World News Thread (Politics,whatever)

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Hmmm, well there are going to be some lessons learned from this election for pollsters. FiveThirtyEight had Biden winning the popular vote by eight points, but he'll likely win it by less than two points.

Let's be clear though, there is no electoral winner yet. It's too early to assume anything.
There is more than this that make me think that Trump should be disqualified from the election:
He actually using the Airforce 1 for his Reallys, this means the Citizens of USA pay for his Election Fight (Wahlkampf)
Something that only the President can do..

So if you are the President allready, you have a big advantage..

If I would candidate, I only had the money to ship my E-Bike to America, so I would only have this for my Really Tour, or I use the Train or the Bus ^^

If this would be my America, Reallys where your Private Fun, so Trump would need to get Vacations for his Reallys..

Send from something, i guess ^^
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Obama flew the beast (an armoured limo) and it's twin over the the UK when he came over to meet her maj. Seemed a little excessive to me at the time, but really in comparison it's very little.
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I would suggest that Trump also flew its beast to the places he went, and i know the beast: its looks like a big SUV but there is a Semi Truck under the Chassis, and its 7 Tonnen..
If you would elect me for president, i would put some money in the development of a Amphibic Beast, so i wouldnd need it to flew around ..
Its also a boot so it can swim whit me over the Atlantik Ozean to Europe ^^
If I would candidate, I only had the money to ship my E-Bike to America, so I would only have this for my Really Tour, or I use the Train or the Bus ^^
Funny story: the previous French president once decided to take the train rather than the presidential in order to show people that he was just an ordinary man (I think he originally promised to only travel by train once elected). The problem was that the cost to prepare and secure the trip was bigger than the cost of the plane trip.
If I was a conspiracy theorist, I would assume that the reason Republicans are so sure of themselves about this supposed “mass scale voter fraud” without producing any actual evidence is because if they did, it would show that any such actual mass scale fraud had been orchestrated by themselves - i.e. they could only *know* it’s going on without producing evidence because they arranged it. Particularly since Trump voiced such opposition to mail-in ballots so, in theory, far fewer Republicans ought to have voted by that method...
If I was a conspiracy theorist, I would assume that the reason Republicans are so sure of themselves about this supposed “mass scale voter fraud” without producing any actual evidence is because if they did, it would show that any such actual mass scale fraud had been orchestrated by themselves - i.e. they could only *know* it’s going on without producing evidence because they arranged it. Particularly since Trump voiced such opposition to mail-in ballots so, in theory, far fewer Republicans ought to have voted by that method...

Here is something coming up:

Here is one from last week:

Here is a live stream with Robert Barnes explaining how to undestand votery fraud, what to look for etc (I am watching now):

I could literally post llinks forever, but none of that will matter. People beleive what they are allowed beleive, truth doesn't matter.
And here you go, graph of where to votes are injected:

That is how it's done. They cannot inject 10s of millions of votes, but if margins are small enough there is plenty of opportunity to do so. These are well known and well documented techniques, only this time they are a little more bold and it's showing up dramatically in the graphs.

Robert Barnes spells out the "magic" held back votes ONLY in the swing states and districts where they are needed. Like magic, just exactly where they need them.

If Biden holds, what this means is as follows:

1) The American voting system has been fully subverted. They have been working on this since the late 60s they finally have the immigrant population + enough control over enough instituations to pull it off.

2) When america cracks, we all start to lurch toward civil war. Britain and EU are already on tenuous standing. Canada, AU and NZ are only slightly better because we have a docile population.

Either way,there is no coming back from this. If the left keeps on going this breaks. If the right starts to push back, this breaks.

Start socking away money and prepping as appropriate for your area.

I am glad my racist slavic brothers hate all non whites so purely they don't have west Europes problem. Growing up in Canada, I was taught not to hate and treat everyone equally.

Who knew my ancestors were right.

EDIT: Just wanted to add that even if Trump wins, that just delays the inevitable by 4 years. The directtionality of our destiny is now set.
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there is a conspiracy hiding under every rock...

