You Decide If The Pandora Is Right For Me


1) I'm sure someone will create stylus-based note taking apps. Thumb typing may be slow, but scribbling words with tiny diagrams is something I envision doing. Someone just has to create the software.

2) No clue; probably the same $19 shipping the rest of us face. Oh, and VAT if Belgium has that.

3) 1 year warranty, I gather. You pay the shipping.

4) It's available now! Just don't expect to receive yours right away. ;)
You Decide If The Pandora Is Right For Me

No please, Buy a Pandora don't let Buy a Pandora anyone decide Buy a Pandora for you Buy a Pandora about this matter! Buy a Pandora Ultimately it's Buy a Pandora your choice.

I was gonna disagree with you, but you're right, it is available. But it will ship in about two months.
Edit: Buy a Pandora
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? I was thinking of buying one of those flexible keyboards to make it easier but I know nothing about the feasibility of this…
The screen may not be too small, but the keyboard definitely will be. Just about any keyboard should work with the Pandora, as long as the system requirements allow for more than just Windows.
Send them an e-mail on that subject to
Warranty: I know the delay is due to extra-in-depth-super-intense testing but what if the system stops working after a while. What is planned about this ?
It comes with a one-year warranty. Craigix has stated that the warranty is not void simply by opening the device, and any defects which are not caused by the customer will be fixed. Pretty much just common sense.
Nothing beats an iPod in this arena. The Pandora will be able to do everything the iPod can do, plus more formats, but it will never be on the same level of ease or desktop integration the iPod has.
You mean, except for most other mp3 players, right? Not to be too much of a fanboi, but the iPod ripped off it's internal interface from Creative, and pretty much every mp3 player now has that sort of drag and drop interface. You can usually save a considerable amount of money and get better sound quality by going with the competition.My comment was perhaps a bit extreme. The OP already has an iPod, so I was simply comparing the iPod with what was likely to be available for Pandora on ship date.
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Thanks guy.
I send an email to the sales department only to discover that the euro price is more than 300 €, shipping included. That's just too much for me since I considered purchasing one after finding the $330 to be a fairly honest price...

Too bad! :(
Did you factor in tax to your "fairly honest price"? The government always needs to get its cut.
Did you factor in tax to your "fairly honest price"? The government always needs to get its cut.
I know, I know but the official frontpage is a bit too vague about it's price if you ask me :
It's $330, to get the latest price in your currency use a conversion website such as

Maybe it's just out of date information but when it comes to money, it should be more accurate...;)
I will still think about it but now, I'll wait for the thing to actually "exist"...
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Rockbox is pure ownage! should be ported to pandora as well.
as for the ipod memory expansion, it's very possible...
I swapped my old ipod harddisk in to my new gigabeat s (also runs rockbox) and old gigabeat s harddisk into my acer aspire one.
And since a few days i have a new 80GB harddisk and put it in my ipod video (5g) and soon i will replace it with a cf-to-ide adapter (to use flash instead of harddisk)
So memory expension is easy even on ipod.

--On topic--
I'd say if gpl (and/or friends) and Opensource attracts you, and you like retro gaming (gb/gbc/atari/nes/snes etc etc) then you would probably like pandora.
If you just want to listen to music i would go for an (refurbished)ipod video (with rockbox) or any other device running rockbox as it is one of the best firmware for quite a few pmp/mp3 players.
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My comment was perhaps a bit extreme. The OP already has an iPod, so I was simply comparing the iPod with what was likely to be available for Pandora on ship date.
That's probably what made me think that, I wasn't sure whether you were using iPod as a generic the way a lot of people do. But I definitely agree with you, in all likelihood an iPod would do a better job at that one task than a Pandora would. It's the combining things that the OP doesn't seem to care about that favors the Pandora.
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Thank you everyone, you did help.
If N64 emulation becomes a possibility, then I will buy this thing. I won't be making any purchases until some units get shipped and reviewed, so basically I will wait till around August or September and see how things float from there.

If things don't work out then, then I will probably buy a new iPod.

As for those of you complaining about iPods, I will agree that I don't like the closed box approach that apple takes. However, you will be hard pressed to find a decent player with 16 GB of memory and hardware controls. Virtually every new high capacity player has a touchscreen :P.
As for those of you complaining about iPods, I will agree that I don't like the closed box approach that apple takes. However, you will be hard pressed to find a decent player with 16 GB of memory and hardware controls. Virtually every new high capacity player has a touchscreen :P .
Most of the players supported by Rockbox have that much storage, and hardware controls. The main disadvantage is, of course, that most of them aren't being sold anymore, but you can still find them if you look. Apart from being entirely open, Rockbox has many features not supported by the official firmwares. About the only thing Rockbox is generally less good at is video, because it is primarily an audio player.
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Modern MP3 players. In other words, Flash Memory.
You can use up to 16 GB MicroSD cards with Rockbox on the Sansa e200 series. In fact, having used one, I'd probably recommend it over any Rockbox player, at least if you don't want a hard drive. If you find a cheap one on eBay you can get it and the card for well under $100.
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Rockbox is amazing. I've had it on my iPod 5G 30GB for about two years and I truly can't find a music player I want more that that. I'm actually wanting to snatch up a 240GB ZIF drive to put in it soon...

Rockbox has such nice features over the stock iPod firmware. I'm a big fan of making playlists on the go, and it is painful with stock firmware. The car features are really nice, too. I can just leave my iPod in my glove compartment and it'll start playing when I turn my car on and will pause/shut off when I stop my car.

I need to go lurk their forums again and see how rockbox-as-an-app is coming along...