GP2X Yeti3d Editor


Oct 27, 2007
a place called Purgatory
I didn't really know where to put this, but does anyone have a link/download to the win32 binary version of the Yeti3d editor? The site has been gone for a long time, it's not on, and the only version I found was the GPL'ed source. I can't compile the source, because it uses Borland Headers which I don't have...

I just wanna mess around a little bit with the Yeti3d engine and see what I can come up with. It any one knows of a place to find this file, or can send it to me, that would be great. Who knows? Maybe I'll develop another FPS for the :gp2x if it's workable!

EDIT: I've played around a bit with the demo, and am really impressed by what this little gem can do. I just need the editor and I'll get cranking...
I don't have the editor but I do have a version of the borland compiler. If you PM me with a link to the source I can see if I can compile it. If not I do have a modern compiler for windows and I could mix in the borland headers and try to compile it ....
Lineus said:
Thanks, but I already found OneThirty8's stuff after I posted. I'm gonna try to use that and see what I can do... Thanks for the help :-)

It might be 3 years too late, but it is here:

All the maps I made are there as well. There is a guy running around in a circle, which was from a game I was developing with some guys.

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