World News Thread (Politics,whatever)

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IBLE: Here is more evidence:

How is it possible that Trump draws 40 000 person audiences to rallies while Biden can barely get 50 and yet, all of these magic votes just coming in at the nick of time come in at EXACTLY THE RIGHT AMOUNTS to swing the vote? Who finds 140 000 votes? How does that go missing or uncounted?

This just keeps on piling up. Something is not right here.

Woops, edit again: Not a personal challenge Ible, just sharing a link and having a conversation with a colleague I hope.
Maybe later I can ask you a bit more about why you think that about Trump. I would like to learn more about your frame of reference. I really find hate of Trump fascinating, particularly as I had the exact same response to George Bush jr. years back.
You missed out on his morony? To catch up watch some late night shows. They have a hard time covering it all and make jokes about it.
GB jr. ain't very bright, BUT he knows to take advise. Orange Boy thinks he's the smartest. When someone tries to correct Trump's facts, that's considered a personal attack - typical narcissist. An highly intelligent narcissist may do really good things just to put their name on it. A stupid one though is a desaster to happen.
How is it possible that Trump draws 40 000 person audiences to rallies while Biden can barely get 50 and yet, all of these magic votes just coming in at the nick of time come in at EXACTLY THE RIGHT AMOUNTS to swing the vote? Who finds 140 000 votes? How does that go missing or uncounted?

This just keeps on piling up. Something is not right here.
Watch Fox News only for some laughs, get your information somewhere else. Democratic voters tend to be more mindful about the pandamic and thus make up the majority of mail-in voters. And as I understand it. The states first counted the direct votes, then go on with the mail. And if the report them batch-wise, you get jumps. Sorry, if I took the magic away.
I appreciate you sharing that!

Let me share with you a few frames I have existed in and which frames I am in now, I will try to keep it short:

1) I used to be a communist sympathiser not even that long ago.

2) I lived under communists in the eastern bloc as a kid. I remember what they did to my family. Many dead and dissapeared.

3) I grew up in Canada and absorbed the values of my context here which is basically weak, female, naiive and communist sympathy oriented via ignorance of history and science.

I thought it was a value system of righteousness and the highest value. In retrospect, it is a value system of weakness and ignorance (not that my current position is much better, I admit).

4) I have had the opportunity to not only work at highly technical levels, I have worked at C levels in companies up to 1000 employees (so on the small size) and had my own companies up to a max of 20 employees. I have also done sales and other persuasion and leadership.

Basically I have seen leadership at middle and c levels. The lesson about leadership that you learn is this:

a) When people say they want a LEADER, what they are saying is they DON'T want a leader they want a middle manager that will tell them what to do and organize their schedule. Basically people mostly want to deal with are McDonalds store managers.

Middle managers are not leaders. They are executive secretaries, the create, implement and apply policy. They DO NOT lead anyone anywhere new because they don't have the skills to do that.

b) LEADERS (think Alexander III of Macedon) do not do middle management, they get people to do that. LEADERS take their people to a new place, usually where the people don't want to go.

5) I tell the above to tell you the following:

a) I WOULD DIE FOR TRUMP. I am not kidding one bit. If somehow there was a coup in Canada and we balkanized, I would ally my self with Trump, his faction, pick up a gun and shoot. People that hate Trump simply do not understand how loyal we are to him. If the fight was that real, I would have no problem laying my life down for someone of his caliber.

It looks like Biden will win so there is great dissapointment on our side, but we will not be rioting, looting or burning. Obviously.

b) The reason for the loyalty has many many many dimensions. The list is too long. First, he takes no money for his service. Second, he correctly identified the core problems in USA (Canada and the rest of the world has the same problem) which is something along the lines of no more immigration, stop our high technology and industries from moving out, create a super competitive marketplace locally, show people that anything is possible, and on and on and on.

When he started his run in 2016 I thought he had all of the gifts of a top performing sales person and very shortly after it was clear he was a top line leader. Then, when they kept on hitting him, he never gave up and he kept on fighting and fighting and fighting, it was clear he was no ordinary leader. He had leadership qualities of the great leaders you are taught about in places like business shools and military academies.

You knew hew doesn't drink either? Man, that is just icing on the Trump cake as far as I am concerned.

Today, he is the only leader to walk into North Korea unplanned and unnanounced, he has stuck half a dozen peace accords between Israel and their sworn enemies, he has started and re-established the correct negotiating position with with China, started to re-establish American sovereignty by building the wall, renegotiated UNILATERALY the trade accord between usa, canada and mexico (he just did it when everyone told him he couldn't), he pulled out of the tragic Paris accords, and on and on.

Basically, we in the west have been electing McDonalds managers to lead our countries and negotiate, and in Canadas case we elected a drama teacher.

What Trump has shown us is what true leadership looks like. It looks exactly like him, what he does, how he does it.

