

Still Fresh
Jul 31, 2009
in this episode of "oh god it's this retard on the forums again"... an oblivious 14 year old boy downloads what is very obviously a tech demo onto his wiz and says "what a rubbish game this is, there's no gameplay!"

Hello everyone...

I downloaded the Yeti3D download on the Gp2X archive, and it was a bit crap, with no gameplay. I then found a better version but it it just hung on my Wiz showing just the loading screen. I have now found out about Yeti3D for GBA and iPhone and Windows Mobile, and those versions are infinitely better, with curves and HUD and monsters and everything! What's going on?? Why is there so little choice of FPS games when it comes to the Wiz? Is there a better version of Yeti3D out there?
It may be worth looking into the iphone version if source it available. Pandora's quake 3 engine is based off an iphone version with opengl es 1.X acceleration. If the the yeti3d has opengl es accererlation there a good change it would run on the wiz and pandora. Although some work might have to be done to convert any other iphone interfaces back to linux, or take a linux version and backport the opengles.
Yeti3D hasn't been developed since 2004. ie: 6+ years ago. The last version did have a shite load of features not in the GPL version. In fact, the last version had transparent windows and floors.

I should know, because I wrote the dam thing. Unfortuantly I couldn't find anyone to fund the most basic of games for Yeti3D, and it shelved.

But, if you want to try your hand at it, then here it is:

You can download the editor and play around with the maps I created.

At the end of the day, a coder can make more money getting a minimum wage job. I got paid more money washing trucks and giving guitar lessons. Seems like the days of making a living coding are well and truely over.

But, I still love coding. I moved onto other projects for Motorola and developed BuzzPHP which I released for free: (yet another thankless offering)

I also play a mean guitar (if I so say so myself) ha

there was a OpenGL ES version of Yeti3D that Sean Cross wrote. I think Intel used it at E3 2004 to demo their hardware. (I could be wrong). The story I heard from Sean is, Intel had an engine in development that wouldn't be ready in time, so, they used Yeti3D. But, who knows if thats true, or who saw it, or if they even called it Yeti3D. I never saw it or received any money. I think Sean got a development kit out of it.

Anyway, the engine rendering had to be re-coded so that polygons with the same textures got rendered together. It was some kinda texture swapping issue. Again, I never saw that coding. Sean has it.

ANYWAY..... Thats the status. Enjoy the code for whatever it is worth.

O, and Sean coded "Zombie Mansion" for the IPhone using Yeti3D. I did see some of it on YouTube. It looks like he used some of my worlds and some kinda stick to bash zombies with. Um, yeaaaa. Smoke some weed before playing that game.

Derek John Evans