycho Pinball last night (for about 5 mins before my batteries died) which works a treat in the latest beta - not quite up to the classic Amiga pinball games, but rather good nonetheless, although I'm not sure if it has a high score table which would be a rather big bummer for a pinball game...

Have you tried Dragons Fury? Thats a class pinball game.

@EvilDragon: I'll add the reset game option, no problem.

I'll be removing the 16bit rendering code from DrMD emulator, thanks for the feedback everyone.
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Dino Land is quite a fun pinball game too.

And regarding High Scores, I always drop a save in slot 1 after playing a game and loading it when I restart so it saves my high scores!

Reesy do you think it might be possible to have a 'special' savestate slot that will automatically save the position you are in when you exit or change rom, then automatically load it when you go back in, a kind of 'resume game' function?
heh, yeah show me da money :) and I'll show ya a beta.

I'm not releasing any beta's to the public because....The public seem to miss the "beta" bit and then start complaining that things don't work correctly. Sorry that's just the way it is, you can blame everybody who came out with comments like "Heres a good summary: Sound broken. Fix.". That one really pissed me off. :angry:
Alright... umm.. I just hope I'm not annoying you by reporting bugs with version 1.0 :(
Believe me, it's because I want to help in what little way I can (yes, I'll get around to donating eventually)!

Anyway, I found another bug that causes a game to lock up:

Mickey Mania (an absolutely beautiful game, perfect for showing off your GP32), works great at 144Mhz, mostly. However, there is one level where there is a 3D effect with a moose charging behind Mickey, where the screen just freezes. If you wait a while in the main screen, that level is one of the "unplayable demos" so you can see what happens. Also, when that happened once, I pressed L&R to go back to the main menu and the screen became divided; the left half of the screen was on the right side and the right side of the screen was on the left side. This was fixed by opening another ROM.
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Reesy: yep, you're absolutely right about Dragons Fury - already logged a good few hours on that one :)

Frolik: I'll have to hunt down Dino Land and give it a whirl, thanks for mentioning it.