nerd of nerds posted on Apr 23 2004 at 01:23 PM said:
hey sheezix... do you think that a GTA clone would be possible with this?
i have been kicking the idea around in my head of how i would make one "work" on gp32...i have some good ideas...but if this would take away the effort and learning curve of C then sign me uo

i'm already good with basic...
i'll downlaod the pc ver and play with it asap
Grand Theft Auto? (first instinct, "you're shittin' me!")
You'd have to define it .. you coudl draw buildings, put them down, and have a car drive around, sure. I never played GTA1 and only saw GTA2 for 10 mins once, so I don't recall..
Zot is by no means "complete" -- ie: You can put tiles (static or basic animated ones) down, and put sprites on top of them (with transparency effects and such), and the player can move with either velocity or gravirty or free movement.. so you can do a lot.. but you'd have to define what you wanted to do for me to give more anser; chances are I'd have to do some work to add in some stuff yuou needed, but you coudl give it a start. (ie: I don't add things no one needs or isn't using.. I've no time to be thrown away uselessly
To my man Evil Dragon, yeah theres a zot-maker mailing list you can sign up to
Just see the website,