Your Face When You Read That 50+ Are Shipping Tomorrow


can't be longer than 2 months right?
Oct 20, 2003
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You know, a lot of us also once read that these Pandoras were projected to ship back in 2008. I have a "I'll believe it when I see it" attitude right now. It's good to hear that Craig is aiming to ship 50+ tomorrow; I hope he meets his expectation. A lot of my enthusiasm has died over the past couple years, and knowing I still have at least a couple weeks to wait until they get near my unit (~600) makes it hard for me to get giddy just reading Craig saying that the first 50 people will have their units shipped out tomorrow. It is kind of cool that non-developers will finally get their hands on a final unit, though. I hope to see many pictures & videos :)
Azure said:
It is kind of cool that non-developers will finally get their hands on a final unit, though. I hope to see many pictures & videos :)

Ditto! Really looking forward to insult the hell out of the person (read: idiot/moron) who creates the first unboxing video.
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I can't help here..
I have to be in on this!
These must remail in Spoiler tags... May offend people with weak a stomache!

These can not beat SONY's one... That was f*cked up!




I can't wait...though I'm 4000 in. I'm hoping I'll at least get it by July, since it'll make the commute much less shitty...waking up at 6:30 AM to commute to Chicago for summer classes (2 3-hour lectures) and research is a real pain the arse...especially when you oversleep and miss your train
Dead1nside said:
MDave said:
Two Months.

I think that actually might be quite accurate for me at around 2300.

The real cool thing is seeing people's impressions of it, more pictures and videos etc.

Two Months is always accurate B)

But seriously, I wonder how long I would have to wait if I ordered one now ...
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