We have not seen this kind of thing since General Patton. Maybe even since Napoleon Bonaparte, who was a brilliant field tactician and leader.

6) Obviously, our side wants Trump in the leadership role. We need to complete the wall, complete the China negotiations and begin the re-alignment of the west from weak positions led by women and feminized men into strength and a fully offensive position economically, financially and militarily.

This may not come to pass and we are going to have to regroup of course.

But, that is the context of my loyalty to him. You mention a couple of intersting points:

TRUMP INSULTS - I will only gently point you to him only attacking people that are in the game. He has never insulted normal people, he only insults those in the game and the high and mighty. And rightfully so, he is a prize fighter.

TRUMP DOESN'T LISTEN TO EXPERTS - If you know anything about leaders, no leader listens to experts. They take their advice, they take in information from everyone they think is of value and they move the scrimmage line forward. Leaders are NOT WOMEN. Women look for emotional validation and want to make everyone happy and safe. A leader takes measure decisions to move the play forward and make a difference. The skills required of a leader are almost diametrically opposed to those of a McDonnalds middle manager, so much so that most people have never seen true leadership.

We don't want Trump to take orders from Fauci, CDC or anyone else, especially since they are politically compromised and unable to provide independent guidance. He has a great gut instinct and has done as good of a job as any leader on the planet. For example, for all of the yacking on about Europes socialized medicine, they did totally shit and managed to do no better than anyone else on this planet, thereby negating any argument for the efficacy of socialized medicine at the same time.

FOX NEWS - It is okay to not know that FOX is actually a left wing rag. No one on the right actually watches them beyond squinting to see what. There is no real right wing news, but we are buildng that.

Just wait until you see REAL RIGHT WING NEWS.


You won't be very comfy watching what we have planned.

I respect your opinion, I wanted to share with you my perspective. There are some extremely right wing people walking next to you, we are everywhere.

Oh, as a side point, please feel free to insult me and say whatever you want. I may respond back, but, just remember I have no expectation that you will see me as anything BUT evil. That perspective is perfectly fine. I am just happy you shared your perspective with me!

If you want to expand on where Trump did wrong, bad decisions, his various flaws, I would be up for reading that from you or anyone.

Thanks dude.
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Buff. I find it these conspiracies very poor methodologically.

I mean, I'm someone skeptical in general about distance voting, and I could even doubt a little (only a little) about elections during more than one day. I'm all for things happening in one place and in a few hours so that all sorts of people can look at the whole process and be confident it worked well and fair.

But this is nonsense. Trump didn't change the laws regulating the election (he couldn't). If you don't like the system you have to change it before the election begins, not midway when you don't like the results.

Even if Trump was right about fraud risks, people voted by mail because (of the pandemic and) they were told that was legal. You can't tell people before the fact they have that option and once they've used it tell them it wasn't fair so their votes don't count.
Even if it wasn't really fair or safe or anything. It's even more unfair to run an election without rules, or with rules changed in the middle of it.
Good or bad you have to keep the same system in place throughout at least one election.
And if you pretend people is choosing their president, then the people must understand how the choosing works, even if it works badly, it must be understandable.
Anything else it's a crazy coup d'etat.
If Trump wants to put up a hundred lawsuits, to check the system was carried out according to the current law, that's his right.
But telling people to stop counting some votes after the election just because he feels like it can change the rules in the middle of the game, it's just authoritarism.
Just imagine Biden said he doesn't like the ellectoral college and wants to be president immediately because he's got more popular vote.
Everybody would say "fine: then you convince legislators in all chambers, win your referendums, and change the rules for the *next* election. This one is run with the current laws."

He was telling everyone not to use mail-in ballots and then he's surprised that mail-in votes are for Biden ? Or is he surprised that they take longer to count ?
He gathered thousands in rallies because he denied the severity of COVID-19 and then he won't believe Biden have voters just because they went to the polls instead of going to rallies ?

I mean, come on, even without having to agree on facts (severity of COVID-19, fairness of mail voting, etc.) you have to be consistent.
Trump is whinning like the worst loser even before he lost.
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He gathered thousands in rallies because he denied the severity of COVID-19 and then he won't believe Biden have voters just because they went to the polls instead of going to rallies ?

That is fair.

Let me share a little bit of info about the Chinese flu ... did you know the Chinese Flu is actually nothing at all though? Here let me explain.

1) Trump has managed to bring in between 10 000 people to 50 000 people to an average rally. MOST OF THOSE PEOPLE DID NOT WEAR MASKS. In the last week he did between 2 and 5 RALLIES PER DAY! PER MOTHER FUCKING DAY! Did I mention this is a 70 year old doing 5 RALLIES PER DAY? Ever do one speech in a day? Two? No? How about 5 where you not only read, but ad lib, do a bit of standup tell jokes and entertaing a crowd?

