Im Not A Troll

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Yesterday people were saying I was a troll..... Bottom line is im not. Just wanted some info.......... And for those who say USE THE SEARCH FUNCTION........ Its funner to post, btw isnt that what msg boards were made for? And I just wanted to bring up another discussion. Do u guys think that the zodiac can emulate psx?
Do u guys think that the zodiac can emulate psx?

I think the best place to ask this is on a Zodiac forum because I know very little about the intricacies of the console.

And I don't know what occurred between you and other people in this forum, but it's probably best to let it rest and move on.
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A discussion forum is for the discussion of issues, the dissemination of knowledge and the colection of the two into a unifying third.

This third is what the search function was designed for, so you can find the discussions packed with information and gain some knowledge from them. If you had you could have adovided being called a troll and learned this site is probably the last place to ask about a portable system other than the GP32 emmulating another system that's easily more powerful than it.

It's all quite simple logic really.
The search function never worked out for me. I'd find things completely astray of what I was searching for. I found it easier and less time consuming to just start a new thread, get flamed, then get an honest response from a decent member of the forum.
Yesterday people were saying I was a troll..... Bottom line is im not. Just wanted some info.......... And for those who say USE THE SEARCH FUNCTION........ Its funner to post, btw isnt that what msg boards were made for? And I just wanted to bring up another discussion. Do u guys think that the zodiac can emulate psx?

Oh yes, the Zodiac certainly can emulate the PSX. It can also emulate the PS2, Gamecube and Xbox. Go buy one and you will be playing Halo2 on the go. Soon there will be a DS and PSP emulator for it too. The Zodiac uses hyperbolic hyperthreading transputer blast processing CPU technology that can emulate everything, including systems that arent even out yet like the Xbox2. I think you should go buy a few and then go post on the Zodiac boards asking about ROMz and Warez.
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I agree with DaveC however he forgot to mention that there is a system called the gameking that will do everything he mentioned plus run the zodiac os... pretty amazing stuff really... you should ask them about it over on the zodiac boards... remember....gameking
A discussion forum is for the discussion of issues, the dissemination of knowledge and the colection of the two into a unifying third.

that's my new sig ;)

I found it easier and less time consuming to just start a new thread, get flamed, then get an honest response from a decent member of the forum.

totally agree :).

The Zodiac uses hyperbolic hyperthreading transputer blast processing CPU technology that can emulate everything, including systems that arent even out yet like the Xbox2.

oh. ahaha.

I agree with DaveC however he forgot to mention that there is a system called the gameking that will do everything he mentioned plus run the zodiac os... pretty amazing stuff really... you should ask them about it over on the zodiac boards... remember....gameking

oh. ahaha! oh shit! i've laughed so much my intestines are squirting through my ribcage! :blink:

long may the gp32 community continue... :)
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The search function never worked out for me. I'd find things completely astray of what I was searching for. I found it easier and less time consuming to just start a new thread, get flamed, then get an honest response from a decent member of the forum.

TO get better search results I do this -

Press the search button
Then Press the More Options Button

Then it searches much better I thikn
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he wasn't trolling though, he started ONE thread, the question asked was a VIABLE GP32 question, he was asking about the status of the PS1 emu in the works and it has been some while since an update. Its not like he started 5 different threads saying how wonderful the GBA is to the GP32. And what if he did search, he's going to find 3 threads that are all old and nobody reads anymore. I do this myself, start a new thread instead of bringing an old one back to the front because quite honestly, if i have a question about an old thread and i post it in an old thread, it will not get answered.
1. Goto Google.

2. Click Advanced search

3. type "" in the domain box and let google do the searching for you. This works on 3 letter searches too. ie GBA, NES, GTA etc.
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he wasn't trolling though, he started ONE thread, the question asked was a VIABLE GP32 question, he was asking about the status of the PS1 emu in the works and it has been some while since an update. Its not like he started 5 different threads saying how wonderful the GBA is to the GP32. And what if he did search, he's going to find 3 threads that are all old and nobody reads anymore. I do this myself, start a new thread instead of bringing an old one back to the front because quite honestly, if i have a question about an old thread and i post it in an old thread, it will not get answered.

No, he asked a valid ZODIAC question. Is this a Zodiac board? No. He is a troll, full stop.
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did you even read the topic? he said he wasn't a troll for the question he asked previously, not this question. The previous question he asked was GP32 related.

And here is a link to the post he is talking about. ps1 emu thread

yes this topic was zodiac related and should've been in other consoles, that doesn't make him a troll putting it in the wrong forum, but he was not trolling yesterday when he made the topic above, so before you post stupid shit, understand what your reading first.
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Guys what ever happend to that hot news story about 2 weeks ago about a possible ps1 emulator? Is it even possible, because if its not possible to emulate GayboyAdvanced then how can it be possible to emulate Ps1? Someone please explain.

Me thinks the problems lies there.
I just think this topic needs to die off. nobody will ever know for sure if he was trolling or not, I personally don't feel he was and I will defend him on that. I remember almost 2 years ago when I was a noob and posted on this board with my other name and never had any kind of problems or anything. What it comes down to is if someone writes a post and you don't like it, DON"T READ OR IT REPLY. its that simple. Let the people that are kind enough to answer the question answer it and leave the people like Trooper that just give a quick fuck off as an answer. There will always be noobs, there will always be post that people don't search, this will never go away so just live with it. There is no need to be rude to people when they are just asking a question, even if its a question that has been asked before.

EDIT: this is an invitation to noobs, if you have a question and are afraid of getting flamed or anything, post it on my forum, i check it often and I'm pretty much the only person that uses it so I can answer your questions, without flaming or rude comments, to the best of my ability and post the reply in my forums. You can reach my forum by going to my site.
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