Release Xmoto


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is Xmoto, the 2D motocross opensource game.

This version use latest sources from git, and is using the OpenGL renderer (using gl4es).

The default keymap has been changed:
Left/Right : Flip Left/Right
{X} : Accelerate
{B} : Brake
{Y} : Change side
, / . : Go to Next / Previous level (of a group)
Other keys are unchanged

History log

Build 01

  • Initial build
  • Some Pandora customization
Looks pretty neat. I've not really used my Pandora for gaming for quite some time, but will give this a spin :) Cheers
I've completed the second level of the tutorial now, and everything except the first rear wheel driving tutorial.

Then I tried the physics levels in the 'special' collections towards the bottom of the levels list, but these seem to overtax my Pandora thanks to their large number of moving parts I guess. I've not tried fiddling with the graphics settings to see how they can be mitigated yet.

Thanks again for bringing this to our Pandoras, ptitseb! You da man!
One of the Xmoto maintainers here. We have an official Discord server for help/development/strategy talk: https (colon slash slash) discord (dot) gg (slash) SD2YpHZ . Nikekson over there has been working on an OpenGL 3.0+ port lately, so that may help out with performance issues on some of the more larger levels once it's stable.
I'm in holiday now, in travel, so with limited access to internet and computer. I'll go to the discord channel when I'm back home, after the Gamescom.

OpenGL 3.0+? Mmm, that wil not be very usefull for the Pandora that use a GL to GLES wrapper. The wrapper is limited to OpenGL 1.5, and I have plans to try to go up to OpenGL 2.x. But no plan for 3.0 for now.
What's your OpenGL ES version? If you could manage to get 3.* working, that would be great. We could probably try and aim for a pure OpenGL ES build anyhow, even if it's only OpenGL 2.*.

Also, could I take a look at the source for your Pandora tweaks?
What's your OpenGL ES version? If you could manage to get 3.* working, that would be great. We could probably try and aim for a pure OpenGL ES build anyhow, even if it's only OpenGL 2.*.

Also, could I take a look at the source for your Pandora tweaks?
Only gles2 here. I'll do a diff of my changes and put them here when I'm back from vacation.