Amazed that it is even necessary to ask this question! really seems like noone has been following this order information people. 1st batch/premium, time of order, which day...
Exactly! As it appears OP can't tell us what order numbers they are shipping we will have to provide this information ourselves via threads like this.Amazed that it is even necessary to ask this question! really seems like noone has been following this order information people. 1st batch/premium, time of order, which day...
It's impossible to tell, and the order numbers are inaccurate anyway. Hence the reliance on order times.So, up to what order number have shipped so far?
I ordered on OCT 6th 2008 7.45AM GMT......
...I upgraded to Premium
My mail should be near.For any remaining batch 1 still waiting, my original pre-order was 1st Oct 2008 20:33 GMT, queue position (Craig's) estimate 1150-1250
Heh, yeah. Are we expecting them to arrive on Saturday or so? That would rock!Oh Joyous Joyous Day. I just received my shipping email (minutes ago). I am beyond excited. Finally, I can prove to my friends I am not delusional. 950-1050 FYI. Not long now. Hang in there everyone, just think we are part of history. The first community developed, open source, handheld computer kit. Now to prep an SD. Thanks Craig, MWeston, EvilD, Jacquelin, Fatih, Dave C, and more. Awesome