Just a quick status report video

Yes but “seize” can also be combined with the preposition “up” to produce “seize up” : https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/seize-up

I was just poking a little fun at @levi who seemed to get my Tin Man reference :p

May I interject a moment to point you gentle people to the following thread, which was originally created in honour of my own ignorance of the English language, and continues as a source of relevation and pedantric importance:

So you may cease your discussion here, and we may seize the original topic back for more pertinent discussions. For now, at least... :p
May I interject a moment to point you gentle people to the following thread, which was originally created in honour of my own ignorance of the English language, and continues as a source of relevation and pedantric importance:

So you may cease your discussion here, and we may seize the original topic back for more pertinent discussions. For now, at least... :p
Touché I’d forgotten about that thread! \o/ My apologies...
My english is also more a "Guess whats the right Therms, and mix them whit other hopefully right Therms and hope it works"..
My English is having dict.leo.org and en.wiktionary.org among my pinned browser tabs and over time needing to switch to them less ans less often. The tools are there. ;)
FYI, the word is 'ceases', as in stopping doing something. 'Siezes' is a similar sounding word, just a difference of a z sound versus an s sound when spoken, but the meaning of that sentence evades me at present.
Thanks I've changed it, English is not my native tongue. So sometimes I might make weird mistakes.
Why tomorrow ? Apparently they have to sell all Pyras in Europe before 2 years anyway, or modify the design to add or change the charging port to USB-C or wireless. So plenty of time in 2 Months...
I didn't mean to suggest to wait any longer. Just warned that if we wait too much then the current design might not be sellable in the EU anymore. My "why tomorrow?" was just a question. There seems to be a source of that information that I'm missing. I didn't ask just to suggest tomorrow wouldn't be great. Buid them all tomorrow, if not yesterday, by all means, if at all possible.
I don’t think this USB C Charge thing counts for small Linux Computers, or device which are allready developt and on Market..
I think the stock of smartphones can still get selled ,

Although it’s a bit strange that they got the new rule out In these times:
The old cellphones had dedicated charging ports, and a lot different,
A Smartphone is Micro USB, USB C or Apple Lightning, and the Wallplug is one standard anyway: USB A … I would say they where just to slow making the Law and when they begun, they had the Cellphone Chargers in mind, not the Smartphone Charging Cable
I don't believe this applies to the Pyra in the first place (portable computers or laptops are not listed for example), but it's also worth noting this part of the proposal

Any requirements to be introduced by the proposal will not apply to any radio devices placed
on the Union market before that date of applicability of the present Directive.

probably excludes the Pyra as it's technically already on the market.