50 Pandoras Shipping Today. (09 Aug 2011)


Jul 25, 2006
A most encouraging tweet from Craig :

Finally - 50 Pandoras shipping today.

This is great news, was really beginning to worry that we wouldn't see any more boards until production in Germany got under way.
My guess is that there are not many "premium"s, but everything that does not go to premiums goes to replace broken devices sent for replacement so I expect that no devices are used to fulfill preorders.
Iorgy77 said:
I wonder how many are actually for the regular almost "3 years ago pre-order" customers and how many are for the "7-day premium two months" crowd

Pretty accurate this time, how this quote from the "offical" boards proves: :D
Good news (for me unfortunately, my non-premium brothers and sisters), my premium (ordered 7th June) just got shipped!

...it's a real insolence that the "premium offer" wasn't removed when it was obvious that no pandoras were shipping anymore. I wonder how they justify that...
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3 years is an awesome amount of time to be waiting for something you paid for upfront. We should have a party for the 3 year pre-orderers when October rolls on and the premium orders are still being taken. Maybe we can have balloons, cake and special cool-aid before we all board craigs mothership.
fusion_power said:
At least, in these 3 Years, the OP-Team get the tons of experience, every possible future project should benefit from this. :)
True. The problem they have now is getting enough people together who will fund their future projects. I doubt that will be easy for them to do seeing as though they screwed over a lot of the people who pre-ordered with the premium orders.
They had a dedicated group of people who backed them for over two years without getting anything in return but a lot of those people have canceled now or wont ever think of pre-ordering anything again.

Better save me some of that cake :P
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