Bloody hell ... but I digress ... :)

Did you know there was not a single spike in the Chines Flu? Not a single spike.

2) I cannot remember which state, I think it was Tennessee (brain is mush, I have been obsessed with the election) completely opened up a bunch of months ago.

Everyone said, there would be a spike and everyone would die.

No spike. State is still open. Life goes on.

3) I know you think the above is bullshit, so let me add a pesonal anecdote. All dozen or so of my eastern european cousins and their spouses have had the Chinese Flu. The last one just got better last week. A huge percentage of the entire village has had the Chinese Flu, including some really old people and a lot of people approaching retirement.


a) No in the family and rest of the village died. Not a single person was hospitalized. We do know people outside of the village and in the city that died, but the numbers are really low on the personal count. I have to be honest and let you know that I do not know how many have died in the region so I don't know if they are better or worse per capita.

b) BUT, here is the important part. Every single one of my cousins complained about the China Flu as if it was the worst thing they ever experienced. I asked them what it was like and they said:

* No headaches

* They felt like they have no energy, like their body wanted to die

* They had some difficulty breating

* They had really high temperatures

* The biggest difference was that once they got better after two weeks, their bodies still hurt for about a week afterwards.

And then they were fine.

You know what? I have had something like this twice before I was 12 years of age (really serious, really bad, lasted weeks, hosptialization ... well hospitalization in communist hospitals for whatever that is worth) and I got over it. It hurt.

I had something way worse than this about 13 years ago or so. I was so ill the first 3 or 4 days I could not drive my self to the emergency room or even get out of bed. I got better in about two weeks but my body hurt for another 4 weeks at least. I was at work within about 3 weeks if I remember correctly but my body hurt like hell for about 3 weeks after (approximately).

So, fair enough about the other stuff, but my experience with the Chinese Flu has been basically a joke. I just laughed at my cousins when they told me what this was. I was worried in January because I still think this is an escaped virus from a Chinese military virology lab,however, this really isn't anything at all.

Just sharing some additional information about the Chinese Flu. I think the big problem for you guys is that you cannot see how big the bubble is that you are stuck in. You only hear partial and wrong information about Trump and the Chinese Flu.

I know we look like conspiracy nutjobs to you, but the differenc eis that we are exposed to all of your information + all of ours.

Where we get into trouble is that we keep on thinking we are free because we have access to more information than you guys, BUT, we just end up in a different frame of reference. Think matrix within matrix within matrix. You never get out, you just get older and people think you are more weird!


Keep on writing. I have more to share from us conspiracy nutcakes!

I love this topic! Thanks for sharing.
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I thought it was a value system of righteousness and the highest value. In retrospect, it is a value system of weakness and ignorance (not that my current position is much better, I admit).

Don't give up. I'd humbly suggest you to keep looking for a better position.
And I don't mean a stronger position. But you don't need me to tell you what to do obviously.
I'm no leader, nor do I want to be.

b) LEADERS (think Alexander III of Macedon).

I'm more with Diogenes of Sinope.

I don't want to vote someone that tells me what to do, who to be and how to melt in a uniform mass and
work for someone else's goal because that takes less thinking. I don't need any messianic leader.

I'd rather vote an administrator that manages the common infrastructure, is honest
to the goals he (OR SHE) explained before being voted and listens to everybody to adapt to reality. It's not
easy, just ask Diogenes, and I'd rather select the person from the biggest available pool of talent I can (including immigrants,
locals, younger, older, women, men, other people...) and replace them as soon as they fail.


We'll all die one day, no hurry. If you want to have Trump in your epitaph that's your choice.
I just hope you don't kill for Trump.

but we will not be rioting, looting or burning. Obviously.

Ah. It wasn't obvious to me. Glad to know it. There's some wisdom in you after all.
Now I'll remember not to take any rioters as representative of all Trump supporters.

You knew hew doesn't drink either?
No, I just didn't notice. I guess he doesn't need it then. Good for him.

I have no expectation that you will see me as anything BUT evil.

Not sure why you would say that.
If you consider yourself evil because you've run out of good things to believe and now believe in something you think it's evil,
you could maybe live without believing in anything until you find something good to believe ?
But you don't say you're evil. You say I'd see you as evil. Would I then answer ?
What's the point of talking with someone one considers evil ?
I mean you won't believe anything an evil person says, and you won't learn how to be good from an evil person.
Now, an Evil Dragon, on the other hand, it's a whole other story...
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Oh yeah a great leader that led the USA to new places like... exactly the place where the country has been moving for the last 40 years: rich people getting richer, poor people getting poorer and a heavy dose of racism so that the latter don't blame the former.
Trump is the supporter of the status quo.
I don't generally talk politics with friends. In normal society (other than specially permitted threads in this place) it's considered rude, and anyway, with a few non sequiturs it's usually easy to tell which way someone's political beliefs lie if you ever need to, without needing to start an argument.
Not sure why you would say that. If you consider yourself evil because you've run out of good things to believe and now believe in something you think it's evil ...

