Pyra vs GPD WIN

Oh awesome. I'd heard it was "working" but there were issues with audio. Glad to hear it's working :)
I like both Pyra and GDP Win but we are comparing apples with oranges (they are both fruit but they are completly deferent).

Pyra is a more dedicated machine to its purpose. I like a lot the keyboard and the Lte support.

GPD Win is a windows minimized pc except for being a gaming machine can act at a full powered pc.

As an old UMPC user (Viliv n5) I had to replace it with a 8” windows 10 tablet with z8300 and only 2gb or ram and I run autocad, photoshop, many games and many other windows Apps (of course I am using an external monitor at office - home - hotel). For a multirole machine GPD Win is one way as windows 10 have better software and many games.

I just received the GPD WIN

I hope the Pyra will not have the inconvenience of the GPD WIN !!!

Check out my video:

At 11'26, 12'53 and 13'26 :-(

It is a burden of not being able to play 3D games !! And the return policy seems complicated ...

For some series of GPD WIN it is impossible to play games in 3D, and we are full of contributors in this case !!!
I just had to do a display driver update (and I also disabled the orientation sensor and got the windows updates but I don't know if it had any impact) to get rid of driver crashes and I was able to run 3D games nicely without any problems.
To me it looks like the QA wasn't good enough, some of the units that were delivered are probably faulty.
I'm definitely going to be buying a PYRA, but I may also add a GPD Win in order to run programs like Paint Shop Pro, Skype and Animator Studio.
Many people have 2 Computers whether it be a Mac and a PCDesktop/laptop or a windows and a Linux laptop/PC. So depending on your use, you could get both.
Speaking of GPD Win 10.
I got it and i enjoy it.

Surprising amount of games work.
Like skyrim and elite dangeroua run just about.

Might consider buyig pyra once it comes. But i like the windows based because i dont need to know any commands and whatnot.
Might consider buyig pyra once it comes. But i like the windows based because i dont need to know any commands and whatnot.

I find my WIN less convenient than my Pandora to setup and start apps. The Pandora makes it easy with PNDManager and minimenu and the frontends make it very easy to quickly get into a game. With the WIN, you have to download the games/apps from some source or another, then you've got to switch between mouse mode and joystick mode (and make sure to switch to joystick mode before starting the game)...
The WIN might have a familiar interface, but the Pandora is far more user-friendly.
Not sure where would be the best place to post this link - 8-bit guy is one youtube channel I find myself watching, and he recently did a pretty good overview of the GPD Win - link below to the time (4:33) where he referenced the Pandora:

Not exactly a glowing review of it, but not bad either.
Not sure where would be the best place to post this link - 8-bit guy is one youtube channel I find myself watching, and he recently did a pretty good overview of the GPD Win - link below to the time (4:33) where he referenced the Pandora:
Not exactly a glowing review of it, but not bad either.

Already mentioned here:
And as discussed, the reviewer seemed to be more of the issue
As for whether who or what is the issue is moot. All reviews are just opinions, and not everyone is going to agree.

Yes and No, when the reviewer is slating a device because of an issue that is user error/ignorance I have a real issue.

When the Pandora was reviewed a few were negative because it wasn't plug and play, they expected to turn it on and be playing emulators straight out of the box.

Because the Pandora is more than just a games console it was always going to require some user expertise, for me as a Windows user that was part of the fun of using it, to others it was a hindrance.

I can see the Pyra having the same love / hate effect on reviewers, some will tinker and get it working, others will just moan that it requires work and dismiss it.

Whoever the Pyra is sent to though it should be made clear that they highlight the forums for any user issues, ANY Pyra owner would be more than welcome here and I don't think we would give them a hard time for asking what they think may be a stupid question.

I would also try to make sure whoever receives a Pyra gets in touch while reviewing it if they get an issue rather than just plough on.