Release Serious Sam: First Encounter

Hi all :)

I have just finished "Luxor", now heading to the "Great Pyramid" !

[ENTER] is definitely not very responsive: I have to press that button four times for Netrisca to show up.

Cheers, Magic Sam
New build on the repo. Using latest source (should remove little differences between x86 and arm build).
Not sure if this build fix the key issue (I don't have issue on my side).

Build 03

    • Updated sources
    • Added autodetect script for glshim
Hi all :)

@ptitSeb : thanks for updating your package, will give it a go ASAP !

On a side note, I have reached the final level and...(don't read the following if you are still playing the game)

...I must now teleport to the spaceship. I jumped through all the "gates", and walked into the light beam when it appeared, but nothing happened...

What am I doing wrong ?

Cheers, Magic Sam
Try that new build @Magic Sam , it may solve your issue with last level (it solve a similar issue with the intro cinematic of teh Secound Encounter).
Yep, your new build solved the issue and...


(sorry for the all caps, but I'm that happy ! )

I very rarely finish video games. I get bored very quickly most of the times...

So thank you once again @ptitSeb for porting this great game to the Pandora :)

On my way to Serious Sam: The Second Encounter !

Cheers, Magic Sam

P.S: I think I missed two secret levels though
It seems CD versions of TFE have the music in MP3 format, where the Steam version use OGG. Here is a build with MP3 Decoder enabled, @Farox I think you had no music before, can you try this version?

*EDIT*: PND remove, get build 04 on the repo, it's the same build.
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Thanks i'll try...i was suspecting this differences (MP3/OGG) in datas but forgot to ask to you to check...:)
It seems CD versions of TFE have the music in MP3 format, where the Steam version use OGG. Here is a build with MP3 Decoder enabled, @Farox I think you had no music before, can you try this version?
This new release (with amp11 lib) is playing music of CD are great Seb!! (now you have to write to Icculus and add it to github) :cool:
Ditnt got the time to Install First Encounter, so i sadly ditnt tryd it out yet..
It is that easy as whit Jedi Knight and Wolfenstein??
And where are my Serious Sam 1 CDs??

But i got SS2 to run on my Thinkpad..
Any changses to get a Pyra Port for " Ernster Samuel zwei" ??
Installation of SS1 or SS2 is easy yes. But SS2 will not be super fun/fluid on a CC, better find SS1.

I'll port both Serious Sam to Pyra, as soon as 3D is working (and I have Pyra in my hands).
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Odd people referring to it as SS2, Just not to be overly confused with Serious Sam 2, which is the third game in the series... Serious Sam: First Encounter, Serious Sam: Second Encounter, Serious Sam 2.... etc
Thats a bit confusing, indeed, but between Serious Sam 1 Part 1 and 2 and Serious Sam 2, its a lot of Diverents Graphicwise..
You can drive some vehikles, and lot more diverents..

I will try the first game, lets see how good it runs, and how good it works whit these fast gameplay whit lots of enemys..

Dotnt use SS for Serious Sam, because its have a negative meaning in Germany because the double S stand for a organisation from Hitlers Party..
You can say what you like about Hitler, but he knew his video games.
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I haven't changed the runscript between this one and the previous build. The script looks fine to me on this part.

Forget this...just re-tested again and nubs are restored....i don't know what appened..sorry