List Of Apps/games/'brew Impacted By New Blu Lcd

Yeah all versions of GPScumm work fine on the Blu +.

There is a minor issue, the menu/startup screen when you first boot up V.5 does look a little weird/glitchy, but it doesn't hinder the port at all.
I tried DG on my blu+ and it works fine. Just the one offset scanline.
I also have no trubble with elf logic
The Gpadv blu fix seems to have solved the problem
I had problems with the scumpak in this site and the one that was on the gpax disc (very glitchy sound.).
I found a bundled scumpak at the spain site that works great (I can't tell what the differance is but it works with no sound problems on my blu+.

IMAPPY has a random restart when loading maps. I realy could use a working version of this.
Gposx06F also has the wite line. Also a very cool launcher. Would be great if the white line problem can be fixed. Also I can't seem to configure it at all. I have the config directions they just dont seem to work on my blu+

I realy hope there will be a fix for IMAPPY and GPosx.
I didn't see anyone else list these apps.

This blu+ thing really bittes but I have been able to find plenty of nonaffected or fixed games and apps to keep me happy.
firefly1201 posted on Dec 30 2004 at 09:59 PM said:
I didn't have any prblems with my Dungeon and Guarder on my BLU+, but then again, I was only playing for 10 mins so I didn't really play for long enough to notice much.

:EDIT: Going to play it now :EDIT:
All official games work (I think).
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firefly1201 posted on Dec 30 2004 at 09:59 PM said:
I didn't have any prblems with my Dungeon and Guarder on my BLU+, but then again, I was only playing for 10 mins so I didn't really play for long enough to notice much.

:EDIT: Going to play it now :EDIT:
All official games work (I think).

Does GigaDrive work?
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GPSpout has the white line problem, it's still playable, but a fixed version would be nice.

I don't think noiz2sa works either, it just reset my GP32 (BLU+), could someone test it out?

hello all,

As no one mentionned it, does gpengine is affected by the blu+ ?

thanks in advance
skeezix posted on Dec 28 2004 at 01:11 AM said:
yeah, GP really screwed up with this one.. I worry that it will really hurt things. I know I'm not going to recommend anyone buys one until the commercial games get fixed (not that many people buy them, but I've got 5 or 6 myself..) -- its just not acceptible that the commercial games are broken at all. (Well, its not acceptibl homebrew is broken either, but perhaps we can work around it :/)


Hi all, I'm noob..

.... I nearly bought from GBAX but hesitated cos I was bugged by some ambiguous BLU+ issue posted around the net, and couldn't find some decent answers until I found this forum. And yet, I still fail to understand some of the posts...

I hope someone can advise whether I can buy a GP32 BLU+ from GBAX if I am mainly interested in playing SNES, NES, Genesis and PCEngine emulators? I am not concerned with the commercial games, and the video player or mp3s as well.

I read about the problem of the inverted top and last scanline and its fine with me. Slowed FPS is also fine as long as it is playable. But I do not understand some of the previous posts eg. Opensnes9x (or something like that) - FAIL.

What constitutes the FAIL? Is because of the scanline problem or that the emulator just don't run at all/crashes?

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I don`t own a Blu+ but an original Blu, So i have no personal experience of the Blu+ issues. You could have a look at this thread as it is more up to date that the Blu+ faq on this site, Until someone here who own`s a Blu+ can enlighten you more than i can.

Anyway, Welcome and hope you are not put off from purchasing a GP32 because of the Blu+ issue`s, Which, afaik most of them have beem sorted out now.

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Shrapnel posted on Mar 25 2005 at 05:33 AM said:
skeezix posted on Dec 28 2004 at 01:11 AM said:
yeah, GP really screwed up with this one.. I worry that it will really hurt things. I know I'm not going to recommend anyone buys one until the commercial games get fixed (not that many people buy them, but I've got 5 or 6 myself..) -- its just not acceptible that the commercial games are broken at all. (Well, its not acceptibl homebrew is broken either, but perhaps we can work around it :/)


Hi all, I'm noob..

.... I nearly bought from GBAX but hesitated cos I was bugged by some ambiguous BLU+ issue posted around the net, and couldn't find some decent answers until I found this forum. And yet, I still fail to understand some of the posts...

I hope someone can advise whether I can buy a GP32 BLU+ from GBAX if I am mainly interested in playing SNES, NES, Genesis and PCEngine emulators? I am not concerned with the commercial games, and the video player or mp3s as well.

