Still Fresh
Works fine DJWillis, but is there a way to speed up the cursor? Takes ages...
All official games work (I think).firefly1201 posted on Dec 30 2004 at 09:59 PM said:I didn't have any prblems with my Dungeon and Guarder on my BLU+, but then again, I was only playing for 10 mins so I didn't really play for long enough to notice much.
:EDIT: Going to play it now :EDIT:
All official games work (I think).firefly1201 posted on Dec 30 2004 at 09:59 PM said:I didn't have any prblems with my Dungeon and Guarder on my BLU+, but then again, I was only playing for 10 mins so I didn't really play for long enough to notice much.
:EDIT: Going to play it now :EDIT:
MaCrOsS posted on Dec 31 2004 at 08:26 PM said:The last GPcinema 2.0 doesn´t work
Works fine DJWillis, but is there a way to speed up the cursor? Takes ages...
skeezix posted on Dec 28 2004 at 01:11 AM said:yeah, GP really screwed up with this one.. I worry that it will really hurt things. I know I'm not going to recommend anyone buys one until the commercial games get fixed (not that many people buy them, but I've got 5 or 6 myself..) -- its just not acceptible that the commercial games are broken at all. (Well, its not acceptibl homebrew is broken either, but perhaps we can work around it :/)
Shrapnel posted on Mar 25 2005 at 05:33 AM said:skeezix posted on Dec 28 2004 at 01:11 AM said:yeah, GP really screwed up with this one.. I worry that it will really hurt things. I know I'm not going to recommend anyone buys one until the commercial games get fixed (not that many people buy them, but I've got 5 or 6 myself..) -- its just not acceptible that the commercial games are broken at all. (Well, its not acceptibl homebrew is broken either, but perhaps we can work around it :/)
Hi all, I'm noob..
.... I nearly bought from GBAX but hesitated cos I was bugged by some ambiguous BLU+ issue posted around the net, and couldn't find some decent answers until I found this forum. And yet, I still fail to understand some of the posts...
I hope someone can advise whether I can buy a GP32 BLU+ from GBAX if I am mainly interested in playing SNES, NES, Genesis and PCEngine emulators? I am not concerned with the commercial games, and the video player or mp3s as well.
I read about the problem of the inverted top and last scanline and its fine with me. Slowed FPS is also fine as long as it is playable. But I do not understand some of the previous posts eg. Opensnes9x (or something like that) - FAIL.
What constitutes the FAIL? Is because of the scanline problem or that the emulator just don't run at all/crashes?
Shrapnel posted on Mar 25 2005 at 07:41 AM said:Thanks for the thread link and advise!
I am running vsun (snes emulator) and picodrive (genesis emulator) on my ngage qd, which i find irritating cos of the small screen.
vsun runs quite slow while picodrive's decent, but resolution's a problem.
Thus I thought gp32 would be the answer. At least I believe GP32 would run snes faster than vsun on the ngage qd
Furthermore I am a pc engine fan!
About the thick white line (covers 1/3 of the screen from the top), you are referring to Opensnes9x? Truely, if it covers 1/3, sure theres no way of playing even if its running! That would mean I can only use snes9xgp..
Anyway, I will be likely to buy a GP32 with my April bonusI just have to pray hard I don't have a situation like what Jaz mention in his earlier post