Your requests for Pyra videos

No Idea.
EvilDragon has the video material and needs to edit and upload them.
I suppose it takes long because the recording was pretty bad.
I assume ED will post about them, because it sounds like he's sent them to ED to be published on the openpandora video channel.

We recorded them at ED's Office. He had the camera.
It isn't even as bad as I thought it was ;)
My first Video :)

One thing I have to mention concerning writing and the failing text selection in Xournal:
I held the Pyra very uncomfortably besides me and the camera was behind me.
That really made it hard for me to use it. So it will work a lot better when held comfortably :)
Nice work, thanks!

I forget if I already suggested this for a video, but I'd be interested to see how the device works with and without a battery. As I understand it, it should boot either with a charged battery in it, or on the charger with no battery in it (unlike my Pandora). I'm wondering what happens if you plug in the charger then yank the battery from it, or boot it on the charger then plug a battery in. That's probably not long enough, or interesting enough for a whole video though.
I'm downloading it now, will watch it tonight. I have to have youtube red because the internet here sucks and videos keep going grainy.
You need youtube red? I just play this via mplayer (and I can also download it from the same address if I liked), and find it plays a lot better than it ever did in a web browser:
Code:<my ip address>&initcwndbps=718750&ipbits=0&requiressl=yes&c=WEB&fvip=3&ratebypass=yes&lmt=1523123317199207&signature=BD85A26D2A527F0BDC1D4FF164E08F30FDD7D819.1CBCA726793F31FF84625576F5424BB8EBC527C5

I got that address by doing a you-get -p echo of the youtube URL.
Eh, what I want to see will probably need work. I'm on a bicycle tour and trying to cut weight and I hope I can replace my notebook with a Pyra. The problem is the only thing I use my notebook for is video editing through Blender. Blender is open source and I run it on Linux now but it would need to be ported to ARM and then the layout configured to run well on a small screen. I think I'll just need to get a Pyra and experiment with that myself.
Maybe exagear of the fabled new port of QEmu could help to run the x86 linux port of Blender on the Pyra without too much hassle, although if it's really open source then it should just be a matter of recompiling it for it to work.
When I was looking into it someone was porting it to Android at one point and was having difficulty. Can't find that page now and I can't remember if it was Android or ARM that was the hangup.
It's hard to say, but it could be a few differenent things that spring to mind. For starters, I assume it has a desktop interface on PC, while Android has a phone interface - mostly a single window which can be landscape or portrait, and only accepts a touch interface which limits the use of mouseovers. Or I guess a 3D animation package is going to depend on a GPU; hopefully it only depends on a relatively old version of OpenGL which can these days be shimmed to OpenGLES thanks to the stellar work of our community of devs.

Blender is already ported to ARM or am I missing something?

A few years ago I had debian via chroot and vnc running on my android phone. Blender was in the repo and was able to install it in the same way as on a desktop PC. I did some rendering tests but I can't tell anything more that the rendering (by starting the render process through the menu bar) performance was considerably bad compared to my Core 2 Duo (4k series) system. Hardware acceleration was not available for the chrooted system on the phone, so the default Mesa 3D drivers were used for 3D Viewport rendering.
Nice video, Wouldn't it make more sense to output the display to the HD60 while you talk about things unless you're trying to demonstrate the touch screen? :)
You need youtube red? I just play this via mplayer (and I can also download it from the same address if I liked), and find it plays a lot better than it ever did in a web browser:
Code:<my ip address>&initcwndbps=718750&ipbits=0&requiressl=yes&c=WEB&fvip=3&ratebypass=yes&lmt=1523123317199207&signature=BD85A26D2A527F0BDC1D4FF164E08F30FDD7D819.1CBCA726793F31FF84625576F5424BB8EBC527C5

I got that address by doing a you-get -p echo of the youtube URL.
I was doing something like that with VLC and just watching one ad through a browser first because 99% of what I watch I want to support, a lot of them do youtube for a living but with red they get paid and I don't need to watch an ad and then download. Plus it is half the price in Mexico as it is everywhere else in the world, or the 4 countries it's in.
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Find 50 or so assorted web pages: web comics, news sites, forums; nothing fancy. Open them all, see how well they perform and how much memory it consumes, then bookmark them all into a folder, close, restart, and starting from a fresh slate Open All at the same time. This is something that used to have a high risk of causing my 8GB desktop to run out of RAM and grind to a halt.

That will take forever.
Maybe wait for the better Wifi and the 1.5 GHz and cooling.
I'll look for some sites and we'll see ;)

Did you end up recording a demo of some web browsing? I suppose it makes sense to wait for wireless / cooling / faster processor if you're planning to demonstrate heavy use.

Edit: fixed quotes
Telegram has an open source desktop client that is in most linux repos. No idea about whatsapp though.
Oh, I knew Telegram had Linux clients but had no idea it was open sourced. . .It is the program I use to talk to my family, it had better working audio on their cappy Internet than watsapp so I'm happy to see it running.