Drmd - Genesis Emulator

  • Thread starter Thread starter Reesy
  • Start date Start date

Reesy, can you write your program so that the light doesn't turn off when you hit select. I heard someone talking like that a while ago.
Reesy posted on Oct 25 2004 at 11:12 AM said:
Bummer,  is that how the GP32 blu's light is switched on and off i.e. holding down the select button.  I'll probably just add a menu option to allow a few set combinations, rather than having totally customized controls.

Have you checked the menu options actually in the games.  A lot of genesis games allow you to choose different control settings.

Anyway I currently working on the menu, its going to be vary basic ( cause I hate doing menu's ).  But it will allow you to switch sound on and off, switch between 8bit rendering mode and 16bit rendering mode ( yep 16bit mode has been added now ).  Hopefully later it will also allow you to save/load savestates.




I have noticed on this version that the gamma is set too high. The areas that should be black are instead gray. Compare "black" areas on the game screen which are really grey with the true black bars on the top and bottom. This makes the games look a bit washed out (especially space games) and have less contrast. Is it possible that this could be fixed in another version? This is very noticeable on the BLU.

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to be honest FPS is the most important thing to me. ( lucky for you people with slow ass 133 gp32's :) ). I've just this second finished optimising the f%$k out of my layer rendering code, so now DrMD runs very nicely at 133 with the sound on. I'm gonna pick on the sprite rendering code next, I'm sure I can pick up a few more FPS there.

The menu's now in. You can now switch the sound on or off, change clock speed and change rendering mode ( 8bit or 16bit ).

Still to do
Zip support
Save States
Gamma control.


Reesy posted on Oct 26 2004 at 07:37 PM said:
to be honest FPS is the most important thing to me. ( lucky for you people with slow ass 133 gp32's :) ).

I really like the way you work dude.

Thinking of the little guy with his 133Mhz GP32.

I'm not a fan of overclocking myself......being the owner of a slow ass 3 toed GP32
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look posted on Oct 26 2004 at 07:55 PM said:
Reesy posted on Oct 26 2004 at 07:37 PM said:
to be honest FPS is the most important thing to me. ( lucky for you people with slow ass 133 gp32's :) ).

I really like the way you work dude.

Thinking of the little guy with his 133Mhz GP32.

I'm not a fan of overclocking myself......being the owner of a slow ass 3 toed GP32

This is great even for those that have 166 capable GP32s as it saves alot of battery life.

Lean and mean is always better. Thanks for this Reesy :)

Reesy, I thought you had, or were getting a BLU version GP32? No?
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WOW THANKS REESY !! unbeliveble

you are really a great guy to do something like this for us !!

cant wait to play it with my 166mhzgpblu

Do you know if SHINING FORCE 1 or 2 are working with the emulator ???
I can't wait to play it on my 256MHz GP32. But preferably at 133 :)

This emu is looking to turn into an agile catlike creature.

If fGen is the Giant Panda of emulators (darn cool, tons of features, and generally a monster of a machine), this will become the leopard (sleek and agile - not as many features, but fast as feck).

Looking forward to any developments, as always :)
Reesy posted on Oct 26 2004 at 07:37 PM said:
to be honest FPS is the most important thing to me. ( lucky for you people with slow ass 133 gp32's :) ). I've just this second finished optimising the f%$k out of my layer rendering code, so now DrMD runs very nicely at 133 with the sound on. I'm gonna pick on the sprite rendering code next, I'm sure I can pick up a few more FPS there.

The menu's now in. You can now switch the sound on or off, change clock speed and change rendering mode ( 8bit or 16bit ).

Still to do
Zip support
Save States
Gamma control.



Yes of course FPS is most important just didn't think you could squeeze more frames out of it! :P
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Damn you're awesome, Reesy!

I didn't think MD emulation would get much better on the GP32 (because it was pretty darn great to begin with thanks to rlyeh!), but you're really raising the bar... amazing.
kotd posted on Oct 21 2004 at 07:26 AM said:
Need to get a 166mhz gp32 than :P too bad it does such a performance hit :(
By some reason the 166Mhz version runs more skippy than the 156Mhz version :(. I haven't got any clue of why, though (maybe I'm doing something wrong.. :huh: ).
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im surprised that reesy didnt participate to 16days competition. with his emu i think that he would have a chance to win a Ds

are you surprised too guys ??
im not surprised. seeing as technically it would have to entered as a group project, because some of the things used in the emu are not originally made by reesy. the fm sound core he is planning to use is rob browns, he didnt write cyclone, etc. So even if he'd entered it and won hed have to break the ds in half and split it... :lol:
onionfrog posted on Oct 30 2004 at 05:28 AM said:
So even if he'd entered it and won hed have to break the ds in half and split it... :lol:

That's the reason the DS has two screens, right?
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I'll have to speak to rob first and see if he minds having his sound core publicly released. If he's alright with it I'll release the source, otherwise I'll have to mod the source and remove the rob's fm emulator code. But I will definately be releasing the source.

I don't know how much luck you'll have compiling it for the PocketPC as the rendering code is very specific to the way the GP32 frame buffer is organised.