Wow, what a great response. All right, well written and well thought out. Just to explain a little bit of this point, I cannot find the studies or links right now, but this has had papers written up on it.

The conclusion of the studies was as follows:

People on the political left see EVERYONE on the political right as evil.
People on the right see EVERYONE on the political left as simply misinformed.

This is real by the way. There is a really deep psychological consequence to that. People on the left see us as monsters, we see everyone on the left as just more imperfect humans. The gist is that people on the left ONLY hear news and opinions from their side and have no access to information on the right. People on the right are flooded by everything from the left but we also have access to our news sources.

It sounds like you don't necessarily fall into the stereotypical left definition which is cool!
Oh yeah a great leader that led the USA to new places like... exactly the place where the country has been moving for the last 40 years: rich people getting richer, poor people getting poorer and a heavy dose of racism so that the latter don't blame the former.
Trump is the supporter of the status quo.

Well, that so very baguette of you. Let's see, in the last 30 years America has:

* Created, invented and developed everything in high technology.
* Created the most millionaires in the world.
* Created the most billioinaires in the world.
* Absorbed and integrated the most immigrants from the rest of the world than any country on the planet.
* Invented 95% of all of the drugs in use in the world today.
* Generated most of the worlds pop culture and content.

Now let's try the French menu:

* Do I use ANY French high technology of any kind? NOPE.
* Do I drive and French cars, or fly French airplaines? NOPE.
* Do I read or watch any French media? NOPE.
* Do I use any medicine invented in France? NOPE.

I do drive a German car though, and I am buying a German retro gaming device on a German message board though!


That's okay though. Just like Gretta Thunberg is just repeating the opinions of her parents, you are just repeating bullet points fed to you by a politically motivated infrastructure.

I would be happy to educate you! :)

Here is what you need to know about America and Canada: Every single person in America and Canada lives better today than they did 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 years ago. No matter how poor you think you are EVERYONE lives better today than in the 80s and 90s, most certainly better than in the 70s, 60s and 50s.

Every white person in America lives better today than at ANY time in the past.

Every black person in America lives better today than at ANY time in the past.

Every asian person in America lives better today than at ANY time in the past.

Every latin person in America lives better today than at ANY time in the past.

Every native person in America lives better today than at ANY time in the past.

So, as an educated, intelligent, smart, well read and knowledgable frenchman, how is it possible that the wealth gap is increasing BUT everyone has more food, more choice, more technology, more credit and more money than ever before?

How do you explain those to things?


I know the answer. Do you?

EDIT: I missed the racism part. Oh boy. I will just say the following: America and Trump are the least racist of any country / leader that I know of. In America, anything is possible. In Trumps family, Trump is so racist that he allowed all of his children to marry jews. His entire white heritage is now dead, all of his grandkids are now jews. Trump is so racist he allowed his daughter to convert to Judaism.

America and Canada are NOT racist, to my great dissapointment. I, on the other hand, am 100% racist. Proudly so.
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* Do I use ANY French high technology of any kind? NOPE.
* Do I drive and French cars, or fly French airplaines? NOPE.
* Do I read or watch any French media? NOPE.
* Do I use any medicine invented in France? NOPE.
If you've never flown in an AirBus A320 I'd be slightly surprised. Those were originally assembled in France, although bits and pieces come from all over Europe, and these days they're also built in America and China.

FWIW, I can also recommend Serge Gainsbourg (for his music, if nothing else) and the film Three Colours Blue.

Edit: Fixed the spelling of Serge's surname.
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I have to admit, I have flown Airbus. I also have to admit that I may have to fly more Airbus now that America is looking to re-certify the Boeing 777 Max ... I do not feel comfortable with software solutions.

I'm just giving him a bit of a hard time. Everything is so negative from the left perspective I wanted to have fun and turn the page on the menu he is reading from. Life is actually getting better for everyone.

I will add that to my listening list, I appreciate it.

As a side note, one of my favourite cars is the Citroen DS. To the French that might seem like I am idolizing old technology, but it is so weird, unique, quirky and a brilliant piece of engineering that it has transcended into art in my opinion.
I know you guys must be tired of me following Eta, but the changing forecast is kinda fascinating. I guess tropical storms just can't be predicted well.

Now they have it turning west after it hits Cuba, mostly missing Florida and heading into the Gulf, where it could probably strengthen more before hitting somewhere like Texas or Louisiana.

Hard to say, they only forecast for five days, and at that point it'll still be in the middle of the Gulf. Plus, like I said, it keeps changing.
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