Compatibility List For New Drmd


Internal Development
Mar 4, 2004
I started this topic so that we could post the ROMs that are working and not working, and any bugs or suggestions for the great new Genesis emu, DrMD. This emu is a WIP and was done for FREE by Reesy in his free time. Please don't whine and bitch here just please state nicely what is working and what isn't, and any issues you may have found. The aim here is to HELP him to find any bugs, and to let him know what is working. Thanks.
maybe wait until after the next release to do this? Since this was just gui/feature update, and next he will likely tweak with the internals anyway. make sense?
Ok, I guess, it might have helped with the next release.

Mods delete?
no... why not start the list now so that Reesy can see what's not working now before/during the time he's working on the release??

Anyways, here are games I found not to work at all, good games all of them :(

Lightning Force
Yu Yu Hakusho (great Treasure fighting game)
gaiares works fine for me

i pointed that out (above) since Reesy used to frequent these boards and then I think he got kinda sick of being nagged and split.. or something along those lines.. I am sure if he wants bug reports he'll ask for them, coders usually seem to do that.
I thougth I saw someone else say gaiares works as well... I thought it odd that it didn't for me.

Well you make a good point... maybe 'bug reporting' does come off as nagging sometimes. well let them delete the post then or whatever... don't want to
bast525 posted on Dec 15 2004 at 08:28 AM said:
no... why not start the list now so that Reesy can see what's not working now before/during the time he's working on the release??

Anyways, here are games I found not to work at all, good games all of them :(

Lightning Force
Yu Yu Hakusho (great Treasure fighting game)

Makyou Toissen (the Treasure game) works fine on my BLU (Samsung LCD, 166MHz, NTSC/J region detection). 4P Battle Royal mode bogs down to 6~9 FPS though; 15~20FPS for 2P fights.

Try checking your ROM dumps - I'm using [GoodGEN] Yuu Yuu Hakusho - Makyou Toitsusen (J). The bugfixed Lightning Force ROM (Thunder Force IV (J) [f1]) doesn't seem to work, though...

Air Buster (Aero Blasters on the PCE) is the next best thing, though, and that works fine. And all of Sega's bi-linear parallax scrolling-heavy games (Outrun, Super Hang-On, After Burner, etc.) run nigh-perfect.
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I cant test it right now as I have my GP at home. But it came to my attention that lots of appz simply reboots after startup/loading roms on the new BLU+. Maybe that's the reason for bast's problem.

We need more evidence of these faults ... so maybe checking the SAME roms that work on old BLUs but dont work on BLU+ 'd bring us somewhere ...
- Elemental Master works great (little bug in scorebar... nothing important. Better without sound!)
- Mazing Saga/ Mazing Wars now works! (60 frames on 166 whitout sound! Nice!)

I think these don't work in old Dr.MD.
I'm very impressed with this new release, it's totally professional looking with lots of good features.

However, the rom list seems to be limited to 128 roms, probably not a problem for most, but I've got about 150 on my SMC :(

I love the way you can choose between PSG and FM sound and remapping buttons. Thanks very much for this version

My nglish really sux (sorry)

This emu looks great :P but... there is not FULLSCREEN with this version ?

I see the games too small :blink: [like Worms]

Thnx for this new release :)
frolik posted on Dec 15 2004 at 09:25 AM said:
I'm very impressed with this new release, it's totally professional looking with lots of good features.

However, the rom list seems to be limited to 128 roms, probably not a problem for most, but I've got about 150 on my SMC :(

I love the way you can choose between PSG and FM sound and remapping buttons. Thanks very much for this version


Ahh yes 128 roms... I'm using Mr Mirkos SDK now and his DIR stucture is currently maxed at 128. I'll modify this in the next release, the reason why I left it at 128 is because I didn't know how much free memory I had to store it.

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BeaR posted on Dec 15 2004 at 09:34 AM said:
My nglish really sux (sorry)

This emu looks great :P but... there is not FULLSCREEN with this version ?

I see the games too small :blink: [like Worms]

Thnx for this new release :)

Yes thats the MD's 256 screen width mode. I'll add another rendering function at some point to stretch this to full screen.
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Great release, simply amazing.

This was just what the scene needed.

Better compatibility
Non working brightness?

MSG for whoever has the small screen prblem:
select 8 bit mode
Jarska333 posted on Dec 15 2004 at 09:46 AM said:
As far as I'm concerned, only thing missing is "SEEEEGAAAA!" :P

LOL I second that!!

Damn I only WISH I'd seen this update when I was flashing my SMC right before I went to work... I really feel like I'm missin out here!!
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Jarska333 posted on Dec 15 2004 at 09:46 AM said:
As far as I'm concerned, only thing missing is "SEEEEGAAAA!" :P

Yes I have played around with DAC support, Currently its too slow. But I think this is the way I implemented it. To get it working right will involve re-writing the sound rendering engine, because the current system does not allow for adhoc rendering of sound during the frame. This is required in order to get the DAC working perfectly. ( I think :) )
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About the not-fullscreen issue... is this a change from the last release of DrMD?

I noticed that some games do not play in full screen, rather, they are nearly a perfect square with the sides cropped, while as some games play full screen, 4:3 style.

Is this what he's talking about? Or the new version of DrMD plays the games ALL smaller?

Does switching to 8 bit mode really solve the problem? at what cost?
nice work with suport of BLU+, thanks! finally GOOD reason for not to return my new pet back to liksang... :-)

short compatibility test
works fine:
Phantasy Star 2-4
Golden Axe 2
Ghouls'N Ghosts
Yu Yu Hakusho
Psycho Pinball

reboots after selection save slot (ingame)

just black screen after rom load (no Sega logo):

reboots GP32 immediately after rom load:
Shining Force 2
Lighting Force

anyway there is still that one bad line at bottom of the screen, but this time it's not top pixer row, just some strange data - good to see in Flashback for example