The gist of this is the correct approach, I agree. You have to balance skepticism to being open to new ideas. And yet, we now live in a day and age where this is a thing:

Which means:

1) Either it is true in which the alien conspiracies are all true.

2) He is part of a disinfo operation orchestrated by the government, in which case this is a conspiracy.

3) He is lying ... and yet he isn't selling anything at all. Not sure what to make of that.

4) Some other reason we cannot imagine.

A conspiracy is just two people having a conversation. The other side of skepticism is all of the following used to be conspiracies:

* Gulf of Tonkin attack never happened and started the Vietnam War.
* Bohemian Grove is a real thing (proven true by Alex Jones no less).
* Operation Northwoods was real.

Careful when you spout deepeties.
i'm not sure what part of my post was an invitation to add more conspiracy theories...

but just to be emphatic, there is no proof/evidence of widespread voter fraud. if there was, people would have litigated it already before judges. and if Democrats were doing it, they're doing a terrible job (looks like the Senate won't flip). and Republicans are doing a great job of maintaining power despite not getting more of the popular vote... so clearly something is wonky, but it's not voter fraud.

the bigger story is that Trump is trying to steal the election by claiming that Democrats are trying to steal the election (i.e., Trump doesn't want to let people count legitimately-cast votes). i'd say it's worse than hypocrisy -- and accusing people of the thing you're doing is a "great" way to inoculate yourself against getting accused of it yourself. the integrity of the election and our country's form of government depends on people not making baseless claims about voter fraud. i'm hoping Democracy and not Dictatorship wins out -- every vote counts.

you can create a lie in one minute, spread it faster than the truth since the emotions hit people harder (and no one wants to be lied to -- the irony), and fact checkers coming in will spend an hour going through sources.
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If you have any interest, watch the Robert Barnes interview above to see what to look for if you suspect there is voting fraud. Democrats are getting EXACTLY the amount of votes they need in each swing vote district and city they need to flip.

Republicans HAVE ZERO votes coming in for them in any of this MAGIC VOTES FOUND JUST WHEN AND WHERE YOU NEED THEM. So far, republicans have found 0 piles of 10 000 or 140 000 votes at 4am in just the city they need it in. I would be happy to acknowledge otherwise. This isn't an accident.

There is plenty of evidence, I posted a bunch above. Watch and have fun. Or don't. No one cares.

Also, stop talking like a chick, you can accuse me of anything you want. All of this is fun amongst friends.


Sorry, edit to add a bit of nuance: Text doesn't convey nuance as you know. My response to you was NOT an attack or anything like that. I know my last statement kind of reads like that, I did not mean it that way. I should have tried to phrase that a little less seriously.
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Oh, also to anyone reading my posts here:

I have a huge amount of respect for everyone here. ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE GERMAN.


No seriously. When I jump into something like this people sometimes don't know what to make of it and kinda don't want to call me out on my bullshit. Just do it, it's fine. I jumped into this thread mostly because it's a fun topic, but also, because you guys started to smell your own farts a little bit.
While I am on a roll, I have a question for everyone here:

Does anyone here believe you have come to your opinions about politics and the world around by thinking about it on your own or do you believe your opinions were assigned to you by your immediate peer group?

NOTE: Your peer group is the collection of all individuals or groups of people that you consider "on your side". Mostly it is friends and family, but we all self select into categories and subcategories and form unsolicited alliances. For example, to use boolean logic, no one here buys anything from pedophile owned corporations of neo nazi owned corporations. We all associate and do business ONLY with political allies or those that can pretend well enough to be neutral.

Anyone care to comment?

I'm curious. I would be happy to share on my experience as an ex left wing supporter.
Thanks, I'm not up for debate training right now. Still, the only thing about the elections turning out differing from expectations is, that there are still that many people dumb or evil enough to vote for stupid guy.
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Does anyone here believe you have come to your opinions about politics and the world around by thinking about it on your own or do you believe your opinions were assigned to you by your immediate peer group?
Maybe later I can ask you a bit more about why you think that about Trump. I would like to learn more about your frame of reference. I really find hate of Trump fascinating, particularly as I had the exact same response to George Bush jr. years back.
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