Zot/bombz 032 Released, Devkit, Runtime


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
Want to make sure everyone is up to date :)

Released today are..

1) Windows devkit for Zot 031, including current Bombz and Zot to the Past scripts among other samples; this lets you run games on Windows, and also make nw gamelets or modify the eixsting ones. Yes, you just edit text files and make artwork and stuff, but its much easier than you think!

Get that here at the main website: http://www.codejedi.com/zot/

2) Palm OS and GP32 runtimes for Bombz so you can just play Bombz so far if you want to (more poweups added :)

Zot032 Bombz for GP32:

Zot 032 Bombz for Palm OS:

3) GP32 devkit so you can run your GP32 new gamelets right on your gp32 without going through me

Zot 032 devkit for GP32:

Whew, thats a lot of stuff for one day :)

MIDI audio; a friend has built a MIDI->wav renderer in real time, so I'm porting it to run, so that Zot wil have background audio music; furthermore, Zot already does .wav audio for sound effects, so I need to port that to gp32 as well. So much to do :)

finty101 posted on Oct 7 2004 at 09:45 AM said:
Nice, this version has all the new features you told me about?

Yep; Windows and GP32 devkits are the current version (notice they run BombZ), and of course the GP32 Bombz build is the current version.

I've not added the special wander-AI for your pacman ghosts yet, but thats an easy hack so I'll have that for when you need it ;)

But you can run your ganmelet on the GP32 itself using the GP32 dev kit build (assuming it works and I didn't break it.. no time to test the latest build ;)

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I'm going around in circles with designing graphics, 'cause I find it so boring. Yhink I will use the Bombz ones, then when I get the actual game playable put in PacMan ones.
so is this Zot thing easy to use to make games even for people like myself that have had no prior experience to coding anything?
extremegamer posted on Oct 7 2004 at 10:46 AM said:
so is this Zot thing easy to use to make games even for people like myself that have had no prior experience to coding anything?

The whole point of Zotscript was that it shoudl be easy enough for people who are non coders to learn if they try a little bit, yet also configurable enough to actually make a variety of games, so hopefully you can pick it right up :)

ie: Its not goign to help you make a new street fighter gamer, but if you want to make a top down maze game, or rudimentary RPG, or shooter liek Gauntlet, etc, then it shoudl be doable by you :)

The main thing is, like anything else, to only bite off so much at a time; start with making a basic level that you can walk around in, then work on a monster, then work on some traps, etc..

You can always ask for help too :)

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Nice work, the bomberman clone is an impressive example of what ZoT can do.
i can't wait to get home from work to download all this stuff and give it a shot.
If you read over config's from example games and Bombz it doesn't take long to get the general gist (or jist) of it.
Be sure to take a look at the config documentation on the website; I'll update it soon to be more current .. ie: All that is written still applies,k but the newest Zot engine allows for simpliciations that greatly shorten the scripting and make it easier to do. But the docs include some basic tips on getting started and some examples and ideas.

Since Zot can do so much, I myself refer to the docs to remember the right keywords etc :)


Jeff: In your Bombz config you have the tile option slippery, is that built into the engine now? Or is there a file I have to include in the folder with the game?
skeezix posted on Oct 7 2004 at 08:46 AM said:
MIDI audio; a friend has built a MIDI->wav renderer in real time, so I'm porting it to run, so that Zot wil have background audio music; furthermore, Zot already does .wav audio for sound effects, so I need to port that to gp32 as well. So much to do :)


Wait, does this mean we finally have a decent MIDI player port to the GP32? Since Lapolla is the only one I know of, and it has a lot of problems properly playing MIDI files. And how did you address the problems of MIDI taking up insane amounts of resources?
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finty101 posted on Oct 7 2004 at 12:19 PM said:
Jeff: In your Bombz config you have the tile option slippery, is that built into the engine now? Or is there a file I have to include in the folder with the game?

The slipper option for tiles has been in Zot since waaay back around zor 05 or so, many months back; just specify "option slippery" in the tiledef, and the engine will take care of things. ie: In BombZ, thats on the 3rd level. Fire up Bombz, pick up the gun to make it easier, and work your way to level 3 to see it in person.

Its also in the TopDown demo on the 2nd floor I think. Or you could change the . floor to slippery in the main level :)

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I think this version is better and I feel sure if you get some good docs going loads of people will use zot. This certainly showcases the potential :)
We'll see if I can get some more time before the compo finishes and maybe I can submit it :p Certainly I'd like to get some audio and music support in, and finish up the basic GUI scripter, and then its pretty much complete.. then just add some levels and Bombz will be done.

I'm about 99% certain no one will ever try to make anything with Zot, as p-eople are all talk and no free time :) TheresNinja, hes working on a few things i Think though at least :)