I read about the problem of the inverted top and last scanline and its fine with me. Slowed FPS is also fine as long as it is playable. But I do not understand some of the previous posts eg. Opensnes9x (or something like that) - FAIL.

What constitutes the FAIL? Is because of the scanline problem or that the emulator just don't run at all/crashes?


There is a white bar on the top of the screen. It runs though. It isn't really a good emulator anyway as it runs slow with sound on. I guess it runs well without sound but I don't like playing silent, maybe you don't care. The Genesis is unaffected and runs perfect on a BLU or BLU+ so no issue there. Genesis also runs much better than SNES as it is full speed with sound.
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Thanks for the thread link and advise!

I am running vsun (snes emulator) and picodrive (genesis emulator) on my ngage qd, which i find irritating cos of the small screen.

vsun runs quite slow while picodrive's decent, but resolution's a problem.

Thus I thought gp32 would be the answer. At least I believe GP32 would run snes faster than vsun on the ngage qd :)

Furthermore I am a pc engine fan!

About the thick white line (covers 1/3 of the screen from the top), you are referring to Opensnes9x? Truely, if it covers 1/3, sure theres no way of playing even if its running! That would mean I can only use snes9xgp..

Anyway, I will be likely to buy a GP32 with my April bonus :) I just have to pray hard I don't have a situation like what Jaz mention in his earlier post :P
Shrapnel posted on Mar 25 2005 at 07:41 AM said:
Thanks for the thread link and advise!

I am running vsun (snes emulator) and picodrive (genesis emulator) on my ngage qd, which i find irritating cos of the small screen.

vsun runs quite slow while picodrive's decent, but resolution's a problem.

Thus I thought gp32 would be the answer. At least I believe GP32 would run snes faster than vsun on the ngage qd :)

Furthermore I am a pc engine fan!

About the thick white line (covers 1/3 of the screen from the top), you are referring to Opensnes9x? Truely, if it covers 1/3, sure theres no way of playing even if its running! That would mean I can only use snes9xgp..

Anyway, I will be likely to buy a GP32 with my April bonus :) I just have to pray hard I don't have a situation like what Jaz mention in his earlier post :P

The GP32 is the ideal resolution for most emulated games. Too low and you lose graphics as the screen is cropped, too high and you either end up with a tiny window or you scale it up resulting in distortion, the GP32 is just about right. It is very close to the resolution of most consoles, just a bit higher.

Supposedly the guy that did OSNES9X will be fixing the bars on the BLU+ eventually. The SNES emu is fast on the GP32 if you run it without sound. I assume Vsun didn't have sound either.

PC-Engine runs great, it even ran some ROMs that my PC didn't.

Genesis is almost perfect with sound.

Here are some emu exambles running on a GP32 BLU:

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Cool DaveC,

It`s about time we had some great looking pictures of the GP proper displaying it ware`s (no pun intended), Rather than screen shot of then being shown though geepee32. It should give interested people a better idea of what thing look like.

Btw: Anyone with a Blu+ willing to do something similar to what dave has just done, Perhaps with a couple of shots of the display issues that still affect current programs that there isn`t an alternative for.

I haven't had my GP32 BLU+ long but the only problems that I have run into so far is the white bar in OpenSNES 0.2. All other emulator's that I have tested to date, seem to be ok (apart from the scanline issue, which as mentioned, isn't noticable). Emulator's that have worked for me are as follows:-

1. CaSTaway 16.1 (Atari ST)
2. DrMD 2.0 (Mega Drive)
3. fMSX32 (MSX)
4. fSMS32 (Sega Master System and Gamegear)
5. fZX32 (ZX Spectrum)
6. GPEngine 0.4 (PC Engine)
7. LJGP32 0.4 (Nintendo Entertainment System)
8. Mame GP32 (Arcade)
9. Phandy 0.3f (Atari Lynx)

Anyone thinking of getting a GP32 BLU+, go ahead, you won't be disappointed. I was curious at first but having used one now, I certainly don't regret my purchase.

:D (A very happy GP32 166 MHz BLU+ user)
trooper, I'll post a screenshot of the OpenSNES issue (white bar) once I find my camera. I can also do screenshots of the scanline issue (per emulator) if anyone is interested, however I don't think it will be noticable within the picture.
